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  1. Spike♥Buffy: 147 days apart, every night he saved her.
  2. Anti-Bangel:Because They're Adults and It's Time To Move On~Jeffrey Bell
  3. Spike♥Buffy: They were the stuff of legends.
  4. Angel Hangman #32: Just hanging with friends
  5. Immortal Lovers [B♥A] -B/C When they knew each other they knew love
  6. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
  7. Spike♥Buffy: He loved her enough to want to be a better man.
  8. Spike App #50: Because he loves with the strength of a thousand suns
  9. Moderator Opening Announcement - Angel
  10. Stepping Down as Moderator
  11. Anti-Bangel: Because First Love does not equal Forever Love
  12. Cordy♥Angel #190: Because All though she couldn't remember her heart never forgot
  13. Spike♥Buffy:BC In The Next Hundred Years,He'll Still Only Ever Be Sure Of Her.
  14. Spike♥Buffy: They saved each other, in every way a person can be saved.
  15. Spike App # 49: bc he gets hurt all the time, but always comes out standing
  16. Happy (belated) Birthday Berengaria!!!
  17. Spike♥Buffy: He let a hell god nearly kill him to save her from being unhappy.
  18. Anti-Bangel: Because if they were meant to be, why did Buffy tell him to leave in Chosen?
  19. Spike♥Buffy: Because on their honeymoon he'll be making sweet love to her
  20. Buffy References in other shows
  21. Spike♥Buffy: Love: Seeing an imperfect person perfectly, flaws and all.
  22. Spike♥Buffy: Because the best night of his life, all he did was hold her.
  23. Immortal Lovers [B♥A] -B/C They are Two Heroes whose Destinies are Intertwined Forever.
  24. Spike/Dawn Appreciation: They were eachother's first real friends.
  25. Anti-Bangel: Highlights- When she killed him and when he broke up with her.
  26. Vote for Buffy to be shown at the Emmy Awards
  27. Spike♥Buffy: Joss said he wanted to explore a relationship genuinely beautiful.
  28. The Mover's On Club #10:Spuffy and Cangel-they deserved their happy ending
  29. Immortal Lovers [B♥A] #259: Because she lied to Spike, there WAS tongue
  30. Buffy Quotes Game #3
  31. Spike♥Buffy:BC In over a hundred years, she was the only person who made sense to him.
  32. BtVS Screencap Game#1
  33. Immortal Lovers [B♥A] -B/C Sacrifice is Love
  34. Anti-Spuffy: B/C even Joss wasn't a Spuffy lover
  35. Spike♥Buffy:BC forget everyone else,He Had her Back!
  36. Anti-Bangel: Because Angel doesn't even know the color of Buffy's eyes
  37. Spike♥Buffy: Buffy was in love with Spike the moment their hands clasped. -Joss W.
  38. Spike♥Buffy:Because Spike and Giles will Be In-Laws!
  39. Immortal Lovers [B♥A] -B/C ''It all begins and ends with Buffy and Angel." - Tim M.
  40. Buffy: The Animated Series App. #1: B/C It had so much potential!
  41. Spike♥Buffy: He's seen the best and worst of her, and knows she's a hell of a woman
  42. Buffy Summers: In Charge, or In Denial..?
  43. Immortal Lovers [B♥A] B/C They've Got "The Forbidden Love Of All Time"
  44. Spike♥Buffy: He got his soul back. For her. And she understood what that meant.
  45. Cordy♥Angel #189: Because she made him truly live.
  46. Rewatching Doublemeat Palace and Older and Far Away
  47. Spike♥Buffy: Cassie's predictions always came true. Buffy told him.
  48. Anti-Bangel: Angel was missing for 3 months and Buffy didn't care.
  49. Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
  50. Immortal♥Lovers #258 -B/C They make Ice Cream look sinful