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Old 06-04-2009, 07:05 AM
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Outlaws {S/K} #999: When you close the door it feels like you take the air out of the room with you.

sawyer: hey, freckles. you home?
James “Sawyer” Ford went through his life seeking revenge for a conman who ruined his
life, and in the process, he became a conman himself. “I became the man I was hunting.” He never
cared about anything except money. His life has been full of meaningless flings with all kinds
of different women, all for the common goal of gaining their husbands’ money. The only thing
that ever seemed to have meaning to him was a single letter that he wrote as a boy to the man he
was determined to kill. When flight 815 crashed, he was being deported back to the states from
Australia. He became the enemy among the fellow islanders, the “bad guy,” the “troublemaker,”
the “jackass.” There was only one person on the island, a fellow outcast, who he ever listened
to, who he ever did anything for, who he ever opened up to. His connection with her transformed
him, brought out who he truly was in the inside, showed what he was really made of. Despite his
attempts to get people to hate him because he felt like he deserved it, and even though he retaliated
with comments like “I ain’t no hero,” he is indeed the saviour of all those left on the island. At the
beginning he was called a parasite, “always taking, never giving.” Three months later, he was
jumping off a helicopter, ruining his chance at getting off the island, not to mention risking his life,
all to save the woman he loved. He’s a scoundrel and a hero, a fighter and a lover. And we know
that the love that transformed him will one day return to him, and he will be whole again.
Kate Austen was born to run. When Oceanic Flight 815 crashed on September 22nd, 2004,
a pair of handcuffs was found washed up in the debris. A few hours earlier, they were fastened
around Kate’s wrists, as she sat next to the U.S. Marshall on the plane. What was her crime?
She blew up her stepfather. She has gone through almost her entire life both running and
lying, and as the Marshall told her before she got on the plane; she has "no attachments." Nobody
to care about, or at least nobody to care enough about to stay in one place. It’s arguable that
the crash is the best thing that happened to Kate. She got a chance to start over. It was revealed
that she’s actually a strong-willed, independent, kick-ass woman who knows how to handle
a gun and beat up the bad guys better than almost anybody on the entire island. And yet at
the same time, she has a softer side, a vulnerable side that she only shows in certain situations,
around certain people, one person in particular. When she crashed on the island, she finally
had a home. And in that home, she found love, acceptance, and a reason to stand still. On
December 24th, 2004, Kate and five other islanders were rescued. At home she has come to
the realization that she has only Aaron. Off island, she has become the liar she once was. She yet
again put on a mask, a charade to make people believe she was someone other than who she
truly was. But Kate can only “pretend” for so long. One day she will return to the island, her home.
kate: we didn't... i didn't say goodbye.
From the moment he called her “sweetheart” for the first time, it was clear that James Ford and Kate Austen had something. He had been with girls like her, he told her. But not girls exactly like her, she responded. And thus began the amazing, frustrating, rocky, enthralling relationship between the two outcasts.

In the fugitive’s mind, she should be a good woman, and in order to be a good woman, she needed a good man. And a good man wasn't a conman like Sawyer. But as the days passed, her heart would not allow her to stray away from him. As their time on the island progressed, they shared everything together, from the most passionate kisses, to their deepest, darkest secrets. It hasn’t always been easy, but the best love stories never are. Their relationship is something real, something that is a true joy to watch.

When they crashed on the island, they were strangers, whose one similarity was that they were lost. Or.. at least that's what it seemed like at first glance. Behind all of their fronts, and lies.. they really aren't all that different when it comes down to it. They both happened to be deported back to the US on the same flight, that same day. But when they found each other, they found themselves.

Sawyer loves her unconditionally, and he will always love her, no matter what her past looks like and no matter what her future holds. Kate sees right through Sawyer’s tough exterior, she always has, but she also sees into James’s heart, which beats only for her. She makes him a better person, and he gives her a reason to believe again. Their salvation lies in each other’s love.

[1 - 295]
296. sambo81
297. ~AIR~
298. Videl-Chan

[1 - 165]
166. Because he gave her the baby she wanted.
167. Because he would keep looking for her "as long as it takes".
168. Because he has a second shot at her now and nobody makes the same mistake twice.
169. Because three years is not long enough for him to get over her.
170. Because he remembers every freckle on her face.
171.Because he saw her in the jungle and was close enough to touch her.
172. Because if he is a better man, it's only because of her.
173. Because they got the 3 years of separation, longing, a reunion with slow mo close ups and their theme playing.
174. Because he kept his hope. She kept her promise.
175. Because she took care of his daughter for three years.
176. Because he was the one who broke her heart and he'll be the one to make it whole again.
177. Because she wanted them to be together off the island.
178. Because he can't stay away from her.
179. Because it took them three months to fall in love and three years were not enough to forget each other.

our favourite moments;;

kate: you decided to join us.
sawyer: i'm a complex guy, sweetheart.

our favourite moments;;

sawyer: what do you keep smiling at?
kate: you need a haircut.

our favourite moments;;

sawyer: why the hell would you do something so stupid?!
kate: to save your life!

our favourite moments;;

kate: so, what, i'm your prisoner?
sawyer: if that sorta thing turns you on.

