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Old 05-08-2007, 09:05 PM
Absolute Fan

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Very good episode, not the best but definately good! I couldn't enjoy it though, I don't know if it was the episode itself or if it was because of the "GG being cancelled" thing! Maybe both! I cried at alot of scenes.

I am so mad at Logan, sure he loves her and wants to spend the rest of his life with her but he could have given her time. She already had alot of really important decisions to figure out in her life and then he has to go throw that at her...infront of all her family and friends too! He was being a selfish jerk and I am so mad at him. I might have forgiven him if he didn't break up with her, he knew she loved him, she was just not ready to be married. She wants a job, and she wants to travel but no, he has to move her to California! What happened to him "factoring her into his life?" He ruined Rorys graduation and he ruined the episode. I'm not impressed with him at all!

I was really hoping for more Lorelai and Rory sentimental moments like for her Chilton grad. At least a hug at the end when they were packing Rorys stuff I did like the look and stare when Rory was walking off the stage though so sweet! Lorelai getting all teary......This was the scene that had me crying the most! I really liked the last scene with them talking witty and Rory saying goodbye to her apartment. Hehe they just had to throw that hilarious scene in at the end didn't they They knew we would need it hehe! Me and my sister couldn't stop laughing! "what do you mean peanuts don't grow on trees?!" "I'm a Yale graduate, trust me!"

Thats all for now, more on the rest later!
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