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Old 07-23-2008, 06:52 PM
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Masochists [B♥L] #888: Rewatch S3 for The moments where books & clothes were inspired

{ Welcome to the Brooke & Lucas 888th Appreciation Thread }

Because I still remember how we used to be
back when you called me your Pretty Girl
and told the world you were the one for me.
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Old 07-23-2008, 06:53 PM
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This episode was kind of cute. Want to know why? Because Brooke and Lucas totally get it on! And not just completely randomly. Like they actually have build up to it! Lucas just didn’t get up out of bed one morning and said "Hey, I think I’ll date Brooke!" like he usually does with some blondes. Nope, they went out as friends and things just went from there. After the previous episode where the two of them actually talked and got to know one another, he realized that most people were wrong about Brooke. He wanted to get to know her more so he gave her his favorite book to read. Brooke, of course, makes it a game and tells him that she’ll read the book – if he does something for him. So at the beginning of this episode, she pops up everywhere with flirty hints. Even Keith picks up on it. She finishes the book and takes Lucas out for the night. Sissy virgin boy that he is, thinks that drinking beer is his part of the deal, but oh no, Brooke has much more up her sleeve. She impresses him with her pool skills, she tells him some truths like how she loves heat lighting on those summer nights, and the two bond further over ‘Weird Science’ before Brooke leads him to a corner and shows him her tattoo. Which, by the way, is very sexy. And lo and behold the very intense and hot make-out session which is probably the hottest first kiss in the history of first kisses.

Despite the fact Lucas wakes up with a tattoo, he enjoyed himself – and so did Brooke. And then some other stuff happens in this episode that’s too boring to mention. But basically what it comes down to is that this episode owned all. I mean, yeah, episode 3 had leopard bras and topless Brooke, episode 8 had their sweet talk in Peyton’s room and a kiss on the cheek – but episode 9 was the one where Lucas really started looking at Brooke as much more than Peyton’s best friend. And what’s more, this episode ended with a cliffhanger. Brooke or Peyton? Hmm, choices, but because of this episode and the one before, Lucas chose Brooke. You get it. He CHOSE her. So suck it. And thus the two of them began to date… until Lucas screwed it up but we won’t talk about that. Just think of the kissage.

So when we all saw this trailer, how many of you did a little squee of joy in your heart? How many of you rewound it and watched it over and over again? That tiny clip with Brooke and Lucas on the beach was pressed into our minds. We wondered, ached, obsessed over how and why they were sharing a scene together after the season of heartbreak we had before. Episode 9 of season 2 heralded something we like to call hope. I mean, we did have mentions of our couple in the episodes before, but none so wildly thrilling and touching as this.

But let’s start at the beginning. There was a school dance and Lucas was going with Anna, while Brooke was going with Peyton with the intention to hook up with Felix or whoever. Like Brooke said: "it’s not who you take to Formal, it’s who you take home." And boy howdy did that mean something!

After discovering Mouth and Felix both lied to her, Brooke broke her ‘Friends With Benefits’ rule with the latter; and when he tried to defend his actions by bringing up her past hurt with Lucas, Brooke replies that he’s not like Lucas – because she won’t let him into her heart like she’d done before.

Lucas, by the way, had dropped Anna home because… well, basically, I think he was a little scared at the way she was coming on to him. He told her he wasn’t going to have sex again until he was in love because of past experiences – but we can now safely smile and say he wanted to wait until he and Brooke were in love again. Yes, that’s the truth, don’t try and deny it.

So anyway, Brooke’s sitting alone on the beach, wondering just where she’d gone wrong. I mean, Felix was hot as hell and it was only a bit of fun – but Mouth was supposed to be her friend and instead they’d both had hurt her. So when Lucas comes up to her, I guess he’s the last person she wants to see since he was the first person to have hurt her so deeply. Remember, this is like, what? A month after they broke up? And so Brooke’s still hurting a little from it. Even though she doesn’t really want to talk to anyone at this point, Lucas manages to coax it out of her and giving us one of the greatest Brooke lines in history: "Why does everybody lie? You know, the bad guys lie to get in your bed… and the good guys… lie to get in your heart." She turns to Lucas as she says this and he turns away in guilt, knowing his part in all of this. He does his best to convince her that she’s not the idiot she thinks she is because she already knows who she is – while most people are afraid of others figuring it out before they do themselves.

