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Old 06-18-2024, 01:03 AM
- eternal sunshine -
Graphics Team

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Joined: Jun 2010
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That sounds like a lot of pressure. There certainly seemed like a pressure with an expectation for boards to make a set amount of posts each month. However I do also agree boards should be active so there should be an expectation. At least there is one for moderators still. 250 posts in three months sounds so little as that works out more like two posts a day.

I don't understand the need for shipping wars. Each to their own if they want to appreciate that couple. But I can see how some shows would lead to them; particularly ones which have the love triangles or characters who go through multiple different relationships during the course of the show.
I have to be neutral on a thread on L&OF because I dont want a ship to happen but the thread is there if fans want to discuss them.
Bensler? That thread is for the actors more than the characters as the Bensler fans don't seem to be around.

I respond slowly to threads on some boards because I know the activity & it helps spread the posts across the week.
And I give you a batch over the weekend to do that with. Here are some bonus posts since I came on to post my fixed graphic and add my graphics to the tracking thread.
εїз Mimica
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