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Old 12-07-2004, 09:49 PM
Extreme Fan
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Episode 5.13 - Wedding Bell Blues - Casting Sides Summary

From Jet1945

Episode 5.13 - Wedding Bell Blues"

Info taken from Sides in the Shooting Script 12/5/04

The information summarized below is taken from the 7 Sides published on 12/5/04 for a Judge, A Portly Gentleman, Susan, Bill, a Band Leader, a Woman, and the Photographer.

I will include context and stage descriptions where appropriate.

There is a lot of Dialog and Stage Direction blacked out in these Sides.
  • Characters:
    Judge - Older man
    Portly Gentleman - Older Portly man
    Susan - Woman, near Lorelai's age
    Bill - Man - near Lorelai's age
    Band Leader - man
    Woman - Woman (gossip?)
    Photographer - Man

Assumed Interior Location Unknown - Day - (Day Unknown) - Scene 17 -

Editor Note: Scene is picked up in progress.

Stage Direction: Angle on Emily. Emily now approaches the platform. Richard steps forward and offers Emily his arm. He walks her up to the Judge. The string quartet finishes their song.

The Judge asks everyone to be seated.

Stage Direction: The guests sit

The Judge begins his remarks describing how he has known Emily and Richard Gilmore for 20 years. He has known them to be two of the most formidable opponents the world has ever seen. They compliment each other. They defend each other. In a word, they were made for each other.

Stage Direction: Rory glances back over her shoulder to look at Logan again.

Editor Note: There is extensive Stage Direction that is blacked out here. It appears from what can be made out to involve Rory and Logan in some manner.

A Working Assumption: From other Spoiler sources, it is known that Logan has a Girl Companion with him at some point during the episode. It is possible that Logan has attended the Wedding with that Girl companion.

Stage Direction: Angle on Rory. Rory turns back. Her face falls.

The Judge is continuing telling everyone that today, in front of friends, Richard and Emily have chosen again to say to each other, "I choose you." The Judge continues asking, "How many of us in a lifetime get chosen, even once, for something we really want."

Stage Direction: Angle on Luke. He is still transfixed, staring at Lorelai. Marilyn leans in and whispers to him. In the back of the room a man comes in. He quietly walks forward and takes a seat in the back of the room. It's Christopher. No one notices.

The Judge ask Richard and Emily to face each other.

Stage Direction: Richard and Emily turn to each other.

The Judge: "Please repeat after me. I, Richard Gilmore..."

Richard begins his vow: "I, Richard Gilmore..."

Stage Direction: Fade Out.

Editor Note: The scene closing Stage Direction is blacked out.

End of the Side for the Judge

End of Act Two.

Assumed Interior Location Unknown - Day (Day Unknown) - Scene 18 -

Editor Note: Scene 18 is picked up in progress. A lot is blacked out.

Stage Direction: Angle on Rory. Rory positions herself behind a rather portly gentleman who is engaged in a conversation.

The Portly Gentleman is expounding to a woman about facts of genealogy.

Scene Direction: Cut to Luke and Lorelai

Luke is finishing up a conversation with a couple named Susan and Bill. Lorelai is there also.

Stage Direction: Lorelai swallows.

Lorelai greets Bill: "Hi, Bill, you remember me? Lorelai?

Bill remarks that he does and it is nice to see you again.

Susan jumps in to say that they should go find their table and that they would see them again later.

Luke tells Bill bye and Lorelai says goodbye to Susan.

Stage Direction: Bill and Susan exit off. Lorelai pats Luke on the back.

There is further dialog on the balance of the page between Lorelai and Luke about Bill and Susan. It is all blacked out.

Scene Direction: Cut back to the Portly Gentleman.

The Portly Gentleman is rambling on about how you start with at the siblings and then count down even generations, the children of siblings are first cousins, the grandchildren of siblings are second cousins, and so on. He continues on at great length describing second and third cousins twice removed.

Stage Direction: Rory peeks out from behind and looks at Logan...the balance of the blacked out Stage Direction cannot be made out.

