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Old 07-18-2005, 06:39 PM
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Episode 6.01 - New And Improved Lorelai - Casting Sides Summary

Episode 6.01 - New and Improved Lorelai
Projected Air date: 13 Sep 2005

Info taken from Sides in the Table Read Script released 18 July 2005

The information summarized below is taken from the 8 Sides published on 18 July 2005 for Biker #1 & #2, Customer #1 & #2, a Real Estate Agent, Sweaty Biker #1 & #2, Bailiff, The Judge and Prosecutor.

I will include context and stage descriptions where appropriate.
  • Characters:
    Biker #1 - Biker finishing race
    Biker #2 - Biker finishing race
    Customer #1 - Customer at Luke's
    Customer #2 - Customer at Luke's
    Real Estate Agent - Agent dealing with the sale of the Twickham House
    Sweaty Biker #1 - Biker at Dragonfly Inn
    Sweaty Biker #2 - Biker at Dragonfly Inn
    Bailiff - Bailiff in the Court of Gilmore v Connecticut
    Judge - Judge in case of Gilmore v Connecticut
    Prosecutor - Prosecutor in case of Gilmore v Connecticut
    Charlie Davenport - Recurring character, Attorney for Richard Gilmore. Here representing Rory Gilmore

Editor Note: A fragment of Scene 1 is picked up in progress and ends in the middle of the page. The scene is taking place in Luke's between Lorelai and Luke

Interior - Assumed Luke's Diner - Night (Night 1) - Scene 1 -

Editor Note: The Scene is in progress and we are seeing the very end of it.

Lorelai remarks something about "to Funkytown."

Stage Direction: Luke stops her.

Luke calls out - "Hey, wait."

Lorelai stops - "What? Oh God, did you change your mind? How did I screw it up so fast? Was the Funkytown thing too quippy 'cause I thought you liked that about me..."

Luke responds - "No. The Funkytown thing was fine. I just...are you sure you want to celebrate now...I mean a minute ago...when you came in here..."

Lorelai getting where he's going, pleading a little - "I just want to be happy right now. Okay?"

Luke tells her Yeah - Okay.

Lorelai smiles at him - Good. Now come on.

Stage Direction: Lorelai exits out of the diner. Luke heads after her.

Luke asks - "Where are we going?"

Stage Direction: Luke exits.

End of Scene 1

Exterior - Stars Hollow - Same Time - Night (Night 1) - Scene 2 -

The remnants of the racers finishing the race are straggling in. The Bikers who have already finished the race are walking it off, milling around, some are hanging out in the Gazebo. A few are lying on the ground stretching or cramping. Kirk has set up a first aid table in the street and is on the ground kneeling over an outstretched Biker. He has the biker's leg in his hands and he is aggressively rubbing his hands back and forth like he is working out a cramp. The biker is writhing in pain. After a beat Kirk stops.

Kirk asks a biker if he is doing this right?

The biker responds What?

Kirk tells him to never-mind.

Stage Direction: Kirk goes back to the crampy biker

Stage Direction: Angle On Taylor: stomping around the town's square...Linda sits at a table with some crappy trophies on it. Taylor is pacing around, very annoyed, checking his watch, getting more and more annoyed with every biker that straggles in.

Taylor rants about the bikers being like rabbits and where does it end? He has spent hours waiting on these ridiculous people to come in. He tells Linda to start breaking all this stuff down. He says if he doesn't get these tables back by midnight, he has to pay for another day.

Linda tells him that they haven't given out the trophies yet.

Taylor ask trophies to who?

Linda says - "To the winners"

Taylor continues his rant asking who cares about the trophies to the winners? There's no one here to see them get the trophies except the losers who he is sure could give a rat's tushee if the winners get a trophy or not.

Linda says Okay and should she put them back in the bubble wrap or...

Taylor tells her to just gibe them to him.

Stage Direction: Taylor grabs the trophies out of Linda's hand.

Taylor calls out - Hey who was first?

Stage Direction: A nearby biker raise his hand. Taylor tosses him the trophy.

Taylor tell him Congratulations - Who's second?

Stage Direction: Number two raises his hand. Taylor tosses the trophy to him.

Taylor calls out - Here. Third?

Stage Direction: Taylor tosses the trophy to nearby Biker #1.

Biker #1 tells him he wasn't third.

Taylor rants on - "Rat's Tushee, party of one!" He calls out to the workers - Everybody listen up! They need to get these tables out of there and break down the chairs. Taylor says he needs the square packed up and cleared out in ten minutes.

Stage Direction: Taylor glances across the street and notices Lorelai and Luke at Doose's market. They try the front door. It's locked.

Taylor calls out - Hey we're closed! The market's closed!

Stage Direction: Taylor heads across the street toward the market.

