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Old 04-28-2004, 02:44 AM
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Lorelai Gilmore App. #112 ~Pretty in pink...and all the other colors of the rainbow.

Lovely banner belongs to the talented Ashlee!

[img]smilies/flowers.gif[/img] Welcome to the Lorelai Gilmore Appreciation Thread 112!

The title refers the plethora of pink donned by Lorelai in season 4, and the fact that she looks amazing in any color.

We invite everyone to take advantage of Lauren's growing and dedicated fanbase by taking part in the Lauren Graham Board for more Lauren-centered discussions. There is now a Lauren Graham Appreciation thread very similar to this one there for your enjoyment. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Check out the last thread here

Lovely thread art by Marie-Eve!

LG Media

Check out this hilarious interview of Lauren on KTLA, here

And for something more recent check out some behind the scenes clips here

Why we [img]smilies/love.gif[/img] Lorelai

1. Because she's a great mom!
2. Because she has exceptional taste.
3. Because she gave Dean "the talk."
4. Because she's amazingly talented, funny, smart, and beautiful, just like Lauren.
5. Because she's a coffee addict!
6. Because she went to her parents so Rory could go to Chilton.
7. Because she's an amazing woman.
8. Because she makes guys just stand there, amazed.
9. Because Luke loves her too.
10. Because she thinks Wal-mart is boring.
11. Because she doesn't like avocado or tomatoes.
12. Because she speaks in very long paragraphs without breathing.
13. Because she does the "hair twirl."
14. Because she owns lip gloss that changes with her mood.
15. Because she jumps at the chance to listen to XTC's "Wasp Star: Apple Venus Vol. 2"
16. Because she loves to paint AND drink beer.
17. Because she can make a dress that has tool, sexy.
18. Because she can make a dress, period.
19. Because who else's mom's favorite band is Metallica?
20. Because she wears a jean jacket and looks damn good in it!
21. Because she loves Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory, but only with junk food.
22. Because she looks so great in the flippy skirt.
23. Because she has a thing for the Oompa Loompas.
24. Because we love her diamond studs.
25. Because she knows what a CHORD PROGRESSION is!!! (very cool - a true music freak)
26. Because she is not only Rory's mom, she is Rory's best friend and big sister.
27. Because she has strange passions.
28. Because she's multi-faceted abnormal.
29. Because she is the queen of the subtle transition.
30. Because she has the capability to say the sentence "Fruitlessly trying to rectify a ratty transgression" very early in the morning.
31. Because she gave up great tickets to a Bangles concert so Rory could bond with her classmates.
32. Because she scared the pointy haired boys.
33. Because she named her daughter after herself.
34. Because she would take a bullet for Rory.
35. Because she smiles right.
36. Because she woke up Rory at 4 am to give her the birthday talk.
37. Because she has symmetrical eyes.
38. Because she can drive Rory to school in shorts and boots (because of not having any clean laundry) and still look fashionable.
39. Because she's like a mother to more people than Rory, like Lane.
40. Because she has a comeback for everything.
41. Because she has legs AND arms.
42. Because she wants to carry pot roast at her wedding.
43. Because she loves gum and is concerned about dental hygiene.
44. Because she wants her wedding colors to be spumoni.
45. she sees the world through rose colored glasses "literally"
46. she owns a porn star t-shirt
47. she took Rory to Harvard b/c of her great sense of adventure
48. she needs her tunes!
49. she's ambitious and resolute in her dream to open an Inn with Sookie
50. 'Cause she knows the quickest way back to Hartford!
51. 'Cause she loves snow!
52. 'Cause she should be considered insane, but isn't!
53. 'Cause she organized an over the top out of control slumber party for all of her friends and family.
54. 'Cause she's human, and she got jealous when Rory was thinking of staying at her dad's and MommySherry's
55. 'Cause she's a casual dater!
56. 'Cause she does the PERFECT Dean Voice.
57. 'Cause she took inventory of all the important people in her life and promised to always be there for them.
58. 'Cause she's scarier than Tony Soprano.
59. 'Cause she has a pretty good track record for keeping Rory alive.
60. 'Cause she plans to be buried with all the good CDs, and her rock star belt.
61. 'Cause she offered to share her eternal resting place with Rory.
62. 'Cause Nancy McKeon will play her in her Lifetime movie - she's Jo!
63. 'Cause she forced herself to eat a grapefruit just to keep her dad happy.
64. 'Cause she knows exactly what to say to Manny to get the linens she needs.
65. 'Cause she's spirited! (Spirited is nice)
66. 'Cause she orders way too much Chinese food and lives off the leftovers for a week and a half.
67. 'Cause she convinced Luke to save her from the double pathetic.
68. 'Cause she plays bagel hockey!
69. 'Cause she thinks the Two Fat Ladies are brilliant.
70. 'Cause she sacrificed the Halloween candy for the company.
71. 'Cause she likes eight cherries in her Manhattan.
72. 'Cause she pretended to be Leonard on the phone and offered to save Rory from a night out with MommySherry.
73. She’s a self-sufficient woman!
74. Cause if she ever turned into a super hero…it’d be Wonder Woman.
75. Cause she’ll help Luke shower when she becomes a superhero!
76. Cause she thinks Mel Brooks has earned the right to have his face on her butt!
77. Cause she buys CD/clock radios that enables you to wake up to the barnyard animal of your choice!
78. Cause she gets addicted not only to coffee but to the freaky Coke with the lemon in it.
79. Cause Rory says her mother is a great person and her best friend in the world!
80. She invited Jess in to eat lunch with her; she even made small talk.
81. She helped Luke go apartment hunting.
82. Her voice is kinda like the Small World song!
83. Yes, she’s pretty, but hello, she’s smart!
84. She’s nothing if not a great organizer!
85. She encourages her daughter to do something bad when she’s out of town. It's the law.
86. When she leaves the spa she’s going to be Ted Nugent.
87. It WOULD kill her to go two days without coffee.
88. She put on the wonderful, relaxing spa robe to make Emily happy.
89. She knows that five minutes after a couple's massage people usually have sex.
90. Pouting and sulking and sighing. rolling her eyes, mumbling – That’s how she detoxes.
91. She smells like a peach.
92. She offered Emily her Vicious Trollop lipstick.
93. She saved her mother from the wide world of mungbeans and brought her to a restaurant to have a steak.
94. She orders her vodka martinis, straight up with a twist, very dry, very cold.
95. She loves the idea of shrimp cocktail with a steak dinner. It’s so Casino, Big Joe.
96. She likes to think of her parents the old fashioned way – separate bedrooms.
97. She knew Chad was checking out Emily in the bar.
98. She stole a robe with her mother to bond!
99. Cause it takes years of training to be able to eat the way she does!
100. Her phone messages are funny…they’re just really freaking funny!

