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Old 05-14-2005, 06:00 AM
Loyal Fan
Joined: Dec 1999
Posts: 1,353
Love the promo caps -Thank You! Both girls are extra pretty in this episode I think (well maybe with the exception of the blue shirt on Rory) but Lorelai looks ravishing in that final scene.

Rory goes back to Yale to take on her last final. The poster on the wall might be of Gloria Steinheim from back in the 60's when she went undercover as a Bunny to do an expose on the tough lives of Playboy Bunny waitresses. Don't laugh -i'm serious, they even made a movie about it.

I think Rory is going to miss Lorelai terribly.It is one thing to be independent but her mother has been her constant cheerleader and confidante her whole life. Lorelai is so good about the boat theft and arrest, she only gets really firm about the Yale dropping out when she thinks Rory's whole future is in jeopardy.
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