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Old 02-15-2005, 08:50 AM
Extreme Fan
Joined: May 2004
Posts: 2,355
Episode 5.13 - Wedding Bell Blues - Video Clips

5.13 - Wedding Bell Blues - Video Clips

The links below are for a total of 14 clips of the episode.

All the files this time are wmv format. There were too many, and they were too large to do it any other way. If anyone feels that they need and .mpg or DivX .avi version. Let me know and I'll see what we can do.

They are:

Lorelai - Luke - Morton Salt and Lovin' Catalogs - 9.0 mB - Time 2:19

Rory - Lorelai -Emily - and The Stars Hollow Ladies - Bachelorette Party 1 - 15.7 mB - Time 4:23

Rory - Lorelai -Emily - and The Stars Hollow Ladies - Bachelorette Party 2 - 15.3 mB - Time 3:56

Lorelai - Rory - Luke - Leaving for The Wedding - 4.2 mB - Time 1:04

Lorelai - Rory - Emily - Necklaces and Desires - 7.3 mB - Time 1:50

Richard - Emily - and All - The Ceremony - 10.2 mB - Time 2:40

Rory - Peek A Boo - 3.4 mB - Time 0:52

Lorelai - Luke - Confessions of A Gilmore Girl - 6.9 mB - Time 1:48

Richard - Emily - Bill and Dancing - 11.9 mB - Time 3:07

Rory - Christopher - To Kiss A Gilmore Girl - 7.9 mB - Time 2:01

Rory - Logan - Do You Want To Dance? - 6.9 mB - Time 1:46

Rory - Logan - Are You Ever Going To Ask Me Out? - 11.8 mB - Time 3:03

Lorelai - Rory - Logan - Luke - Christopher - Little Miss Casual is Busted! - 5.8 mB - Time 1:30

Lorelai - Luke - Christopher - Emily - We Are So Done! - 7.1 mB - Time 1:48

The clips below are available now, but are subject to being rotated for bandwidth reasons.

Computer Geek Stuff:

PC Users - Right Click to save on your machine
Mac Users - CTL Click to get context menu to save on your machine.

Lorelai - Luke - Morton Salt and Lovin' Catalogs - 9.0 mB - wmv Format

Rory - Lorelai -Emily - and The Stars Hollow Ladies - Bachelorette Party 1 - 15.7 mB - wmv Format

Rory - Lorelai -Emily - and The Stars Hollow Ladies - Bachelorette Party 2 - 15.3 mB - wmv Format

Lorelai - Rory - Luke - Leaving for The Wedding - 4.2 mB - wmv Format

Lorelai - Rory - Emily - Necklaces and Desires - 7.3 mB - wmv Format

Richard - Emily - and All - The Ceremony - 10.2 mB mB - wmv Format

Rory - Peek A Boo - 3.4 mB - wmv Format

Lorelai - Luke - Confessions of A Gilmore Girl - 6.9 mB - wmv Format

Richard - Emily - Bill and Dancing - 11.9 mB - wmv Format

Rory - Christopher - To Kiss A Gilmore Girl - 7.9 mB - wmv Format

Rory - Logan - Do You Want To Dance? - 6.9 mB - wmv Format

Rory - Logan - Are You Ever Going To Ask Me Out? - 11.8 mB - wmv Format

Lorelai - Rory - Logan - Luke - Christopher - Little Miss Casual is Busted! - 5.8 mB - wmv Format

Lorelai - Luke - Christopher - Emily - We Are So Done! - 7.1 mB - wmv Format
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