He offers her a ride home, but she refuses trying to stick to her guns – but of course, she ends up agreeing, and when she turns to pick up her shoes, she finds Lucas’ hand extended towards her in a somewhat redeeming/apologetic gesture. Just a little sign to let her know that he doesn’t want to be the guy who once hurt her. And she takes it, in a poetic sort of forgiving way. Like, no words have to be exchanged between them as he pulls her up and they walk off slowly down the beach. It’s their own way of apologizing for all the stuff they put each other through before, and I guess we can be really insightful and say how the ocean waves are like washing away their past mistakes so they can start anew.
Which is what they end up doing because after Lucas treats Brooke to breakfast, he drops her off home and she tells him that they should be friends. Lucas smiles and nods, "I’d like that," he says… and at home, we Masochists are saying the exact same thing. Season 2, episode 9 was definitely a landmark in rebuilding the Brooke/Lucas friendship, and giving us the first spark of something so much more.

I’m guessing by this time, a lot of us were really frustrated and our hope was dwindling, right? Because after a whole season, Brooke and Lucas were still playing games which had suddenly gone downhill thanks to a series of events that we’ll just blame on… well, everyone on the damn show. A lot of us were actually very close to throwing out our TVs after that WB promo but thank god we didn’t.

Brooke and Lucas were both feeling like crap at this point. Their once flirty and harmless games quickly snowballed into almost breaking them apart permanently. See, Lucas was the one angry and hurt this time and so sick of having put his feelings for her on the line for it to be thrown back in his face, while Brooke was the one scrambling to apologize and just get Lucas to talk to her so she can explain – but he’s having none of it. He’s hurt, really bad. He even deletes her number from his phone! Oh noes! And when she meekly creeps into his room, he’s determined to show her how much he’s hurting. They argue and bring up… well, some pretty bad stuff and it really honestly looks like there’s not going to be a way to redeem any of this when he turns away and rejects her apology.
Until Brooke finally gives it one last shot and hands him the 82 letters she wrote to him all summer. Her speech is so heartbreakingly beautiful. She honestly thinks that she’s ruined their chances and this is her last ditch effort to show him just how much she cares.

Brooke leaves in tears and then Lucas does the best thing ever and chases after her and forgives her. Though she wonders how he could forgive her for what she’s done, he’s adamant to give it to her. He’s the guy for her! And he knows he hurt her last time but—She loves him! She manages to say through her sobs. He gives her this little grin and tells her that he loves her too… pretty girl. He reaches out and touches her cheek and I think we all just died when they closed the gap between them and the camera slowly panned out on the couple. Of course, it wasn’t over, we had that cute 3 second scene of the two of them making up in bed. Just slow, tender kisses that were the culmination of a season’s worth of pain, heartache, glances and touches.

I just noticed the title of the episode. Hello foreshadowing. Anyway, season 4 began with Lucas and Brooke breaking up and even though they didn’t break up on the best of terms, Lucas still wanted to be with her. I honestly believe that she wanted to be with Lucas too but she also knew that she couldn’t be with him because she knew he’d break her heart eventually and that was something she thought she could prevent by giving him up.
Brooke gave Lucas up and remained hostile towards him simply for the reason that she was afraid of getting too close again and getting hurt. After all, isn’t it better to hate him than love him and see him with somebody else? So they go back and forth with apologies and snide comments and we all cry and have our heart broken all over again. Then Brooke and Lucas have no scenes or don’t mention each other for the longest time. Until 4.08 where Brooke asks Lucas to the dinner thing (Rachel calls it a rebound from Nick but we know the truth because Nick? Mark S, you fail!) and he agrees and is actually excited about something, proving that he still wants to be with Brooke and he’s jazzed she asked him. And the night ends with Brooke and Lucas randomly calling their relationship meaningless (WTF? Because a season and a half of buildup and then half a season of ‘you’re the one for me’ ‘I’m the guy for you’ ‘I love you’ mean nothing, right? FAIL again Mark!) but ending on good terms. Except it’s not really perfect terms because Lucas is totally bummed and so is Brooke.
Then this episode happens. This episode that was probably one of the best episodes of the lackluster season (and we can blame the lack of BL on that), signifies a change in their relationship. All of those who thought 4.08 was the end of their relationship were proven wrong. This is the real end of their relationship and the start of their friendship.

