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Old 05-31-2006, 01:51 PM
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Ausiello Report, 31 May (here)

Lauren Graham, Scrubs Score TCA Nods!
The Television Critics Assoc. (of which I'm a member) just came out with its 2006 TCA Award nominations and, save for the Battlestar Galactica snub, it's a pretty fraktastic lineup. I'm especially jazzed that after years of checking off Lauren Graham's name, our girl finally made the cut. Ditto Scrubs. With any luck, both will prevail on July 23 when the trophies are handed out. (FYI: If the TCA brass are reading this, I've got dibbs on presenting Lauren with her award if she wins. C'mon, it's a no-brainer.) A list of the major nominees are below. See if you can guess who I'm voting for.

Steve Carell (The Office)
Stephen Colbert (The Colbert Report)
Lauren Graham (Gilmore Girls)
Jason Lee (My Name Is Earl)
Jon Stewart (The Daily Show)

Lorelai, about her dog: He's totally fine having his personal freedoms slowly stripped away,
as long as he's completely unaware that it's happening - just like a true American.
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