They have passion. When they fight, when they care, when they make love. It’s ingrained in their dynamic. It’s one thing to look good as a couple, but without chemistry, there’s nothing there to write home about. Skate has chemistry in spades. They argue more than they talk, but it’s the fire between them that really gets the point across. These are two people emotionally stunted and not used to showing vulnerability, but they’ve given themselves to eachother in ways I never thought I’d see. They’re far from perfect and it’s been a bumpy ride on this rollercoaster known as the Skate relationship, but they’re a beautiful mess worth seeing through to the end.
- Crystaline
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Old 06-04-2009, 07:05 AM
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We felt as though this was the perfect title for our Conman and Fugitive. After reading the Outlaws script.. it just seemed right. Since the beginning they've come a long way, but they've always remained two complicated, troubled souls.

The 14 songs that were chosen seemed to fit just quite right with our couple and theme. There's a range of subjects in our tracklisting, but one of the biggest is separation. Throughout the seasons Sawyer and Kate have been separated time after time; only to be reunited again with eachother, and thus allowing us all to witness an amazing show of emotion from the both of them.

Hopefully these songs will be looked up and listened to, and might remind you of Skate just as much as it did the rest of us. Enjoy!


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Old 06-04-2009, 07:06 AM
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“Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds.” This Shakespearean sonnet accurately describes the intensity of Sawyer’s feelings for Kate. Through the fighting, flirting, angst, sharing, love and miscommunications, he has always been in love with her in such a pure and unrestricted way. The underlying respect and understanding they have for each other always lead them back to each other. The passion, they have it, the chemistry, we feel it, and it sure as hell makes it entertaining to watch.
- tv_fan189
E is for emotion, which floods the senses. P is for passion, that burns eternal. I is for intimacy,
which we share with no other. C is for constancy, love and devotion unwavering.
- kyln77
Sawyer and Kate are like magnets: the force that attracts them to each other is so strong that they are helpless to fight it, no matter how much they would want to. Still, at times, also the opposite happens: the two magnets reject each other and they end up hurting one another, even though it's the last thing they would want to do, because they love each other more than life itself.
- _gloria
They understand eachother without having to say a word.
- Deiaa
Nobody can deny the overwhelming chemistry and animal attraction between Sawyer and Kate, but what's more important is the emotional connection that the two share. Together, each is free to be who they really are. They are the all-consuming, beautifully raw, epic love story of Lost.
- loveisrubyred
Kate doesn't have to be another person around Sawyer, doesn't have to pretend
to be someone else, because he understands and respects her.
- ChemicalLover
Kate is all Sawyer has in his life. She is the reason he wants to fight, wake up every morning and just live. Without her his life has no meaning, no depth. She is his goal because she understands him like no one, she is so similar but so different. When it comes to Kate she knows that when she needs a chest to cry on she has him no matter what. They know each other at their best and their worst, and take each other how they are. They don't judge. They don't try to change each other desperately. The change comes from their heart because Kate wants to be better for Sawyer and Sawyer wants to be better for Kate. That makes them stronger.
- just
I love Sawyer and Kate together because they demonstrate the power of self discovery and faith
in humanity through simply falling in love. How anyone can watch all of their scenes and
then NOT declare that Sawyer is truly the right person for Kate is beyond me.
- Yellow n Blue402
Kate is in love with Sawyer. She deserves something good, she deserves to be happy. There isn't a happy ending for Kate without Sawyer, just like there isn't happy ending for Sawyer without Kate. And they are going to get what they have always wanted: each other.
- tatibsblp
Kate is the only one who can break through his bad boy shell.
- x-emii-x
True love is unconditional, and that’s what makes Sawyer and Kate so perfect: they accepted and loved the darkness in each other. There was no need to hide their fears, their past or who they truly were. They were both broken, both troubled, and both unloved. And together, in just three months, they changed that.
- Niahm
They were never simple, but their conflicts and troubles make them more interesting and
seeing them come out the other side having grown is all the more satisfying.
- Titch22
Kate and Sawyer got me since the beginning. It’s not only because they are so extremely beautiful and intense together, but most of all because I can feel that kind of magic that two people who belong together have. They get each other like no other, they can be what they are around each other. No matter what they do, they can fight, laugh, kiss, make love, hold each other, even just look at each other, they will always represent the one for each other. Forever. It doesn’t matter if they’re separated by time and space: he’s her “him” and she’s his “her”.
- Freckles87
That's the great thing about Skate. We have the true love.
- lyssie88
Have you ever looked into someone's eyes and felt the world disappear around you? Or have you ever loved someone so much, that just a thought of them could lighten up your day? What about having had a love so deep, that no matter the distance or time separating you, the bond can not break? Together, Sawyer and Kate prove that this love exists.
- Forever&Always
They know how it is to be on the run their whole life, and how it is to pretend to be someone who
they truly aren't. They are on the same level. They don’t need people to judge them, they
need people who will actually understand them. You can't change who you are.
- ~Amarula~
Love isn't a fairytale. Kate and Sawyer prove that. Their story is so captivating that it's impossible not to fall for them. The love that they feel for each other is there, in the way they look at each other, in what they do for each other, in their caresses, in how they miss each other when they're not together. Both suffered enough in the past, so now they both seek for their deserved happiness, hopefully together.
- SkateGirl88
You know it's an epic love story when it took two people three months to
fall in love and they still couldn't forget three years later.
- Demy
Sawyer and Kate met and fell in love all in three months. Just three months. And then three whole years later, they still haven't managed to get over each other. If that isn't true love I don't know what is. There will always be fights, there will always be moments that will make us frustrated but hey, that's why we fell in love with them in the first place. They represent what's true; because after all you can't help who you love.
- {christie}

