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Old 07-25-2005, 11:54 PM
Master Fan

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Okay did anyone post this yet from Kristin? (Coming from someone who doesn't watch the OC can someone fill me in what Ryan did last season?)

I'm hearing that Rory is actually going to pull something of a RYAN on the OC this season ... You will see what I mean.

But it's going to take HALF A SEASON for her to reconcile with Momma Lorelai. (Say wha?)

and LESS THAN TWENTY MINUTES for Luke to answer Lorelai's proposal.

Also, I think I may have a new future husband who is Gilmore related. ... Matt Czuchry could NOT be more adorable, kind, humble and lick-worthy in person.
"It's better to over-analyse, than not analyse at all". NM. 2000.

Twitter: nlm78
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