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Old 02-24-2005, 11:50 AM
Ultimate Fan

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Here's some more info on the episode I can't remember the name of: (thanks to poshdolliebird on LJ)

Ummm...the first scene filmed was in the basement about Jackie just coming home from her high school graduation with the gang, Eric said he couldn't believe he was out already as time really does fly when you take two naps a day. Donna was teasing him about how he did hardly nothing and than the started to talk about Eric's future...were they did the most hilarious being Eric coming home from a Star Wars Convention with his Mom as princess Lea and Eric as Luke...::just for the record the circle scenes and the flashbacks are all filmed ahead of time and just shown on the monitors above for the laugh track to be dubbed in by the audience::..

Kelso and Hyde thought that was funny as Kelso was teasing Eric that he still lived at home with his Mom but Eric got upset and said so did Kelso when Kelso claimed yes, but Fez and I are looking for a apt and he would only see his Mom for laundry...and other things.

Eric was upset because everyone said they had a job and something they were proud of doing..Hyde working at the record store..Kelso being the cop..Donna as a DJ..Jackie just graduated and Fez was as Hyde said makeup girl and Fez got upset and yelled shampoo boy. Eric didn’t think any of this was funny as he said the flashback with his Mom could really happen before he ran up the stairs. Mila messed up a few lines as did Wilmer and even Topher who was just adorable and cute every time he messed up.

In another scene Eric talked to his parents at how upset he was about everyone knowing what they wanted to except him and Kitty asked him why he never took up the chiropractor class she offered to him before and than Red said he could have a job stating the obvious about him not doing anything...but Eric decided to take up the chiropractor course cause it might be interesting. Back to the basement the gang agreed that Eric should go for that job since he has such dainty fingers and Kelso said that Eric should tell everyone chick he gets there is something wrong with her tailbone so that he could grab some ass and Eric got mad and said it's something eh wanted to do as he likes helping people but the lots of ass part was just an added bonus!

Kitty came downstairs to show Kelso and Fez the apt listing she found and poor Debra Jo had to do the running up and down the steps 3 or 4 the first time Ashton fell and tripped on his chair, the 2nd time Debra forgot her lines coming down the steps, the 3rd time she messed up her line and by the time they did a perfect take on the 4th time poor Debra was all out of breath but the whole audience clapped and cheered for her. Later Donna went to the chiropractor class with Eric and the teacher Dr. Don or Dave...can't quite remember. asked Donna for some help so he could show everyone in class the wonders of how magic fingers can work. Donna protested telling Eric the Dr prescribed himself one too many meds and she was only there to make sure Eric did not run home to play video games and stayed in the class, but she finally agreed to help until the Dr said her tailbone was messed up and went to grab her butt, but with this Eric ran up to the front of the classroom and stopped him.

In another funny scene when Kelso and Fez were looking at the apt Fez ran into his old friend and worse enemy Fenton, they proceeded to get into another fight where Fez told him not to even think about trying to rent the apt because him and Kelso were there first and Fenton said he didn’t have to worry as he was the landlord and he was gonna lord of the place while he seed to it that the two of them landed on their butts outside and he tour up the lease they were gonna sign.

So Kelso got upset and took out a 5 dollar bill and said he was gonna give Fenton the 5 dollar bill but he tour it up and threw it on the ground mocking Fenton. lol :p Later back in the basement Eric was really getting into the chiropractor stuff and wanted to try it out on Donna who told him no because he wasn’t ready yet where Eric laughed and told her he was because he was already on page 12. So he than started to rub Donna's neck and threw it out of place and than she couldn’t move it at all as it was stuck.

Later in the kitchen red found out through Kelso that Fez was living at the Foreman's and Red said what and Kelso laughed telling Fez he blew it and now they know Red told Fez he would talk to Fenton about the apt because he didn’t want Pele living in his house and Kitty laughed saying at least he called you Pele as he's a good soccer player you know, that’s when Jackie walked in requesting everyone to come to her party in which Fez said he couldn't because he and Kelso were going to see more about the apt and Kelso said he didn’t want to come as he just didn't want to and Hyde said he wasn't going because no one else was and that's where Jackie said she wanted to plea with him and kicked him in the leg.

Mila again was really cute in this scene when she yelled to the directors which hand her purse was on because she couldn't remember and even came in to early during a scene so they had to do that one a few times over too and poor Ashton had to keep drinking glasses of orange juice over and over in that scene too.

So anyways they keep filming where than Red went to talk to Fenton and Red said he was there to talk to him about the apt and Fenton goes you're in luck it's available and so am I . Red cleared his throat and said he was married and had a wife and Fenton goes well I have a football but, that doesn’t mean I use it. So than Kelso and Fez came in and Kelso was yelling about not wanting to stay in the car because Fez was playing bongo music and Fez said it was jazz.

Fenton was upset that Red was with them and said the deal was off than Fez got upset and went to say Fenton was a as- and Red told him to shut his mouth in which Fenton got all turned on and said he liked a man like that. Kelso than got upset and said they would have to find someplace else to raise the baby. After they left Fenton was touched that he couldn't not give them the apt because it was so nice that 2 men were raising a baby together and Red laughed and said yup, they were those kind of people.

Later in the basement Eric was trying to make Donna feel better when Jackie came in and told everyone she wanted them to say something nice at her graduation party and she handed them all cards of what to say..Donna than said she couldn't make it as she wasn't up to it due to her neck and Eric said he couldn't because he was gonna look after Donna..Jackie was upset that no one was coming and that the night was very special to her and.... Hyde said she probably needed someone to talk to and he went to get Kitty.

Later in the basement Eric said he was sorry for what he did to Donna and that he wasn’t going to continue the whole chiropractor thing but was still upset that he didn't know what to do when Donna and the gang suggested he become a teacher and he now Eric's new job is gonna be a teacher, so Hyde said they should all celebrate and Jackie walked in and was mad that they could not come to her party but were having their own party in the basement and Hyde told her yeah for her and she said she didn't believe him and she said but as long as she was the center of attention she was ok with that!
Duncan: Careful, Logan. You're exposing your soft underbelly.

Logan: My underbelly is rock-hard. It can go all night.
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