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Old 03-12-2014, 12:14 PM
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Cordelia Chase/Charisma Carpenter Appreciation #54: B/C “I’m not a snivelling, whiny, little cry-Buffy!"

Thanks to tootyfnfrooty

No CC/Cordelia bashing. If you wanna bash Cordelia don't do it here.

Fan List (83):
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What people have to say about our favorite Seer:
"Cordelia is honest and forthcoming, and I'm like that, too. Sometimes it's a good thing, sometimes it's not. I'm more down-home and athletic than she is. She has to be fixed up to go grocery shopping." - Charisma Carpenter on Cordy

"There aren?t that many people who are that beautiful and funny. She can do every color of the rainbow." - David Greenwalt on Charisma, TV Guide

"But these boys know a siren when they see one. Boreanaz graciously refers to Carpenter as 'full of energy and spontaneity.' Glenn Quinn -- who played Doyle for the first nine episodes -- is less subtle. 'Well, come on,' he says, laughing. 'You just want to grab her!'" - TV Guide

"She?s always pushing herself, so I wasn?t surprised to hear about that." - Alexis Denisof on Charisma getting a motorcycle, TV Guide

"Charisma,again, a remarkable talent - don't think it's been fully utilized, don't think she's fully utilized. Beautiful woman, just used to make me laugh out loud on set. Some of her line readings were just extraordinary and so right on, and you'd never ever think that anybody could say it like that." -Anthony Stuart Head on Charisma Carpenter

"For months I've been begging, 'When do I get to punch somebody? When do I get to stake a vampire?' And now I am and it's so much fun," - Charisma Carpenter, Glamour July 2002

"She is working towards redemption herself, in a way, because she was such a bitch before! Now she had depth and dexterity, meaning and purpose in her life. So those are all things that I really wanted to work toward. All good drama. And all that has come to fruition, so I really don't have anything left now!" - Charisma Carpenter on her character

"There's something damned sexy about an undeniably sexy woman who doesn't perceive herself as being sexy."-SFX on Charisma Carpenter, February 2001

"I wish I was as witty as she is but I think she has influenced me. One of my favourite lines is, 'That's just propaganda spouted out by the ugly and less-deserving.' She says hilarious stuff." -Charisma on her character

"And I know David really loves writing for my character and it shows. I mean, he's got her dialed in really well and I can hear him, almost, saying it."
"I am Cordelia" Greenwalt joked.
"He's not kidding," Carpenter added. - Charisma Carpenter and David Greenwalt about the character of Cordlelia, Deseret News

"I kneed David in the groin once when I was pretending to have a fit." -Charisma Carpenter on being vision girl

"William Shakespeare once wrote, 'That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.' Exactly why he chose to talk like that, nobody really knows. But after all these years, he still has a point. It's doubtful that the inspiration behind his observation came from watching a medieval prom queen yukking it up with her vampire-slaying friends at the old Globe Theater centuries ago. Yet if he'd lived long enough to meet Charisma Carpenter, he'd probably look like Yoda - but he'd also be secure in the knowledge that he was right." -Mike Stokes, BtVS magazine

"Cordelia has purpose and meaning; she knows what her life?s work is about. She has had disappointment. She has dealt with death. She?s a real, bona fide person. That?s rewarding.? - Charisma on Cordy

"That?s something I would really like to do. I would like to be a female Arnold Schwarzenegger.? - Charisma Carpenter on wanting Cordy to kick butt

"Charisma commands attention whenever she's on the screen -- her parents must've known something when they named her." -Entertainment Weekly

"Charisma's a very confidant woman. She exudes that in her acting." - David Boreanaz on Charisma Carpenter, People Magazine

"Charisma has a natural humor that makes us laugh all the time." - Joss Whedon on Charisma Carpenter

"The next series of scenes I did with Charisma and the group lasted until 8:00 in the morning, all the while she was smiling, extremely friendly and kind, and of course, her incredible acting ability was a pleasure to witness..Charisma took time during her break in the scenes to talk to everyone, ask them how they were, were they comfortable etc. I was so in awe of her it was truly remarkable...I am very impressed with Charisma, not only because she is an excellent actor, but also because she has one of the greatest personalities I have ever had the honor of meeting, and it was awesome working with her." -Norm Sherry on working with Charisma