If you want to start a new thread, use the LG Template. Brought to you by Kitty!!

Random Caps

[img]smilies/star.gif[/img] Quote of the Thread

LORELAI: Look who became a soche.
RORY: What?
LORELAI: You have a lot of signatures in here, little girl.
RORY: Everybody signs everybody's yearbook. It's polite.
LORELAI: "Rory, have a great summer. BFF. Amber." Hey, Amber BFF'ed you.
RORY: Yeah, I feel truly blessed.
LORELAI: "Hey, Aurory Borealis." Okay, can't talk to this one ever again. [reads] "You have been my inspiration, my rock, my light. I loved you in South Pacific." When did you do South Pacific?
RORY: What?
LORELAI: Some dipstick named Shauna thinks you were in South Pacific.
RORY: Oh, Shauna tends to get people mixed up.
LORELAI: Oh, okay. Hey, you know what's weird? A lot of the kids in here are calling you a valedictorian. Is that anything like a dirty skank, 'cause if it is I'll kick their plaid butts up and down the sidewalk. Were you named valedictorian?
RORY: Yes, and you know what that means? One more stupid speech that I have to write, that I have no time to write, but nevertheless, I have to write.
LORELAI: Hey, listen, my little Holly Hunter in Broadcast News, I'm gonna let you freak out and study like a mad woman and stress yourself out until finals, but once they're over, we are gonna celebrate big time. . .'cause this is amazing.
RORY: Yeah, it is.
LORELAI: Okay, now go make Mommy nervous.

Post your little hearts out!

[ 04-28-2004: Message edited A. B. Normal ]
RORY: Originally named Sophie Friedricke Augustine von Anhalt-Zerbst.
LORELAI: But everybody called her "Kitten."
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Old 04-28-2004, 03:08 AM
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thanks for the new thread lex [img]smilies/kiss.gif[/img]

and i like the title [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]
I make my own destiny

Sophie Devereaux is the finest actress you've ever seen, when she's breaking the law.

LEVERAGE campaign

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Old 04-28-2004, 03:13 AM
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Thanks!! That took waaaaaaay longer to do than it should have, but oh well, I had fun doing it. And now I'm gonna go to bed since I haven't been to sleep in about 48 hours. Papers suck.

Speaking of school, it's kind of weird, but I miss Lorelai going to her business class. It's not even like we ever even saw her in an actual class or anything, but I miss her saying "Oh, gotta go to class, pizza money's under the rabbi." or whatever.

