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Old 08-22-2010, 01:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Killers Angel Eyes (View Post)
Shiver isn't a fantastic book. But it is better written than Twilight (not that that is difficult) and made for a nice change to vampires
I didn't enjoy Shiver much. I thought it was ok, but I was quite underwhelmed... I haven't bought the sequel which says a lot, as I'm a book monster

I stumbled across Forbidden, I was was buying Shiver and Linger for my boss and it was 3 for 2 so I was searchning for the other book she wanted. And the front cover caught my eye. I was expecting it to be another supernatural love story so was a little surprised when I read the back. So I went home and brought it the next day. Finished it within about two days, I couldn't put it down.
I really want to check it out, I might have to order it when I get paid at the end of the month
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