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Old 05-31-2006, 05:21 AM
Ultimate Fan

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Thanks for the thread, Gen.

Ausiello mentions GG today, not any real news (haven't seen it brought over yet):

Originally Posted by Ausiello
Question: You said a few weeks ago that you were working on getting an interview with new Gilmore Girls show-runner Dave Rosenthal. Any luck with that? — Lindsey

Ausiello: No. Not surprisingly, he's busy writing the season premiere and not doing any press.

Question: When are you going to run your entire interview with Battlestar Galactica exec producer David Eick, as you said you would? — Suey

Ausiello: Um, last Friday, perhaps? But in the spirit of full disclosure, I didn't run the entire interview. I saved a portion of it for this week's Ask Ausiello because I didn't want it to get lost amidst all the other Galactica prattle Eick was dispensing. Here's the portion I saved. Gilmore Girls fans, prepare to piddle uncontrollably.

Ausiello: Are you surprised that the word "frak" has invaded popular culture as it has? It was on Gilmore Girls this season.
David Eick: Was it? No way!

Ausiello: Yes. Lorelai said it.
Eick: Is she the younger girl?

Ausiello: No, she's the mom.
Eick: Oh my god. I have a thing for her. I want to meet her. If somehow Lauren Graham's use of the word frak translates into my getting to meet Lauren Graham, I'll do whatever I can. I'll have every character say it every other word from now on.

Ausiello: How about bringing her on as a special guest star?
Eick: She can be the new lead if she wants. Just kidding! Adama will kill me!

Ausiello: She could seriously kick some Cylon ass.
Eick: That's for sure.
Thanks for bringing our attention to CW's new GG montage, Nadine.

And thank you Canopus for the GG promo. Thank you so much for All the clips and caps you put up on your sites!!!
the CANOE and the KAYAK

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