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Old 05-12-2006, 12:45 PM
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Joined: Mar 2005
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Thanks, Prof.

And for your continuing amusement:

The "Dave Rosenthal, do you accept American Express?" Speculation Showdown

Was it a dream?

* Dude, yeah, the entire episode was too whacky to not be a dream!
elle26, professorFabulous, lilmelodie, dream**** (night terror), Barilace (hopes)
* Yep, those final scenes are just a dream.
Mots, Shira81, squidsmum, Gemini8525, Katiegg108, shahaira79, peachpeep, Bootie
* Sorry, no denial here. It is what it is.
Krissiekins02, yellgeronimo, FuzzyCerts, LorIsShort4Lorelai, afrayedknot, tazzded, Lancer, voncey, victorialeigh. genki, Ciaobella

Is Lorelai Pregnant?

* Definitely. Baby Danes is on it's way!
Krissiekins02, Mots, Shira81, squidsmum, Gemini8525, ProfessorFabulous, peachypeep, Ciaobella (twins, 2 daddies), dream**** (x2), Barilace, Bootie
* Dear Who's Yo' Daddy SL, welcome to Gilmore Girls!
* No, not pregnant.
yellgeronimo, FuzzyCerts, LorIsShort4Lorelai, elle26, Katiegg, afrayedknot108, tazzded, Lancer, shahaira79, voncey, victorialeigh, lilmelodie,

Did Luke and Lorelai break up?

* No way, no how.
Mots, squidsmum, Gemini8525, FuzzyCerts, elle26, Katiegg108, Lancer, shahaira79, ProfessorFabulous, peachypeep. genki
* Lorelai sure thinks so, but she forgot to tell Luke.
Krissiekins02, Shira81, LorIsShort4Lorelai, afrayedknot, voncey, victorialeigh, lilmelodie, Ciaobella, dream****, Barilace, Bootie
* Yes, no 'now' meant 'never.'
yellgeronimo, tazzded

How many episodes until Luke and Lorelai reconcile?

* Wasting no time, 7.01.
Krissiekins02, Mots, Shira81, squidsmum, Gemini8525, LorIsShort4Lorelai, elle26, shahaira79, ProfessorFabulous, Bootie
* Duh - June 3rd!
* November Sweeps, just in time for a snowy wedding.
yellgeronimo, Katiegg108, Lancer (before winter break), peachypeep, voncey. genki
* Pick a #
FuzzyCerts (5 or 6), lilmelodie (5 or 6), tazzded (before ep 10) Ciaobella (14), dream**** (87)
* End of season.
afrayedknot, victorialeigh, Barilace (Feb sweeps)
* Reconcile? Ha!

Did Lorelai and Christopher have sex?

* Are you blind? Of course they did.
afrayedknot, tazzded, victorialeigh. genki
* Only in Lorelai's dreams.
Mots, Shira81, Gemini8525, elle26, ProfessorFabulous, lilmelodie
* No, looks can be deceiving.
Krissiekins02, squidsmum, yellgeronimo, Fuzzy(I wouldn't call 2 min sex)Certs, LorIsShort4Lorelai, Katiegg108, Lancer, shahaira79, peachypeep, voncey, Ciaobella (they had squicky), dream**** (define sex), Barilace, Bootie

Where will S7 pick up from?

* Lorelai's sad face, where they left off.
Krissiekins02, Shira81, Gemini8525, yellgeronimo, FuzzyCerts, LorIsShort4Lorelai, Katiegg108, afrayedknot, tazzded, Lancer, shahaira79, ProfessorFabulous, voncey, victorialeigh, lilmelodie. genki, Barilace, Bootie
* With Luke at the CS.
Mots, squidsmum, elle26, peachypeep
* Other.
Ciaobella (C cops a feel/L barfs), dream**** (no idea)

Will Lorelai inform Luke of her Indiscretions ?

