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Old 10-09-2005, 10:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Darh Lady


They enter the main hallway of the Senate Office Building. They pass SEVERAL SENATORS, including REPRESENTATIVE JAR JAR BINKS from Naboo.

JAR JAR: Helloo Annie. Good en to see yousa . . .

The Gungan waves to Anakin.

ANAKIN: Hi, Jar Jar.

JAR JAR: Oopsin da Chancellor!! So sorry, Your Highness, sir.

Anakin turns back to the Chancellor.

PALPATINE: There are rumors in the Senate about Master Kenobi. Many believe he is not fit for this assignment.

ANAKIN: Not fit? Why would anyone think that?

PALPATINE: They say his mind has become fogged by the influence of a certain female Senator.

ANAKIN: That's ridiculous. Who?!?

PALPATINE: (slyly) No one knows who she is ... only that she is a Senator.

ANAKIN: That's impossible. I would know.

PALPATINE: Sometimes the closest are the ones who cannot see.

ANAKIN becomes worried.

PALPATINE: (continuing) Idle Senate gossip is rarely true and never accurate. I'm sure your Master will do fine.


PALPATINE listens to a delegation from the Senate, which includes PADME and five other Senators: NEE ALAVAR, FANG ZAR, MALEDEE, SWEITT CONCORKILL, and MON CALAMARI. ANAKIN stands to one side of PALPATINE.

PALPATINE: I understand your reservations completely, Senator, and I assure you the appointment of Governors will in no way compete with the duties of the Senate.

PADME: May I take it then, that there will be no further amendments to the Constitution?

PALPATINE: I want this terrible conflict to end as much as you do, My Lady, and when it does I guarantee an immediate return to democracy . . .

PADME: You are pursuing a diplomatic solution to the war, then.

PALPATINE: You must trust me to do the right things, Senator. That is why I am here.

FANGZAR: But surely . . .

The Chancellor turns on FANG ZAR.

PALPATINE: I have said I will do what is right, that should be enough for your . . . committee.

PADME: On behalf of the "delegation of two thousand," I thank you, Chancellor.

PALPATINE: I thank you for bringing this to my attention, Senator.

PADME gives ANAKIN a frustrated look, then turns and exits with the other FIVE SENATORS. PALPATINE turns to ANAKIN.

PALPATINE: (continuing) Their sincerity is to be admired, although I sense there is more to their request than they are telling us.

ANAKIN: What do you mean?

PALPATINE: They are not to be trusted.

ANAKIN: Surely Senator Amidala can be trusted . . .

PALPATINE: These are unstable times for the Republic, Anakin. Some see instability as an opportunity. Senator Amidala is hiding something. I can see it in her eyes.

ANAKIN: I'm sure you're mistaken.

PALPATINE: I'm surprised your Jedi insights are not more sensitive to such things.

ANAKIN: I simply don't sense betrayal in Senator Amidala.

PALPATINE studies ANAKIN carefully and gives him a skeptical look.

PALPATINE: Yes, you do, but you don't seem to want to admit it. There is much conflict in you, Anakin.
I really hate Palpatine That would explain a little bit at the end of ROTS... Btw,where did you find that?
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