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Old 07-08-2011, 02:40 PM
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Moennig's old sight gag: making out with herself

The one thing I really like in the UP that's not in "The Beginning" is the shot of Jake making out with herself in order to avoid notice by the gang of seniors intent upon hazing the first-years. That's a very old sight gag, which I recall seeing repeatedly on TV or in movies when I was a kid, five decades ago. It must go back to Vaudeville, but I can't find any references to it online.

The notion is that people avert their eyes from sex. Therefore if you pretend to be making out, even if you're making out with yourself, people will look away, won't see you. That's cute, and I really enjoyed seeing it in the YA unaired pilot for the first time in many decades.

But it's understandable that Antin dropped in from "The Beginning." The theme of YA as aired, after all, is that people don't see the compassion that passion expresses and sometimes masks, don't understand that compassion can even give birth to passion, as it does in Hamilton. In other words, that people don't see the affection in sex, the agape in eros. So an old Vaudeville sight gag about how people don't see passion, don't see sex, don't see eros, would sort of undercut the message -- cute though it is.
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