"Charisma's low-maintenance, if you can believe that...I've worked with a lot of female celebrities and I've got to tell you Charisma doesn't care if her hair's messy or her lipstick isn't dark enough. She gives a hundred percent of her ability and her looks aren't her priority all the time." - David Boreanaz, People Magazine

"Whether it was her piercing look, her fantastic legs, or simply her bubblyness, Charisma makes otherwise grown and cultured men stay home to watch a rather silly show about a bunch of kids slaying vampires, while providing a moral lesson." -

"Charisma Carpenter, former star of the cult hit Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and now the lead female in another vampire show Angel, steals our hearts not only with her cheesy lines and kung-fu skills, but a killer smile, and an innocent sexiness that would make Madonna jealous." -

"On the set of Buffy, the cast and crew loved Charisma." -

"Wake up Hollywood: Couldn't Sandra Bullock use a spunky kid sister?" - Entertainment Weekly on a movie career for Charisma

"She is obviously also very beautiful and charming and brings that to our show, and great fun, you kow. Great fun to work with...and just a great character." -Alexis Denisof on Charisma Carpenter, Special DVD feature

"Besides the fact that Amy is wonderful in a scene, tears your heart out and is gut funny, there is a scene in "Through The Looking Glass" where she's with Angel and she's very worried about Cordelia. Angel says, 'Oh, no, they made her a princess.' She just stops and says, 'When I got here, they never did that...that's good for her.' Then we cut to Cordelia on that throne, going, 'Maybe I should just leave.' Back to back gut funny performances from our two actresses. The fact that we can have two very funny women on the show is a good thing.- Tim Minear, SFX

"'The ever-wonderful David Fury wrote that episode and I love Mercedes McNab, who plays Harmony,' says Minear. "That was one of the few episodes where we did get to do the 'metaphore', which is 'my old high school friend shows up in town and we've both changed.' And she happens to have changed into a vampire. I thought Charisma was hysterical in that episode. - Tim Minear on Disharmony, SFX

"Charisma was over the top, Carole Lombard funny." - Tim Minear. SFX

"She's a fantastic actress - Very gifted. There was some chemistry there right away, even though we'd just met that first day on set. It looked great on screen, and you could feel something while doing the scenes. It really translated well." - Mark Lutz, Cult Times

"I love working with David and Charisma." - Alexis Denisof, Cult Times

"But I will say ? I have the highest regard for all my cast members, but I love working with Charisma [Carpenter], she?s so talented and such a hard worker. I don?t want to gush about any one more than the others though." - J. August Richards, Cult Times 2000

"She was certainly one of my most favorite characters. I've always wanted to do a coffee table book called The Wit And Wisdom of Cordelia Chase - David Greenwalt

"Whether she's scheming to get Angel, Buffy's vampire boyfriend, or flitting off to get her legs waxed, Cordelia is one of a kind." - Chicago Tribune

"Reluctant Slayerette Charisma Carpenter's character, Cordelia Chase, is a little taste of Beverly Hills, 90210 in Sunnydale. But she's there to do more than look good (a job she mastered in no time). While the other Buffy characters are attractive in spite of their demonic destruction duties, Carpenter manages to pull off the almost-annoying quirkiness that Cordelia brings to the group, without subtracting from the character's self-worship. - Suite 101 Online

"She was a character created by Joss mainly on Buffy The Vampire Slayer for many years and she was somewhat shallow, somewhat vain, somewhat self-centered but a lively and honest character who spoke her mind.-David Greenwalt

"As for Cordelia, he was blown away by her at first. Here's a guy who came from a strict English educational system and also someone who's devoted his life to being a Watcher. That's a 24/7 job, which doesn't leave a lot of time for a social life. As I said before, when Wesley came to Sunnydale, he hadn't had much experience with women. It's not as if he'd never encountered them before, but it wasn't an area where he felt either confident or comfortable. This was especially true when he was confronted with a bombshell like Cordelia. Let's just say that for a while there he was at a loss for words!" - Alexis Denisof on Wesley and Cordy, TV Zone

