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Old 05-14-2005, 07:19 AM
Loyal Fan
Joined: Dec 1999
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Lorelai goes to her parents and tells them everything. In some ways it is a really nice scene because they are so supportive and Lorelai is very happy to have their help.I think that is what makes it so doubly sad for Lorelai that her parents ultimately put Rory's wishes before hers, without even consulting her. R/E dont come off as vindictive though IMO because I think they feel caught in the middle.

Cheryl -I agree .Rory has plenty of time to make a decision without acting so hastily. She is definitely not unstable, just very upset and irrational.

Jim-She goes back to take the final and then later meets Lorelai at Westons where they proceed to have their confrontation. Nice speccing on everyones part too because Lorelai says something like," We always have conversations here dont we?" Rory seems to come to her decision about Yale during the final-she is lost in thought and not paying attention to her test. I think both her decision and Lorelai's stance brings her to the breaking point.

Last edited by Dawn; 05-14-2005 at 07:25 AM
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