In this one simple act of understanding, comfort and devotion you can see it's love, you can feel it, you
can touch it, you can live for it and with it. It's in this hug. This simple moment of clarity. ("?" Hug)
- Blackened Sky
Sawyer and Kate have by far the hottest sexual chemistry I have ever seen, but their relationship is so much more than that. Sawyer and Kate have shown that they would do anything for each other, even if it meant sacrificing their own happiness. They accept each other, have always treated each other as equals and can simply be themselves without judgement being passed. Whether they are flirting, arguing, sexing, fighting, laughing, crying.. you can always see the complete love they have for each other.
- KevinTheWrench1

It's About Bunnies - Everything Skate
Afternoon Delight - Coming Soon
Once In A Lifetime - Fanlisting
The Lost Diaries - Fanfiction, Arts and Videos
Quotes about Skate
Sawyer & Kate At The End - LiveJournal
Lost Me // Found You - LiveJournal
Skate Stillness - LiveJournal
Kate and Sawyer ♥ - Deiaa
Hallelujah - {christie}
River Flows In You - LadyMorgana
Closer - SkateGirl88
With Or Without You - {christie}
Broken Hearts - Demy

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Old 06-04-2009, 07:06 AM
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On July 6th, 2008 at approximately 8:25 Eastern Time EIGHT was born.

You see, us Skaters are a sarcastic bunch, and in the process of trying to find the word 'epic' we stumbled upon something much more larger than we could have ever imagined. Something no one was ready for, and something that would stay with Skate for the rest of time.

We now introduce you to:
The History of Eight.
It all started with a solid team of ANESS and BNESS. They were practically alone, posting in thread #278, when all of a sudden, Ally wrote this post.

It went something like this:
Skate is kind of like that.. thing.
Damn, i'm honestly having a really hard time with the word.
It's like.. when there's a huge love story, but it happens in the most random of places.
Like an island or something, maybe.

And then.. they go through all this angst.
One may have a few brushes with death, but you know.. they get through it.

And then there's this last thing that happens.. it's like something HUGE, you know?
Where this one person does something so miraculous for the one they love.
You know, and like.. man, i'm trying to hink of an example.

They could like.. jump out of a helicopter or something crazy like that, you know?
Risking their LIFE.
To save that one person, and maybe a friend or two.

And their love sees that you actually sacrificed something for them, and are just more in love than ever.

But like.. realization sets in that.. they're separated now, right?
And THEN SOME CRAZY FREAKING INSANE CRAP HAPPENS.. and they both think the other is dead.

Like that's serious.

ANYWAYS.. moral of the story is..
Do you know what that's called?
I totally forgot the word.
What then happened was an amazingly eight-like conversation between the two:
Bridge: it can't possibly start with E?
Ally: It's not Episode, right?
Bridge: more like...Epidemy?
Ally: Erie?
Bridge: Emo?
Ally: Everclear?
Bridge: Exclusive?
Ally: Enter?
Bridge: "E" button?
Ally: Erode?
.. when all of a sudden, Kathy came along and gave us a way in (without even ACTUALLY talking about eight, because 'epic' was in the title):
Kathy: Could the word you guys are looking for possibly appear in the title of this thread? Nahh, probably not.
and this is when it happened:
Bridge: you mean #278 - as in Eight? -




Omg, new title, please? I'm not even kidding. It doesn't get any better than that. I honestly can't believe there was actually an 8 in the title to warrant that, LMFAOOO.