Taylor is never-ending with his rants - What is wrong with people tonight?

End of Scene 2

End of Casting Sides for Biker #1 & #2.

Exterior - Doose's Market - Continuous - Night (Night 1) - Scene 3 -

Stage Direction: Lorelai and Luke are at the door of Doose's.

Luke - "It's closed."

Lorelai - "What happened to the twenty-four hour thing."

Luke - "Maybe there's still someone inside."

Editor Note: Scene 3 continues for some length. The Casting Side page ends at this point.

Editor Note: A fragment of Scene 6 is picked up in progress and ends at the top of the page. The scene is taking place in bed (someplace) between Lorelai and Luke

Interior - Location Unknown - Night (Night 1) - Scene 6 -

Editor Note: The Scene is in progress and we are seeing the very end of it.

Luke tells Lorelai - "I'm sorry."

Stage Direction: They lie there a beat, then:

Lorelai (eyes closed, not moving) - "Kids would be good."

Stage Direction: The both drift off to sleep.

End of Scene 6

Interior - Luke's Diner - Morning - (Day 2) - Scene 7 -

Stage Direction: The diner is buzzing with excitement. Just a few bikers are left in town. Luke is moving around the diner at a good speed. He seems to be in a very good mood, especially for Luke.

Luke calls out - "Blueberry pancakes and scrambled eggs."

Customer #1 tells him that he didn't ask for blueberries.

Luke responds - "Well you should've. Okay, who needs coffee?"

Stage Direction: Luke goes around the room refilling coffee cups.

Luke is talking to the customers - "Here you go Trudy. Top that off for you Mack, What do you say, cup of joe for Joe?"

Stage Direction: Luke chuckles to himself as he fills the cups.

Luke continues to everyone - "Okay everyone, it's free toast day. Who wants toast?"

Stage Direction: The patrons look at each other, a little confused at this happy luke, as they raise their hands for free toast.

Luke calls out - "Coming right up."

Stage Direction: A very excited Babette and Miss Patty come bounding in the door.

Babette yells out - "Where the hell is he?"

End of Casting Side for Customer #1.

Editor Note: There is a break in the Casting Sides for Scene 7. Customer #1 concludes on page 16 and Real Estate Agent picks up on page 20, Scene 7 still in progress.

Babette - "Oh"

Miss Patty remarks - "You went modern."

Babette trying to make Luke feel better - "Well, that's okay too, sugar. The important thing is that you're getting married."

Miss Patty - "We're very happy for you, Luke."

Babette - "Yes, we are."

Luke responds - "Uh huh. Thanks. Listen, I'm gonna check on that breakfast for you guys. I'll be right back."

Stage Direction: Luke gets up and walks away from the table.

Miss Patty - "She Proposed."

Babette (shaking her head in disgust) - "Well, thank God he's got a good ass."

Stage Direction: Luke goes in back, his happy mood gone."

End of Scene 7

Exterior - Stars Hollow - Day (Day 2) - Scene 8 -

Stage Direction: Lorelai is walking down the street. She looks over and notices the Twickham House at the end of the block. A Real Estate Agent is putting up a "For Sale" sign. Lorelai turns and walks down the street toward the agent.

Lorelai says Hi to the agent.

The Real Estate Agent says Hello There.

Lorelai asks - "For sale again, huh?"

The agent says yes. "We had an offer, but the buyer backed out. But we think it'll move fast. It has all the original fixtures, great light, a ton of terrific potential."

Stage Direction: Lorelai glances at the house.

Lorelai confirms that Yes it does.

Stage Direction: The real estate agent hands her a flier.

The real estate agent asks if she is interested?

Lorelai tells her - "Oh, well...maybe."

The agent tells Lorelai - "It would be a great house for kids."

Lorelai says - "Oh, please, not you too."

The real estate agent responds - "I'm sorry, what?"

Stage Direction: Lorelai's cell phone rings:

Lorelai tells her - "Nothing" and waves the flier - "Thanks."

Stage Direction: Lorelai moves off and the real estate agent returns to the sign. Lorelai answers the phone as she walks.

Lorelai - "Hello."

End of Scene 9

End of Casting Side for Real Estate Agent.

Interior - Gilmore Mansion - Richard's Study - Continuous - Day (Day 2) - Scene 9 -

Stage Direction: Richard is standing in his study. We will intercut for the remainder of the phone call.

Richard (talking as if nothing has transpired between them) - "Lorelai. Wonderful. How lucky that I caught you. Now, a few things to go over."

Editor Note: Scene 9 continues for some length. The Casting Side ends at this point.

Editor Note: Scene 16 starts Act Three with FADE IN:

Interior - Luke's Diner - Evening (Night 3) - Scene 16 -

Stage Direction: The dinner crowd is just starting to gather. Luke is behind the counter struggling with the cash register which seem stuck.

