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Old 04-12-2004, 03:30 PM
Obsessed Fan

~*~CelebriƤn~*~'s Avatar
Joined: Oct 2002
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Originally posted by The Fifth Element:
The votes don't count unless you don't use login names. Thought I'd help ya out. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]
Oh, thank you, I didn't know that...:embarrasment:

So the new list should be this:

1.) Anneschatz
2.) Kiwi17
3.) Star5
4.) jeffhardyisagod
5.) brasha
6.) Tery
7.) candygirl
8.) wolkenfuehlen
9.) girlminivan
10.) ~*§ugar*Plum*~
11.) rima
12.) Hawaiian1902
13.) trory-goddess
14.) estrela
15.) scorpio
16.) CRaZY_APpLEsAUcER23
17.) vysea
You know what freaks me out about you? I can be angry and yelling at you at the top of my lungs. And you just look at me. And all I wanna do is kiss you.
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