Before you cry, listen to why this is good. Brooke finds out that Lucas chose her to be the one standing next to him when all his dreams came true and it’s true (kinda) because she’s the first one we see by his side when he sinks that winning shot. They greet each other with huge smile and hug and then she does the most amazing thing in the world. She gives him away. Ever heard of the saying: if you love someone, set them free? Well that’s what Brooke does. And she does it freely, happily and with everything in her heart. Above everything she wants Lucas to be happy and if being with Peyton is going to make him happy, she’s going to let him be with Peyton. Lucas had never given us an indication since season 2 that he ever wanted to be with Peyton but Brooke gives him his blessing that if he does want to be with her, he can. He does try to protest but she knows him too well and she gives him a loving look and tells him that it’s okay, because it really is okay, and watches him go. It’s a bittersweet moment for Brooke. She’s watching the love of her life be with somebody else at the happiest moment of his life but he’s happy, and that makes her happy. And even though it signals the end of their relationship, it opens the doors for them to become friends again. Wouldn’t we all prefer to have the two as friends instead of trading insults? The episode nine rule still rings true for Brooke and Lucas. Episode 9, good or bad, will always have a deep meaning for their relationship and friendship. Besides, from here, it can only get better.

Thanks to the lovely Tej for her episode NINE views.
Because I still remember how we used to be
back when you called me your Pretty Girl
and told the world you were the one for me.
Remember us?
Pretty Girl Boyfriend
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Old 07-23-2008, 06:53 PM
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She started out as the other girl. She wasn't tortured. They didn't exchange soulful glances. Her rage was confined to the color of the dress she wore. Brooke isn't a gentle breeze, a soft whisper, a delicate engraving on a sketchpad. Brooke Davis is a hurricane, a dizzying array of brightness and laughter, a force to be reckoned with. And from the moment she popped up in Lucas' backseat, his life was never going to be the same again. She made him blush, made him stutter, made him live. She collected drinks and bad habits, the proverbial Jessica Rabbit. She opened his eyes, and for the first time, he could see.

The choice was supposed to be simple. The girl to spend forever with, the girl who he shared a brain with, or the girl who tasted of southern sin, the girl who could keep him in a wicked trance for days. He chose hot tubs and hormones, tattoos and tastes of the forbidden. He chose to be pulled into the whirlpool of Brooke Davis, hot kisses and endless nights and he was never going to be the same.

But something happened. The girl, the girl who was supposed to be one night of fun, one note personality, one cheap shot, she was something more. She had a depth, a softness, a fragile girl hidden behind her sparkling eyes. And somewhere in between the whipped cream and condoms and stolen kisses, she fell. She fell hard. She didn't say it easily, and she didn't say it often, but she gave a rat's ass.

He took her in, the bitch and the wild child and the cheerleader and the flirt and the girl who loved Weird Science and called squirrels "squellers." He took it all in, and he didn't see these parts. He saw Brooke.

"And then suddenly he knows that there is a chance that this might be something more, that there is a chance that she might be something more.

And he knows there
in this moment that he could love her."

She is rambling now and he smiles. Only she would feel the need to convince him, of all people, that she deserved to be loved.

God, what had he done to her?

