It's a bit delayed, but Welcome back, Vicki!!!
Thank you
Yes, I have seen him in several roles, he doesn't seem to be a bad actor, but after this role i don't think I'll ever be able to take him seriously again
I heard he's quitting the role. I'm not sure if that's legit, but I HOPE it is. So much.
I swear, their kit makes me want to turn of the color on my TV. It's way too 'in your face' IMO.
I haven't seen many of their games, tbh. So I haven't really suffered, but whoever came up with it was brave. It's a bit of an eye sore imo
To be honest, I enjoyed the first two Twilight books back in the day, things got downhill fast from there. The movies didn't help either. I was kinda amused when I found out that 50 SoG is a Twilight fan fiction
I read all the books, I wanted to burn the last one because what a nightmare of a book that is. But yeah, not my thing
Met some nice people through it, but such a mess of a series
I was beyond bored by the Oscars this year. NPH was okay, but not as good as I expected. That said, whoever wrote his script, was off way too often. Congrats to both Eddie and Julianna, both did an outstanding job. Didn't get to see JK Simmons collecting his, there were some technical difficulties, great to hear he won though, he's been in so many shows and movies, great to see him some recognition.
What did JK Simmons win for? Though I don't particularly know who he is
Saw "Birdman" the other day, not sure what's the hype is all about to be honest *hides*
I haven't even bothered to watch it, I saw a trailer and it didn't grab me at all.
I'm so sad to hear about Leonard Nimoy passing