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Old 05-15-2005, 08:12 PM
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Okay here's the post..

Warning Very Detailed Notes on the Finale – read with caution. Also a lot of this Dawn has previously mentioned (so there's going to be a lot repeated).

Teaser - A great Lorelai moment - freaking out about Rory's arrest in the jail (Finn and Colin making a pass at Lorelai - is a typical Finn moment "my God those are good genes.")

Straight away you can tell it is an ASP written episode - the detail in each character is of a higher standard (think R&R or WBB standard)

When Logan rings; Lorelai doesn't want Rory to answer to the phone, she's disgusted that she does and ends up at Luke's and tells him that Rory was in jail.

Kirk trying to tow the car - add that to the list of his jobs.

Pop Culture references - Jane Fonda (Maverick).

First L&L scene - very very good - Lorelai doing a freak out (kind of like the L&L scene in TMT in terms of "Rory's in the hospital" or F&S "Does anyone have a phone?...")

And then when the realisation hits Rory later on it's an exact replica of Lorelai (in terms of soap needed to get the ink off her fingers) dialogue.

"I hate him" moment comes in the jeep when Rory tells Lorelai that Mitchum gave her the bad review, etc.

Trapadour!! He's outside Lane's house.

Lane's band storyline is definitely a filler storyline.

Great music in the ep.

Wavy hair Lorelai *yay*

Rory's mug-shot *he he*

Rory and Lorelai on the phone (visiting hours)

Logan rings the Crap Shack for Rory but Lorelai gets it instead - in this ep you can't help but like Logan - he actually wants to help Rory but Rory tells him not to go to his father.

Lorelai playing the mom card big time in this episode.

Luke trying to sign off on the Twickham House with the riders going past screaming out "Big Hole" - wtf is with all the paperwork for the house (3 day cooling period - that sure as hell will raise its head up again even after Luke goes to Taylor to call it off).

Luke with the baseball bat *he he*

Mike sent the basket *I called that one when we saw the pics originally*

Durham Group - Michel at least brings up the issue of the selling the Inn, etc - Lorelai says she just likes being wooed. "I probably won't take the deal.. This is my Inn, I love it here, it's just fun being wooed, you know having someone want you enough to send you to send you ... lotion"

Rory totally bombs her last final.

Second L&L scene

Luke sees the basket - "Mike Armstrong - my other lover".
Luke freaks out about Lorelai and the possibility of selling the Inn.
"I'm still mulling.."
"What are you freaking out about?"
"What kids?"
Those two seriously need to get on the same damn page - love Lorelai's reaction when he leaves to fix a window after trying to avoid the whole “what kids?” question.

"But it is past their bedtime..." - Mama Kim makes a joke! "Kims' don't give up!"

Weston's Bakery scene *eek!*

Rory lies to her mother about the final going well.
Very very good Lorelai/Rory scene.
Ouch - Rory saying "You didn't go to college so you don't understand". Lorelai has a justified reaction
Pulls the mom card.

Luke reconsiders the TH after speaking to Lorelai - causes all the bikers to fall over *lol*
He backs out of the house

Richard and Emily conversation at breakfast - hilarious Emily thinks Richard isn't listening to her but turns out he's heard every word she's said.
"You do surprise me Richard Gilmore".

Lorelai goes to her parents... "I need your help".
Very good Gilmore family scene (mirrors the last one brilliantly).
Spills all of the Rory story to her parents - parents were definitely on Lorelai's side - and they definitely blindside her at the scene at the end.
"Would you like something to eat?"
"No I've just gotten everything I need".

Whoever picked the promo of Rory crying in the Gilmore Mansion was correct, etc - she's talking to Richard in that scene (also AB's crying so-so)
Richard's trying to be neutral but melts *aww*

Friday Night Dinner - Lorelai's blindsided
Awesome direction in this scene - camera focusing on Lorelai the whole time to see her reaction of Richard and Emily blindsiding her - the emotions of LG in that scene *woah*

I love this song!!! Words so appropriate - it's "I think it's gonna rain today" by Randy Newman (Claudine Longet singing it)

Lorelai/Rory sharing the look through the pool house *sigh* with the song - if that doesn't pull the heartstrings not sure what wil.

Okay Kirk/Taylor and the bikers *ugh* results in a Taylor rant

Final scene - final L&L scene of the episode/season.

Luke just lets her talk and then jumps in (shows how much he cares in that scene)
Luke starts talking and camera pans to Lorelai while she listens to his rant
Lorelai definitely realises this at the moment - camera focuses on her for 20 sec (realisation)

Lauren time count (includes Credits):

30 mins out of 43 mins

LG time count -> definitely goes inline with Say Something (which was 26 mins out of 40 mins)

Cliffhangers we're left with:

* Proposal
* Job Offer
* Twickham House
* Rory's future
* Rift in Lorelai/Rory and Lorelai/Parents relationships

Episode definitely is in my top 5 of the season.

Feel free to ask questions.
"It's better to over-analyse, than not analyse at all". NM. 2000.

Twitter: nlm78
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