Luke (talking to the cash register) - "Oh, come on."

Customer #2 tells Luke that he should get a real cash register.

Luke says - "The cash register's just fine, Danny."

Stage Direction: Kirk enters, carrying a metal briefcase with him.

Kirk says Evening to Luke.

Luke tells him to sit down that he'll be right with him.

Kirk responds that he is not interested in food, he is there on business.

Stage Direction: Luke smacks the cash register.

Kirk continues his rambling - "I hear you might be in the market for a ring. Or should I be talking to Lorelai?"

Luke - "Go away Kirk."

Stage Direction: Kirk puts his briefcase down on a table.

Kirk's mouth is in gear and is going on - "Well, then it's your lucky day because I happen to be in possession of the finest estate ring collection in Connecticut. And since you are a friend, I am prepared to make you a great deal. Or will Lorelai be the one paying for it?"

Editor Note: Scene 16 continues for some length.

End of Casting Side for Customer #2.

Editor Note: Scene 21 starts Act Four with FADE IN:

Interior - Dragonfly Inn - Reception Desk - Morning (Day 4) - Scene 21 -

Stage Direction: The bikers are checking out now. Bags are piled up by the door. There are bellboys carrying out bags and bikers saying good-bye to one another. Michel is standing behind the desk. A rather Sweaty Biker is across from him, leaning his arm on the desk as he checks his bill.

The Sweaty Biker #1 tells MIchel that he wrote some real nice comments in the comment book. He slept great last night and the town was so great that he had to take one last early morning ride around the town before he checked out. He can't wait to tell people about the Dragonfly.

Michel asks him to move him arm please.

The Sweaty Biker says Huh?

Michel counters - "Your arm. That one.

The Sweaty Biker says okay.

Stage Direction: The biker stand up and takes his arm off the desk. Michel takes out a bottle of antibacterial spray and sprays the desk where the biker was leaning, then he takes out a rag and scrubs the place where he sprayed. Lorelai comes over quickly to distract the slightly insulted biker.

Lorelai asks him if his bill looks okay.

The Sweaty Biker responds that yeah it is fine.

Lorelai says great, let me take that and put it in an envelope. I'll be right back.

End Casting Side - Sweaty Biker #1

Editor Note: Scene 21 has a one page break. Sweaty Biker #1 Casting Sides ends at this point. Scene 21 is still in progress and picks up on page 57

Lorelai is handing a bill to another Sweaty Biker and asks if his bags are taken care of?

The Sweaty Biker #2 says yes.

Lorelai thanks him for staying at the Dragonfly and hops that to see him again. She tells him that the carts outside will take him to his car.

Sweaty Biker #2 tells Lorelai thanks.

Stage Direction: The Sweaty Biker tosses the magazine he was holding on the coffee table and exits off. Lorelai grabs a nearby trash can and using her foot, slides he magazine in the trash. She looks at the wall where he was leaning and turns to Michel.

Lorelai gestures at the wall - "Uh Michel..."

Michel grabs the spray - "I'm all over it."

End of Casting Sides for Sweaty Biker #2.

End of Scene 21.

Exterior - Lorelai's House - Late Morning - (Day 4) - Scene 22 -

Stage Direction: Emily walks up to the front door. She knocks. The door opens. Emily's haughty expression drops. We see it's Michel who has answered the door.

Michel - "Hello. Won't you come in."

Emily - "Alright. Thank You"

Stage Direction: Emily goes in and Michel closes the door.

Interior - Lorelai's House - Living Room - Continuous - Late Morning - (Day 4) - Scene 23 -

Stage Direction: Michel walks over to the couch and sits back down. Emily looks around the room.

Emily - "What are you doing here?"

Editor Note: Scene 23 continues for some length. The Casting Side page ends at this point.

Editor Note: Scene 25 is already in progress.

Interior - Assumed Bridgeport Courtroom - Continuous - (Day Unknown) - Scene 25 -

Editor Note: Rory is talking with Charlie Davenport - a recurring character - one of Richard's Attorneys. From the context - Charlie has just asked Rory is she is scared.

Rory - "No."

Charlie tells her she shouldn't be. Everything is going to be fine. It will all be over before she knows it. A Piece of Cake.

Stage Direction: The bailiff and the Judge finish conferring. The bailiff looks at his case list. He calls the court to order.

The Bailiff - "The court calls the State vs. Lorelai Gilmore."

Charlie - "Huh: Who's Lorelai Gilmore?"

Rory tells him that is her real name.

Charlie - "Oh. Well, good thing I found out now. Could've been a little embarrassing later. Come on."

Stage Direction: Charlie leads Rory over to the defense table. Richard and Emily take seats behind them.

Emily whispers to Rory - "Rory! Rory!"

Stage Direction: Rory turns around.