"Cordelia Chase...a spoilt rich girl who is unwittingly involved in much of the local weirdness, and always has a putdown ready." - Paul Spragg, Cult Times

"Cordy, Cordy, Cordy...The girl you loved to hate on Buffy -- but secretly admired for her straight-out-of-the-mouth nasty comments." -Sophisticate's Hairstyles

"As the haughty Cordelia Chase on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Carpenter could always be counted on to 'find the bitch within'...Delivering confidence-shattering missives to her poorer, less genetically-gifted classmates ("I could dress more like you," Cordelia once offered, "but, oh, my father has a job.") Carpenter?s character went from minor villain to major ass kicker in Buffy?s undead fighting clique.-Rolling Stone

"Elfin-faced Sarah Michelle Gellar has hogged much of Buffy's unexpected glory since it made its debut on the small screen in 1997 -- she is the show's title character after all -- but many a man openly holds a candle for her reluctant sidekick, Cordelia Chase." -FHM

"She?ll still be somewhat self-involved and in her Cordelia bubble - which is her charm" -Joss Whedon on Cordelia, Entertainment Weekly

"Perhaps the most interesting facet of this new show that is arousing the most interest is Charisma Carpenter's Cordelia." - Xpose, February 1999

"I said we must bring Charisma Carpenter [who plays Cordelia] to that show. She's such a great contrast to David's dark `broodingness'." - David Greenwalt, Cult Times

"I desperately wanted her to come to Angel because with Angel being dark and brooding I thought we need a big, bright smile." - David Greenwalt

"Why Cordelia? Because David Greenwalt, the first words out of his mouth when I pitched the show to him were, 'You've got to put Cordelia in there, because she undercuts all of Angel's suffering. She's the polar opposite of the world he lives in. She'd be a perfect foil and a perfect Gal Friday for him." - Joss Whedon, TV Week

"I think it?s a fabulous idea and I think we should bring young Charisma Carpenter who plays Cordelia Chase with us, because I think she will be a great foil for Angel, a great other side of that dark coin, that big bright girl." -David Greenwalt on AtS, BBC Cult

"Cordelia Chase is almost 180 degrees a different character than she was. She?s still very blunt, a tad vain and very funny, but she now has these tremendous visions that are literally killing her and she?s become a bit of a superhero herself." - David Greenwalt, BBC Cult

"And the fact that Charisma is coming with me makes things better. It's official now Cordelia will be 'my girl Friday'. She'll be very funny. She won't be a vampire. She'll help me with my moral dilemmas." -David Boreanaz, Shivers 2000

"The best change, however, may be the maturation of Buffy's former spoiled brat Cordelia, played with increasing depth and dexterity by Charisma Carpenter." - USA Today

"I think that Charisma will lend an opportunity for Angel's character to ride off Cordelia's antics, and it'll keep him balanced. It'll set him off-tone to everything, and that will present some humorous situations." David Boreanaz on the first season of AtS

"Cordelia is a ray of sunshine in a gloomy town called L.A...Cordelia is very passionate...She feels everything 110%. She's also very truthful and forthcoming. You always know where you stand with her. She's a survivor and a realist." - Charisma on Cordy, NY Daily News

"It is difficult to believe that this is the same Cordelia Chase that we met over six years ago in the first episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Both the character and the actress Charisma Carpenter have grown tremendously, and one could never have imagined either reaching the depth that they have. In the begining, Cordelia was a vacuous, albeit beautiful, cheerleader who didn't give a damn about anyone but herself. While in a number of ways Cordelia was a teen show clich鬟Carpenter somehow made it real."-Ed Gross, SFX Spring 2002

"Charisma by name, Charisma by nature. From her days as the bitchiest high schooler since Shannen Doherty in Heathers to the mellower Cordelia of today, Charisma Carpenter proves that beauty and talent are by no means exclusive." -SFX 2003

