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  1. Private Practice ABC #10: Joy, Kindness, Love
  2. "Farewell Private Practice Board" Celebration: Because it was six great years!!
  3. 6x13 In Which We Say Goodbye [Series Finale]: Episode Discussion
  4. 6x12 Full Release: Episode Discussion
  5. 6x11 Good Fries are Hard to Come By: Episode Discussion
  6. Preparation Thread for closing - which means celebrating - the Private Practice Board
  7. Happy Holidays and A Happy New Year!
  8. 6x10 Georgia on my Mind: Episode Discussion
  9. 6x09 I'm Fine: Episode Discussion
  10. 6x08 Life Support: Episode Discussion
  11. Private Practice Anti-ABC #7: Awful, Boring, Crude
  12. 6x07 The World According to Jake: Episode Discussion
  13. Please Welcome Our New Affiliate Captivating Caterina Scorsone
  14. 6x06 Apron Strings: Episode Discussion
  15. PP 300 Word Story #7: If we could write an episode of our show..
  16. 6x05 The Next Episode: Episode Discussion
  17. Closing the Private Practice Board? - Please Read and Respond!
  18. Private Practice Word Association Thread #11: sick - illness - disease
  19. 6x04 You Don't Know What You've Got Till It's Gone: Episode Discussion
  20. 6x03 Good Grief: Episode Discussion
  21. 6x02 Mourning Sickness: Episode Discussion
  22. 6x01 Aftershock: Episode Discussion
  23. Broken Souls |Sheldon ღ Amelia| #2: Without you somewhere in this universe, My world would go completely dark
  24. Happy 5th Birthday!! <3
  25. Private Practice Hangman #5: Gue-- t-e -u-te!
  26. 5 Year celebration preparation!
  27. Private Practice ABC #9: Surgery, The last season?, Urgent
  28. Private Practice Last Letter Game #7: Lonely - Youth - Hope
  29. Private Practice Post Count Thread #6: Trying to keep it up through hiatus and season 6!
  30. RED [Kate/Addison] Thread # 15: Because we want to be spoiled by her on the tv screen.
  31. Private Practice Anti-ABC #6: Trouts, Ugly, Vapid
  32. Private Practice Word Association Thread #10: love triangle - choose - endgame
  33. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
  34. Mod Away Thread: Because even mods aren't around the whole time ;)
  35. PP OT Thread #24: We can get through the long hiatus together, Come on in and lets chat!
  36. Private Practice ABC #8: Respiratory, Strep, Temperature
  37. Private Practice Last Letter Game #6: lust - talent - treatments
  38. 5x22 Gone, Baby, Gone: Episode Discussion
  39. Private Practice News #10: We pray to hear news about another season!
  40. 5x21 Drifting Back: Episode Discussion
  41. PP 300 Word Story #6: PP season is almost over, but our story is just beginning!
  42. 5x20 True Colors: Episode Discussion
  43. Private Practice Hangman #4: -ut -f th- gr-y, int- L-!
  44. Addie & Henry Thread #1: He is the guy she has been wanting all along.
  45. Private Practice Word Association Thread #9: baby - Henry - motherhood
  46. 5x19 And Then There Was One: Episode Discussion
  47. Private Practice Anti-ABC #5: Wonky, Xylophone, Zzzz
  48. 5x18 It Was Inevitable: Episode Discussion
  49. Besides Private Practice, what else are you watching?
  50. Private Practice ABC #7: Emergency, Fierce, Gorgeous