End of Sides for Bill, Susan, and The Portly Gentleman.

Editor Note: Scene 18 COntinues and is picked up a bit later.

Lorelai: "Oh, uh..."

The Band Leader booms out: "Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd like to present to you for the second time, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gilmore!"

Stage Direction: The room breaks into applause.

Editor Note: There is about a half-page of blacked out dialog and stage Direction next.

Stage Direction: Angle on the dance floor. Richard is leading Emily around the dance floor. The guests are applauding. He walks her over to their special table for two and sits her down. The bandleader comes up and hands him a microphone. The guests quiet down. Lorelai and Luke take their seats at their table. Rory is already there, holding a cup of coffee, glaring off in the direction of Logan's table.

Editor Note: There is some blacked out dialog between the three of them.

Stage Direction: Angle on Richard.

Richard begins with: "On behalf of myself and my second wife Emily, I would like to thank you all for coming here to help us celebrate." He says that they are all good friends and that he and Emily are very, very lucky.

Editor Note: There is some blacked out Stage Direction concerning Lorelai.

Richard continues with how he gave the planning for their traditional first dance a lot of thought. That the song would represent the next phase in our marriage. The best phase of their marriage. He went over all the greats: Bennett, Sinatra, Chuck Berry and a story popped into his head. Then he says: "Now, most of you know my daughter, Lorelai."

Stage Direction: A couple at the table next to Lorelai lean in to each other.

The woman says: "The pregnant one."

Stage Direction: Lorelai sighs.

Editor Note: I know this little chunk of the scene is going to have people running off that Lorelai is now pregnant with Luke's child. However, what is shown in the Sides and such does not confirm that one way or another. IMO, however, in reading things and analyzing the context, it is my take that this is an older woman who knows of Lorelai's pregnancy with Rory and Lorelai's entire back story. It is in this context that when Richard makes reference to everyone knowing his daughter Lorelai - that this is how Richard's friends know of her - Pregnant Lorelai at age 16. Hence, the woman's descriptor - 'The pregnant one." Of course, it is possible that Lorelai really is pregnant again. But, as I wrote, this context refers to Lorelai in her younger years. YMMV

Editor Note: The balance of the page is blacked out. So, we do not know the name of the song

We pick up with Emily saying to Richard; "I cannot believe you remembered this song."

Richard asks for her hand.

Stage Direction: Emily takes his hand. She gets up and they start to dance. The balance of the direction is blacked out.

Stage Direction: Angle on Richard and Emily. They dance.

There is some blacked out dialog between Richard and Emily.

Stage Direction: Angle on the Band leader. he gets up and steps up to the microphone.

The Band Leader says: "At this time, if you're in love, we'd like to invite you to join Emily and Richard on the dance floor."

Stage Direction: Angle on Lorelai and Luke.

Most the next part of the dialog is blacked out, but from what I can just make out - Lorelai is asking (telling?) Luke to dance.

End of Side for The Band Leader.

Editor Note: Scene 18 continues on.

Assummed Interior Location Unknown - Time Unknown - (Day/Night Unknown - Scene 28 -

Editor Note: This scene - you've all been there - the group Wedding Picture - Chaos reigns. The scene is picked up in progress. There is a lot of blacked out Stage Direction and Dialog.

Stage Direction: The photographer take's Lorelai's arm and brings her over to the outside of Emily.

The photographer does his thing telling everyone that that is wonderful. Hold that...Everyone a little closer... perfect hold that.

Stage Direction: The photographer aims his camera. Lorelai leans in close to Emily's ear.

Lorelai's one dialog line is blacked out.

Stage Direction: Lorelai stands back up.

The photographer counts: "one, two, three..."

Stage Direction: He snaps the picture as Emily realizes what Lorelai just said to her, as we: FADE OUT.

End of Side for the Photographer

End of Scene 28 and

End of The Show

End of Casting Sides for 5.13 - "Wedding Bell Blues"
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