"They tried their luck at romance, and failed, but they've come out of it closer than ever. Since they know each other so well they feel free to bicker and trade insults. So that's a delightful relationship. It may have a complicated history, but it's also real and has several sides to it. Wesley and Cordelia would lay down their lives for one another." Alexis Denisof, TV Zone April 2002

"The episode showcased another side of Lilah, and brought forth the deeper depiction of Cordelia Chase this season, as well as the strong on-screen presence that is Charisma Carpenter. This episode marks a significant evolution in her character that surely will continue through the season." -French magazine Xpose reviews Fredless

"It's been argued that Angel works best when it's 'the Cordy Show'. After this superbly entertaining episode, with its footage of a breezy TV show called just Cordy (title song by Greenwalt and Noxon included) that seems an eminently reasonable point...Here, we see how much harder the lot of Angel, Wesley and Gunn would have been without Cordy." - TV Zone reviews Birthday

"It is, however, unfortunate that this episode lacked some of the humor and warmth that only Cordelia knows how to bring." - TV Zone reviews Provider

"What started out as a supporting character on one show is now the female lead on another. What began as a potentially one-note character has emerged, over time, as a fleshed-out and intriguing figure ? one who?s still blunt, outspoken and stylishly clad."

"Cordelia?s shown she?s tough and in control, even when it comes to dealing with something as evil and calculating as Angelus." - ScoopMe! reviews Soulless

"Tim Minear: I think another reason that this actually came to everybody?s mind was that, when you look at Charisma Carpenter, she does bare a resemblance to Mary Tyler Moore.
Mere Smith: Oh absolutely. Absolutely.
Tim Minear: And she?s so funny?
Mere Smith: Yes, Yes.
Tim Minear: And our feeling was that Charisma really could be-
Mere Smith: -A sitcom star.
Tim Minear: A big sitcom star like Mary Tyler Moore, and I think we all sort of had this fetish-fantasy of seeing her on a brightly lit sitcom stage with a live audience laughing at her jokes." -Birthday deleted scene commentary

?Of the two, Fred would definitely pick Charisma Carpenter?s character, Cordelia,? -Amy Acker on choosing over Cordy and Lilah to have a tryst with, FHM 2003

"The supporting cast -especially Charisma Carpenter as Cordelia, work well together to make this show a highly enjoyable series. In fact most of the time Cordelia gets all the best lines with a 'talk now - think later' bluntness, and Carpenter deserves all the plaudits for her superb performance, which in later season's has seen her character mellow into a mature and sensitive human being." -Television Heaven

"'The Charisma Show' sections show a genuine love and adoration of Cordelia, as is proper because she's Cordelia, and is meant to be worshipped.
-Tara O'Shea, Hollywood Vampire

"But the real attention grabber is Cordelia Chase (Charisma Carpenter), the character who experiences the most growth this season. Initially she's just like she was on BUFFY: snotty, self-absorbed, and sarcastic to a fault. Even then, she's immensely likeable, even though we know she'd probably give none of us the time of day. But her slowly building attraction to Doyle, tragically unfulfilled at the time of his death, and his gift to her of his blindingly painful prophetic visions, are what really make her blossom. When she first manifests her powers in "Sense & Sensitivity," her reaction is the same as any of ours would be: she wants these visions gone, and she wants them gone now. But by the time we get to the season finale "To Shanshu in L.A.," in which she suffers a grueling hours-long barrage of visions which almost kills her, the first thing she says when she comes back to reality isn't how much she wishes she didn't have this burden ? she instead talks about all the people she saw in danger and suffering and insists they must help them all. It's a beautiful moment, and one which makes us adore Cordy (and Charisma) forever." - Tony Whitt, Cinescape

"'Vamp Lover' Boreanaz does it for the ladies, Gellar does it for the boys, but the perenially cute Carpenter- Angel/Buffy mainstay Cordelia Chase- is the babe of choice for the discerning gent." - FHM Top 100, 2003