Lucas never knew what to make of Brooke Davis when their worlds first collided. He knew her by reputation, of course, but when she turned the full force of her efforts his way, he had no moves to fall back on. She exploded into his world, and he was dazzled by her. She treated him the way she treated every male she came across … a wink, a suggestive comment, the patented leopard print bra, and then she seduced him. He let her seduce him. Then the rules changed. Brooke opened her heart and wanted to make things between them real. Boyfriend and Girlfriend. Lucas tried to follow the rules, but he was still lost in the Brooke Davis that he thought he knew. The girl who didn’t do commitment, and who didn’t want a special someone to cuddle at night.

He broke her heart. Callous? Yes. Cruel? Most definitely. But this was a boy who’d been thrown into a world he didn’t know and wasn’t prepared for. An excuse? Never. But it begs understanding, why this gentle boy took a heart and shattered it. He broke Brooke’s heart, without even realizing it, without thinking about it. Until he saw her pain. Then her pain became his pain, so much so that he wanted to leave everything he loved behind.

Then, of course, he fell in love with the Brooke Davis behind the facade. The one she tried to show him once before, but he couldn’t appreciate then. Only now did he truly appreciate how much damage he’d done to this once bright, shining star of his. He knew she deserved the whole world and much more. She had the biggest heart, the biggest smile and the most grace he’d ever seen, all hidden from the world at large. But she couldn’t trust again. The most fearless girl he’d ever known feared even the slightest hint of true intimacy. What he’d done to her, only he could take back. He did it by giving her his heart, and trusting her not to be careless with it. Because, despite everything he’d done to break this girl, he knew that she was the one for him.

"What is it about the dark that makes it easier to tell secrets?"

Not only is this a quote from one of my favorite fics of ALL time, but I guess it also represents their relationship especially in season 1. In season one, Lucas was experiencing love a force unknown to him. He – as well as many others – thought of Brooke as some whirlwind hurricane. You could say he tamed Brooke Davis because the minute they started dating, she began to let her guard down. She showed Lucas the real Brooke. The girl who was experiencing a relationship with substance, which was something she clearly never had nor wanted before. And as she tore down these walls, she found herself revealing things to Lucas. Like her fears, her insecurities and her hopes. Perhaps she felt that the dark seemed safer somehow. Like no-one could see her or look at her or judge her for it. I think that’s all that Brooke ever wanted.

And it is then that she realizes ... She and Lucas? Have much more in common than people think. "You're not going to lose me Lucas," she says softly and with a tenderness most wouldn't expect from her. And before she can say another word his arms are around her and all the air has escaped her but it's not because he is hugging her so, so tightly.

Though she will never admit it she does worry sometimes. That they're too different. That he deserves more. That he'd be better off with someone who could give him ... everything. Everything he deserves. But then there are moments like this where he looks at her like he needs her. Like she is his everything ... And she knows everything will be okay and tells him so.

Because it's true. Brooke and Lucas have so many differences... their music, their manner of speech, their hobbies, their plans for the future. But what's most important is at the very core of them, they're much alike. Like Mouth said, "[their] hearts are the same". The most basic of traits they have - their loyalty, their view on life - are similar. And what isn't, they come to learn and accept about the other. They make their differences work for them and not against. They're not opposites that attract, but rather opposites that complete.

"Can you ever just," she sighed shakily, "love me standing by myself?" Lucas scanned her blank face. "I don't mean love me when you're standing by yourself, when you have no one else to look to. I mean love me when you have all other options open, when you know that you can have anything else, but at the end of the day you want me. Only... me."

This could have actually been said on the show. It’s so Brooke to be vulnerable and insecure even if others see her as a confident girl. Lucas, too, saw a girl so sure of herself and so unafraid of what others might think. But here, in this moment we see Brooke at her most fragile, with her biggest fear of all; that Lucas will leave her. You can almost see the fear in her eyes that he might say no. That he might leave her and hurt her again. We’ve seen this in every season. She knows that she and Lucas are an unlikely pairing and it frightens her that she might lose him.

"Lucas has called her everyday since the wedding. His messages, once long and hopeful, have taken on a desperate, pleading tone. "We can make this work," he says on Tuesday. "I love you, Brooke," on Thursday. "Please. I can fix this," he begs on Friday. She wishes she could yell at him, wishes she could tell him he can't fix this, ever, that it will always be this big, ugly, gaping wound and he needs to accept that, like she did. Like she's trying to do.