Bridge: of course what we mean is SKATE IS EIGHT WONDER OF THE WORLD.

Ally: God.
They're so eight.

Bridge: You're Eight guys!
Then Crystal joined in with her eightness!:
Crystal: Eight is a way of life.
Ally: Eight IS life.
Crystal: I think I want to marry Eight.
.. the first rhyme:
Ally: Skate is eight.
And Eight is great.
Great is Skate.
Are you born in the 1980's? If so, you are a member of:
The Nation of Eight.
The very first eightness awareness in a title EVER:
#279: Skate is the EIGHTH wonder of the world.
Proof it was meant to be:

They sell stuff.. FOR SKATERS.
500+ threads later.. here we are, thread 888.. a place we never believed we'd see. Something we joked about, but here it is, and it is eight.

| Top 8 Scenes |

I Do - Cage Sex

k: when were you planning on telling me this?
s: never.
k: why not? why wouldn't you?!
s: 'cause i wanted you to believe that we had a damn chance.
[she kisses him]
s: what was that for?
k: i don't know. i don't know.
I Do - Post Coital

s: lemme ask you something, freckles. when blockhead was beating on me, and you said "i love you." that was just... to get him to stop, right?
[she kisses him and lays back down on his chest]
s: i love you, too.
There's No Place Like Home - Spectacular Kiss

s: hey! [whispering] i have a daughter in albuquerque, you need to find her, tell her i'm sorry.
k: why you tellin' me this?
[he kisses her]
s: just do it, freckles.

Confidence Man - First Kiss

k: so i'm here. where is it?
s: happy to tell you, as soon as i get that kiss.
k: what? are you serious.
s: baby, i am tied to a tree in a jungle of mystery. i just got tortured by a damn spinal surgeon and a gen-u-ine iraqi. of course i'm serious. you're just not seeing the big picture here, freckles. you really going to let that girl suffocate because you can't bring yourself to give me one little kiss? hell, it's only first base. lucky for you i ain't greedy.
k: okay.
s: okay.
One Of Us - Reunion Hug
Outlaws - I Never

s: i never been in love.
k: you've never been in love?
s: ain't drinkin' am i?
k: i never blamed a boar for all my problems.
s: i never cared about having carte blanche cause i only wanted to spend some time with the only other person on this island that just don't belong.
k: i never carried a letter around for 20 years because i couldn't get over by baggage.
s: i never killed a man... well, looks like we got something in common after all.
Collision - Pill Scene

k: sawyer? hey, you have to listen to me, okay? the only way that you are going to get better is if you take this pill. so i want you to swallow it, okay? okay, here we go. now swallow, swallow. good! good.
I Do - Rain Scene

k: don't you let go! don't you even think about it, sawyer, you fight! no no! sawyer, no! no, no! sawyer, please! you get your hands off of him!
p: get on your knees!
k: please! i will do anything you want!
p: i want you to watch!
s: close your eyes, freckles.
k: stand up!
s: close your eyes!
k: don't you give up! no, no no!
The Little Prince - Sawyer sees Kate in the jungle
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Old 06-04-2009, 07:07 AM
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thanks loveeeeeeeeeeee we finished another one
loves a mad redhead
our Doctor
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Old 06-04-2009, 07:08 AM
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·Forget the reckless things we've done
I think our lives have just begun·
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Old 06-04-2009, 07:08 AM
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Thank you Christie

Whatever the future brings, you are my light.
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Old 06-04-2009, 07:08 AM
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I can't believe the next one's going to be the 1000th
loves a mad redhead
our Doctor
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Old 06-04-2009, 07:08 AM
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Thanks Nic

999 epic
Heir to the demon...

Icon by Judith
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Old 06-04-2009, 07:09 AM
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I'm Nicole

Seriously, 999
This is just insane.
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Old 06-04-2009, 07:09 AM
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so, so far for the 1000th we said we'd do the awards, the four most skatey couples, we'll have the new soundtrack.......any other ideas?
loves a mad redhead
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Old 06-04-2009, 07:10 AM
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Originally Posted by {christie} (View Post)
I can't believe the next one's going to be the 1000th
I know

·Forget the reckless things we've done
I think our lives have just begun·
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Old 06-04-2009, 07:10 AM
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Oh Boboo sorryI thought Christie did it and I didn't look the icon
Whatever the future brings, you are my light.
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Old 06-04-2009, 07:10 AM
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Originally Posted by {christie} (View Post)
so, so far for the 1000th we said we'd do the awards, the four most skatey couples, we'll have the new soundtrack.......any other ideas?
I guess we'll have all the new arts as well?
Icons, too.

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Old 06-04-2009, 07:11 AM
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someone should make the icons for the winners of the awards Nic? or maybe dre
loves a mad redhead
our Doctor
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