"That girl?s got an amazing body." - Julie Benz, Ramp July 2003

"She's always been great. Hers is a struggling character to begin with. We're two champions in our own right, and I think that's where the chemistry lies. We've had fun and developed a relationship with our characters that's had an impact." - David Boreanaz, SFX May 2002

"She was a great sport and would suck up the pain even though you could see that she was in it." - Vincent Kartheiser, BBC Cult, on working with CC while she was pregnant

"I hope [Charisma] comes back for a couple of episodes...I need her around because there's so much male energy on the set as it is!" - Amy Acker on CC's departure

"It's going to be sad not seeing her there. It's an unfortunate circumstance, and I don't know how it all unfolded. I don't think certain people were happy about it, but I'm just as clueless as anyone. I know she's happy--she's got a beautiful baby boy named Donovan. I'm really proud of her for becoming a mother." - David Boreanaz on CC's departure

"She's wonderful, man. She's wonderful. I was supposed to be the new Cordelia on Buffy but it didn't really work out that well, because I was a vampire and I kept lighting on fire when I tried to get into the house. So, yeah, watching Cordy, watching Charisma at work is like "Oh, that's what they wanted. The master's at work. I see". She's fabulous. She looks great. And she kicks butt with a sword, too. That was this morning." - James Marsters on working with CC in You're Welcome

Cordelia/Charisma Links
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Previous Thread Titles
#1: Because when it comes to dating....she's the slayer.
#2: Jealous? You should be...
#3: Sure she's a bitch, but sometimes you gotta be...
#4: Completely Charismatic
#5: Because she was born to be May Queen!
#6: She was made for greatness
#7: Tactless and Proud
#8: The girl with the million dollar smile
#9: "I'm Cordelia, I don't think I know. Okay?"
#10: Our Vision Girl
#11: Don't mess with the best!
#12: "Hey! Who's wearin' the tiara here, pal?!"
#13: "God, I'm so bored"
#14: *We* need her back!
#15: They had "lady luck" on their side.
#16: She's baaaaaack. And we are loving it.
#17: You want the honest truth, look no further
#18: Because there's just something about her.
#19: May queen and top 10% of her class.
#20: "Why don't you revolve yourselves out of my light?"
#21: Because she's the dip!
#22: Evil and loving it!
#23: "I think it, I say it. It's my way"
#24: "A ray of sunshine in a gloomy town called L.A."
#25: "I know, why do you think I let him out, you stupid bitch!!"
#26: "The girl you loved to hate."
#27: "Please. Continue with the praising."
#28: Because she's the Master!
#29: "Perhaps the whole point of this experiment is hair?"
#30: Has Cordy been a bad, bad girl? Definatly.
#31: She's reserved for people that actually HAVE a future.
#32: What? She can't have layers?
#33: Because the HEART is irreplaceable.
#34: Cause We Love Our Charismatic Star
#35: You love her so much, you can't shut up about her.
#36: Long Live The Queen!
#37: "There are stars, and there are stars. And then there's you."
#38: 'Charisma by name, Charisma by nature.'
#39: Because she can relate to Marie Antoinette
#40: "There's something wrong with my hair? Oh god!"
#41: Because Charisma is irreplaceable.
#42: Who does shallow better than her?
#43: Cordelia still lives in us.
#44: She commands attention whenever she's on the screen!
#45: Because she's honest, pretty and she can make us smile.
#46: Because She Was Queen C Does She Need Another Title?
#47: Come One, Come All! Vote For Your Favorite Queen C Hairstyle!
#48: "Tact is just not saying true stuff. I'll pass."
#49: "ME, what is your trauma? WE showed more gratitude!"
#50: Because she's honest, pretty, and she can make us smile

