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Old 10-09-2019, 03:25 PM
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Batwoman Crossword #1: The Batman's an urban legend concocted by the Gotham police department to scare criminals. (Current 1x01 Pilot)

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All questions are from Batwoman - 1x01 - Pilot


2. __, is the name of one of newspaper companies in the city.
3. It looks like it might have cost __ for the people who attended the event at the start.
5. The first flash back we see is Kate taking a picture with __.
7. __ was one of the Agents on the security team.
9. The person who handcuffed Kate introduced himself as __.
12. Kate and her girlfriend both attended __.
14. Mary mentioned borrowing Kate's __.
15. __ was started to kind of replace Batman.
18. Kate found a hidden __.
19. Kate's dad noticed that she had a new __.
20. Kate grabbed a(n) __ off a desk before being handcuffed.
21. With some spray paint on a sign for Welcome to Gotham City it looks to read __.
23. __ may have been the ID number for the agent who betrayed them (seen on a monitor)
26. Movie in the Park was planned for __.
27. A crazy lady claimed to have filled a security vehicle with __.
28. Batman saved __ on the day Kate lost her mom and sister.
31. Apparently Mr. Fox knows Bruce's favourite __.
32. Kate and her sister used to bring a(n) __ into an old building.
33. __ was one of the weapons Kate used as an improvised weapon.
37. __ appears to the be the license plate of the armored vehicle we first seeing arriving at an event in Gotham. (May not be right)
38. __, one of the books on the bookshelf with stuff hidden behind it.
40. __ were used by a woman to help assist her break through the ice.
42. We start out seeing a woman underwater with __ handcuffed.
43. Bruce's birthday is __.
44. An older man told Kate __ when she came out of the ice.
45. Apparently Kate and her girlfriend spent a lot of time in a(n) __ on base.
48. __ was the license on Kate's motorcycle.
50. __ appears to be the license plate of the vehicle the crazy lady rigged at the movie night.
54. __ was apparently STILL the password.
58. Mary mentioned possibly not being able to read __ to her future kids.
61. __ was where the movie was being held at.
63. Mary was called __ by the older man.
65. There was a machine that said __ on it.... Kate was told by someone not to drink it.
66. Mary told Kate that she was now the __ of __.
67. The lead from the video feed led them to __.


1. Newspaper Article - Chaos on Bridge Batman __; Saves Dozens on __.
2. Kate wanted to take her girlfriend away for a week on the __.
4. According to Kate her dad spent the last __ pushing her away.
6. Kate noticed something that belonged to __ had been moved.
8. Kate went to __ to find footage of the abduction.
10. The __ led them to a lead on the missing agent.
11. __, one of the books on the bookshelf with stuff hidden behind it.
13. Newspaper - The __
16. Agent __ was kidnapped which ultimately led to Kate returning.
17. On the roof by the signal there was a sign that said __.
22. Mary found a box of pictures in Kate's __.
24. __ T-shirt Kate had on said this.
25. The vending machine apparently came from __.
29. Kate glanced at an article titled __ after her dad offered her a job.
30. __ was the one covering the building that the owner of the security company didn't like for the movie event.
34. The crazy lady wanted to win Kate over and __.
35. The vending machine was apparently a(n) __.
36. It appeared to say __ at the surprise party.
39. Mary wanted to do __ shots with Kate.
41. __ addressed the crowd after the signal was not shut off.
46. The barrel the kidnapped person was on weighed __.
47. __ was the owner of the security company.
49. The crazy lady estimated the kidnapped girl's weight at around __ when comparing it to the barrel.
51. __ was the name of the significant other of the person who was kidnapped.
52. There was a tablet that Mr. Fox was looking at that had an article that said __.
53. The were going to turn off the __ signal.
55. Kate said that Bruce was more like a(n) __.
56. The kidnapped person was referred to as a(n) __ by the crazy lady when talking to Mr. Kane.
57. __, name of one of the newspaper companies in the city.
59. __ was the license plate on the car that Kate's family (and her) was in on the day of the accident.
60. Alice said that Kate showed up without the __.
62. __ wanted to be memorable.
64. Bruce is Kate's __.
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