* Yes, she will tell him the truth and nothing but the truth.
Krissiekins02, Mots (if it's not a dream), Shira81, squidsmum, Gemini8525, yellgeronimo, FuzzyCerts, LorIsShort4Lorelai, elle26, Katiegg108, afrayedknot, tazzded, Lancer, sshahaira79, ProfessorFabulous, peachypeep, voncey, victorialeigh, lilmelodie, genki, Barilace
* Of course not. Where is the drama in that?
* No, that is what little GiGi is for.
* Other.
dream**** (no idea), Bootie (what indiscretions?)

Rory - is she a Luke's Girl or a Daddy's Girl?

* Rory is soooo part of Team LL!
Krissiekins02, Mots, Shira81, squidsmum, Gemini8525, FuzzyCerts, LorIsShort4Lorelai, elle26, Katiegg108, Lancer, shahaira79, ProfessorFabulous, peachypeep, voncey, victorialeigh, lilmelodie, Bootie
* Finally, her dreams of a real family can come true - Yay for mommy and daddy!
* Um Rory? Doesn't care.
yellgeronimo, tazzded (only cares about her mom). genki, Ciaobella, dream**** (I don't friggin' care), Barilace (Momma's girl)

What happens to CS Version 2.0?

* Emily bought it and will keep it until things DO turn out.
Krissiekins02 Mots, Shira81, squidsmum, Gemini8525, yellgeronimo, LorIsShort4Lorelai, elle26, shahaira79, ProfessorFabulous, peachypeep, lilmelodie, dream**** (home for unwed mothers), Barilace
* Emily let it go. Time to start cracking on LC again.
* It'll never be mentioned again.
FuzzyCerts, Katiegg108, afrayedknot, tazzded, Lancer, voncey, Bootie
* Other.
genki (blow torches), Ciaobella (Emily moves in w/Taylor)

What will Lorelai do over the summer?

* Leave town and never return!
* She'll confront Luke with her problems
Krissiekins02, Mots, Shira81, squidsmum, Gemini8525, LorIsShort4Lorelai, elle26, Katiegg108, Lancer, ProfessorFabulous, Bootie
* Kill herself with her work.
yellgeronimo, afrayedknot
* Girls Summer Out - Emily, Lorelai, and Rory will go man free!
FuzzyCerts, tazzded (travel with Rory), shahaira79, voncey (goes alone), victorialeigh (Europe), lilmelodie (goes alone), Ciaobella (therapy)
* She'll figure out a way to win Luke back and marry him on June 3rd, duh!
* Other.
genki, dream**** (botox for her frown), Barilace (sad face/Chris)

What will Emily/Richard think about the broken engagement?

* Emily will jump for joy. Thank God, flannel diner man is gone.
* Together they'll come up with a plan to reunite LL.
Mots, Shira81, squidsmum, Gemini8525, FuzzyCerts, LorIsShort4Lorelai, elle26, tazzded, Lancer, shahaira79, ProfessorFabulous, peachypeep, victorialeigh, Bootie
Krissiekins02 (make Lorelai face her problems), yellgeronimo, Katiegg108 (what they don't know won't hurt them), voncey (sad for Lorelai, put hit out on Chris), lilmelodie (comfort her, tell her she's an idiot) genki (stupid Lorelai), Ciaobella (bribe, money well spent), dream**** (quintessential E/R)

What will Luke do this summer?

* Time to keep his promise - Luke's is for sale.
afrayedknot, peachypeep
* Liz needs help with the Ren. Faire.
FuzzyCerts, tazzded
* He'll stay in town and be grumpy like usual.
Krissiekins02, Shira81, squidsmum, yellgeronimo, LorIsShort4Lorelai, Lancer, shahaira79, victorialeigh, lilmelodie, genki (pine), Barilace
* He'll decorate the Chuppah and marry Lorelai, duh.
Mots, Gemini8525, elle26, Katiegg108, ProfessorFabulous, Bootie
* Delusional other.
Ciaobella, voncey, dream****

Last edited by Bootie; 05-12-2006 at 03:17 PM
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