Suggested Thread Titles
~Because someone had to be May Queen
~Because she rocks our socks!
~Can we please deal with MY pain?
~She can be surrounded by people and be completey alone.
~"Well, it beats being lonely by yourself."
~"She's really the best friend you could ask for"
~"The Girl we admire for her straight-out-of-the-mouth nasty comments"
~The Wit and Wisdom of Cordelia Chase
~Because we can't think of anyone who looks better than her either.
~Because she has to be fixed up to go grocery shopping.
~Because she commands attention whenever she's on the screen.
~"Oh Cordeeelia, how we long to feeel ya!"
~Forget Angel! WE need Cordy back!
~Because Charisma Carpenter kicks ass.
~Because she actually looked forward to the SAT's.
~Because she got into all the good colleges.
~Because she does well on stardized tests.
~B/C Sometimes, even she had more tact than Giles.
~B/C With grease stains all over he new outfit, her pain wasn't just physical
~B/C She's Ms About-to-be-thrown-from-a-moving-vehicle
~B/C There's something. She's got a vibe, I'm getting a vibe. She's vibey.
~B/C She likes her men less broody and more spendy.
~B/C Get out of that chair, and I will feed you those Manolo Blahniks - which are stunning, by the way

Looking for more CC/Cordy love? Then come post at the
Charisma Carpenter Board

Last edited by starryeyesxx; 04-25-2014 at 03:21 PM
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Old 03-12-2014, 12:15 PM
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"The purpose of life is a life with a purpose. So I’d rather die for a cause, than live a life that is worthless.”
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Old 03-12-2014, 12:17 PM
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I had to cut the title a bit, but I think it still works
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Old 03-12-2014, 12:18 PM
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"The purpose of life is a life with a purpose. So I’d rather die for a cause, than live a life that is worthless.”
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Old 03-12-2014, 12:21 PM
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Old 03-12-2014, 02:15 PM
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The visions D:
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'Cause I don't wanna come back
down from this cloud
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Old 03-12-2014, 10:20 PM
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They look so painful.
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Old 03-12-2014, 10:28 PM
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And annoying

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Old 03-12-2014, 11:15 PM
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"The purpose of life is a life with a purpose. So I’d rather die for a cause, than live a life that is worthless.”
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Old 03-13-2014, 07:02 AM
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~My top ships:Brennan/Booth, Amy/Sheldon, Penny/Leonard, Angela/Hodgins, Gabrielle/Carlos, Piper/Leo, Buffy/Angel, Willow/Tara, Spike/Drusilla, Wesley/Fred, Janet/Steve, Clare/Steve, Kelly/Brandon, Kira/Odo, Ezri/Bashir, Jadzia/Worf, Troi/Riker, Hannah Caleb, Spencer/Toby, Bree/Trip~Thanks for 12 years of TBBT!~Aspie~ big Sheldon Cooper Fan~ Team Shannen and Holly~Icon by me~I don´t care what complete strangers think of me because I don´t know them at all ~
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Old 03-13-2014, 01:42 PM
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Charisma was amazing in those scenes in 1x22, you'd think she would feel silly screaming out like that, but her portrayal was totally convincing
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Old 03-13-2014, 04:32 PM
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People were wondering "What has gotten into her? She looks like she needs help."
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Old 03-13-2014, 09:19 PM
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Strong convictions.
"The purpose of life is a life with a purpose. So I’d rather die for a cause, than live a life that is worthless.”
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Old 03-14-2014, 02:49 AM
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Originally Posted by starryeyesxx (View Post)

Charisma was amazing in those scenes in 1x22, you'd think she would feel silly screaming out like that, but her portrayal was totally convincing
Yes she really did an amazing job there
I really felt Cordys pain in that scene.
~My top ships:Brennan/Booth, Amy/Sheldon, Penny/Leonard, Angela/Hodgins, Gabrielle/Carlos, Piper/Leo, Buffy/Angel, Willow/Tara, Spike/Drusilla, Wesley/Fred, Janet/Steve, Clare/Steve, Kelly/Brandon, Kira/Odo, Ezri/Bashir, Jadzia/Worf, Troi/Riker, Hannah Caleb, Spencer/Toby, Bree/Trip~Thanks for 12 years of TBBT!~Aspie~ big Sheldon Cooper Fan~ Team Shannen and Holly~Icon by me~I don´t care what complete strangers think of me because I don´t know them at all ~
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Old 03-14-2014, 03:33 AM
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& in the hospital scenes too, I felt so bad for her
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