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Old 07-14-2022, 10:14 AM
Cardcaptor Queen

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Ahhh, of course! The racism and bullying is here already and it's only been one week. Racist Christmas said the same thing about Davonne and Bayleigh, even though she's the one that repeatedly ran into someone's car on purpose. I also love when they say racist crap like that but usually when someone has a temper tantrum and won't follow the rules or won't do their punishment or task from a comp, it's usually the White houseguests *gasp* but that usually flies cause BB lets people get away with breaking the rules all the time now. So if Palmoa was kicked out, I wonder what she did cause they will literally do anything they can to keep someone in the house even if they got physical (Like when Evel Dick poured tea on Jen's head and burned her with a cigarette) I heard she was off her meds in the house, so that explains why she was acting and looking so crazy with her Taylor bashing obsession. Also, lock her out and hit her with the door? More assault, and it's pathetic and embarrassing adults are acting like that. That's some middle school bs.

Yeah, I still don't know much about Taylor but the way they all just ganged up on her and jumped on the bandwagon with Paloma and her irrational jealousy was just bizarre. Taylor has been nothing but nice to people from what I've seen and heard, and it just doesn't make sense for people to be so mean to her for no reason. I always hate when people are bullied, especially when it's just a game. Taylor did nothing to deserve all that, I just hope Taylor will be safe now that Palmoa is gone and if Michael doesn't win HOH I hope she does (Then she can put these bullies up) I feel like the damage is done and they will target her anyway, but I hope I'm wrong. I hope it gets better, cause this is a horrible way to start the season with instant racism and bullying but like I said that's the BB norm. That's why last season was such a breath of fresh air with The Cookout alliance (and makes Monte an embarrassment since he instantly threw Taylor under the bus. Ugh, I thought I would like him too) and minorities and women didn't go out one by one in the beginning. At least that trash Palmoa is gone, hopefully she gets help now that she's gone.
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