PS: I love the quote in your sig, the way Melissa McCarthy delivered that line was priceless. [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img]

[ 04-28-2004: Message edited A. B. Normal ]
RORY: Originally named Sophie Friedricke Augustine von Anhalt-Zerbst.
LORELAI: But everybody called her "Kitten."
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Old 04-28-2004, 03:24 AM
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no sleep for 48 hours is not good...well i have sleeping problems and i sleep at night 3 or 4 hours...

thanks for liking my sig.. i think Lorelai and sookie are so cute togheter and Melissa and Lauren have a great way of playing together

well i dont know if i miss lorelai going to buissnes clas because in Germany she still does [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

have a good night sleep honey [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]
I make my own destiny

Sophie Devereaux is the finest actress you've ever seen, when she's breaking the law.

LEVERAGE campaign

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Old 04-28-2004, 04:16 PM
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[img]smilies/wave.gif[/img] I really love that banner.

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Old 04-29-2004, 12:10 AM
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Originally posted by ~Kitty:
<STRONG> [img]smilies/wave.gif[/img] I really love that banner.</STRONG>
Good! It took a while to find one that had just Lorelai in it and not Lauren Graham stuff. Remind me when we hit like page 7 on this thread to start begging for a banner from one of our fine fanart makers. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Thought I'd post TV Guide's Watercooler here, Lorelai did have a busy week!

Gilmore Girls
Sure, Lorelai's got more than her fair share of problems. First, her disapproving parents discover that she's been lying about her relationship with Jason, and her dear old dad decides to put a messy end to his business agreement with her suitor. Then, Lorelai discovers that her long-married parents are separated, and not only is her mom staying at an inn, she isn't even staying in her own daughter's inn, for goodness sakes. To top things off, Lorelai is forced to break things off with her beau because he threatens to slap a lawsuit on her dad. Whew. That's one busy week for the Stars Hollow chick. But through it all, Lorelai was able to maintain her witty banter with her daughter and, more importantly, keep her truly amazing tresses from ever looking less than perfect. Now that's good breeding. But the episode's best moment didn't involve Lorelai or her locks. It was Lane's bitter bilingual battle with her doppelganger.
RORY: Originally named Sophie Friedricke Augustine von Anhalt-Zerbst.
LORELAI: But everybody called her "Kitten."
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Old 04-29-2004, 10:52 AM
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[img]smilies/lol.gif[/img] and her week is about to get busier!

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Old 04-29-2004, 05:35 PM
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I have a Lorelai Banner, but when I get time I can try to make some more if you guys want something specific post caps or whatever...favorite quote or somethign!
You've got moonbeams in your eyes.
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Old 04-30-2004, 04:05 AM
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hey cher.. would you like to make me a lauren banner for my sig on another board *pleeeeeeease* *beg*
I make my own destiny

Sophie Devereaux is the finest actress you've ever seen, when she's breaking the law.

LEVERAGE campaign

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Old 04-30-2004, 06:09 AM
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Cher, that's extremely generous of you. I'll PM you later with some ideas, my pleasure. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Oh, if you guys want to entertain yourselves for about 10 minutes straight, analyze the cap from Double Date and the one beneath it, Lor at Jason's. It's oodles of fun noticing every little thing that's changed over 4 years.

Next episode is called: Luke Can See Her Face...hmm, wonder what that's all about. [img]smilies/smirk.gif[/img]

[ 04-30-2004: Message edited A. B. Normal ]
RORY: Originally named Sophie Friedricke Augustine von Anhalt-Zerbst.
LORELAI: But everybody called her "Kitten."
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Old 05-01-2004, 10:54 AM
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Comparison of the breakups:

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Old 05-01-2004, 10:58 AM
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hmmm very similar

lex i love the pic.. and i wonder if the titel is about lorelai [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]
I make my own destiny

Sophie Devereaux is the finest actress you've ever seen, when she's breaking the law.

LEVERAGE campaign

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Old 05-01-2004, 11:04 AM
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Luke Can See Her Face...hmmm.. I'll bet I know whre the title comes from:

Taylor asks Luke, "Say, Luke, what ever happened to that lawyer of mine, the one you dated?"

Luke: "Actually I think I married her. I can't remember her name, but I can see her face."
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Old 05-01-2004, 11:08 AM
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Originally posted by curlyhead:
<STRONG>Luke: "Actually I think I married her. I can't remember her name, but I can see her face."</STRONG>
Ha! *slaps knee*
RORY: Originally named Sophie Friedricke Augustine von Anhalt-Zerbst.
LORELAI: But everybody called her "Kitten."
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Old 05-01-2004, 03:12 PM
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Orginally posted by: curlyhead

Luke Can See Her Face...hmmm.. I'll bet I know whre the title comes from:

Taylor asks Luke, "Say, Luke, what ever happened to that lawyer of mine, the one you dated?"

Luke: "Actually I think I married her. I can't remember her name, but I can see her face."

Originally posted by A. B. Normal:

Ha! *slaps knee*</STRONG>

You can say the again! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]
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