Emily continues - "Unbutton the sweater a little."

Richard = "Emily, stop it."

Emily continues - "I don't want her to look like she's trying too hard."

Richard points out - "Emily, that's Charlie Davenport up there."

Emily apologizes - "I know. You're right. I'm sorry"

Stage Direction: Angle On: The Judge.

The Judge - "Lorelai Gilmore, you are charged in violation of section B 455 of the penal code, grand theft boating and criminal mischief."

Stage Direction: Rory glances in back of her, scanning the courtroom, obviously looking for someone. She frowns and turns back to the judge.

The Judge continues - "I see here that a plea agreement has been discussed."

The Prosecutor tells him that is correct.

The Judge turns to Charlie - "Mr...Davenport"

Charlie - "Yes, you Honor."

The Judge asks is the plea agreement has been discussed with his client.

Charlie confirms that it has.

The Judge comments further that he notes community service has bee recommended.

The Prosecutor tells the Judge that Ms. Gilmore has no prior record, no history of getting into trouble, she is a top student from a good family. That is light of all of this, the State is fine with community service.

The judge says questioningly - "Twenty hours of community service?"

Charlie remarks - "This is a youthful indiscretion, Your Honor. A one-time stupid childish lark. My client is incredibly remorseful and I can assure you, it will never happen again."

Stage Direction: Charlie smiles at Rory. He glances back at Richard and Emily and gives them a wink. Richard gives him a subtle "thumbs up." Charlie turns back to the Judge. The Judge finally closes the file and turns to face the room.

The Judge - "Well, I am glad to hear that Ms. Gilmore is remorseful. I am glad to hear something like this will never happen again. Because you see, no matter how impeccable Ms. Gilmore's character may be, these are very serious crimes. Do you understand these are very serious crimes, Ms. Gilmore?

Rory - "Yes, I do, Your Honor."

The Judge - "I see you're a student at Yale."

Rory - "Yes, Your Honor"

The Judge - "That's a very nice school. Prestigious.

Rory concurs.

The Judge - "I understand that the defense is portraying this as a 'childish lark.' A 'youthful indiscretion.' Well, I take the law very seriously and one thing I have little tolerance for is rich, privileged children viewing the world as their private playground."

Stage Direction: Rory's and Charlie's faces fall.

The Judge continues - "I don't care who you are or who your family is, when you commit a crime, Ms. Gilmore, there must be consequences, Period. Twenty hours of community service won't do it. I am ordering three hundred hours of community service to be completed in no more than six months, and one year's probation."

Rory (stunned, blurting out) - "But...I can't do three hundred hours. I have to get a job."

The Judge - "Well, add that to the list of things you should've thought about before you decided to joyride on someone else's boat."

Richard (loudly, to Emily) - "This is outrageous! Three hundred hours? Charlie..."

Stage Direction: Charlie indicates there's nothing he can do.

The Judge - "Now assuming that this is indeed a one-time occurrence, at the end of five years, Ms. Gilmore can petition the court to have this expunged from her record."

Emily - "Record! She's going to have a record? Oh, my God!"

Richard says to Charlie - "You never said anything about a record!"

Charlie says - "Richard, please..."

Stage Direction: Richard jumps to his feet.

Richard rants - "Oh, don't 'Richard, please" me, you two-bit double-talker. There's a reason they don't let lawyers into some of the finer clubs on the East Coast. How could you let this happen? Rory's not a criminal."

The Judge notices Richard - "Who are you? Sit down."

Richard's on a roll - "I am her grandfather Richard Gilmore and this is outrageous."

Emily - "I never should've let her go with a ponytail!"

The Judge speaking to Richard - "You are going to have to restrain yourself, sir."

Richard rants to the Judge - "I will not restrain myself. I will not stand by and let this girl walk around with a record for five years."

Emily - "Richard, you're standing on my foot."

Richard turns to Charlie - "I never should have listened to you" - Looking at the Prosecutor - "Making deals with a twenty-year-old child in a cheap suit."

The Prosecutor - "Hey!"

The Judge chimes in - "Well, if you'd like I can throw the plea bargain out and she can go to trial. But I wouldn't recommend that, Mr. Gilmore.

Charlie tells Richard to sit down.

Richard mumbles that the rejection and trial is something to consider.

Rory is finally heard from - "Grandpa, no. I don't want to go to trial. I'll do the community service. Please. Sit down."

Emily pipes up - "Richard, sit down."

Stage Direction: Richard composes himself and sits down, furious.

The Judge - "Alright, then I will consider this mater settled. The court will recess for twenty minutes."

End of Casting Sides for the Bailiff, The Prosecutor and the Judge.

Editor Note: Scene 25 may continue for some period.

End of all Casting Sides for Episode 6.01 - New And Improved Lorelai.
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