No, what she really wishes is that she could physically remove the piece of her heart that will always belong to him. She wishes she could pretend she doesn't feel his eyes boring into the back of her head as she passes him in the hallway, wishes she could forget what it feels like to have his weight pressing her into the mattress below, wishes she could stop thinking about Lucas for five whole minutes. Because right now what she needs more than anything is for the noise in her head to stop."

This is what I have ultimately believed is the difference between Brooke and Lucas. If it was up to Brooke she wouldn't be pathetically in love with Lucas. She wants to be free-spirited and bouncy and half of the person she pretends to be to the public. She wants to not give a damn. Because sometimes it hurts just too much to love someone like Lucas Scott. In fact, sometimes it can be hell.

Do you know the saying ‘What’s Past is Prologue?’ […] It’s from Shakespeare’s The Tempest. It means that one ending always brings a new beginning. That’s why past is the prologue. It usually sets up for what is to come. You can’t out run the past, Baby Girl, because it always shapes your present, future, and you."

‘You can’t out run the past’. Okay, if there was ever a Brooke/Lucas line, this would be it. Like all couples, Brooke and Lucas have a past. Their relationship isn’t solid, and we know that. It’s not a case of the two getting together and sailing through their lives. Their shaky past is filled with lust, passion, lies, jealousy and hurt but it makes up where they are now. Sometimes I question whether it would have been better if they’d been together and not gone through all that stuff. But now I realize that they had to. This triangle stuff that we despise so much only makes our couple stronger. They keep coming back to each other not through rash decisions but through hard work. They find their way back. And it’s hard, and long, and sometimes it seems like there’s no hope – but they do. They have faith in each other – so maybe we should, too.

"It was starting again, she realized. The pure, unadulterated fear of placing her trust, her heart, in someone with the potential to destroy her. The difference this time was she knew she would have to offer all of herself, the masks between Lucas and her were practically non-existent. He knew her. He knew the girl who had carefully spent years of building walls around her heart."

Only someone who you would care about so deeply could have the potential to destroy you. That line seems so powerful in a sense that, it shows how much Lucas means to Brooke. And that’s something we’ve been watching for the past three seasons. Brooke has never been so much in love with a guy before. She’s never given her heart completely to any guy; she’s never taken that risk before. But she does with Lucas. Twice. This quote clearly describes how her insecurities haunted her, but she finally had to give it up and let him in. And that’s what she did. Lucas saw the real her, the girl with insecurities and trust issues…and he tried to wash her insecurities down.

It’s not surprising that it took time for Brooke to place that trust in him again, she had been hurt before. But facing it helped her get over it. And it’s amazing how after what Lucas did to her, she still managed to forget it, give him another chance; and Lucas promised to never hurt her again. Such is their love. Tis true love, I tell ya.

"Luke why are you broken?" she asked taking Luke by complete surprise.
"What are you talking about?" as he asked the question she turned back to him and looked him in the eye.
"I mean what are you hiding? We all know what my pain is, but we never talk about yours. I want to get to know you better, so talk to me."

There may, in essence, be many reasons as to why Brooke and Lucas broke up as of recently. In my opinion, one of those defining reasons was their utter lack of communication. They had emotions, feelings, vulnerabilities, everything but the lack of verbal understandings were limited. They both have so many demons, fears, and insecurities, but found such a connection in light of those issues. I think they are forever connected and very well may be soul mates but honesty and trust weigh heavily in a relationship that lacks cohesive communication.

"I don’t want to. I’m sorry if I’m hurting you but I can’t help how I feel."
"Yes, you can!" she cried, "Bury it or something and maybe you’ll forget it. That’s what I’m doing with you[…]"

Lucas and Brooke have done a lot of burying over the years. Burying the hatchet. Burying their feelings. Burying the past. It seems all they ever do is bury things. But look closer and you will see a strength in their ability to endure any struggle. At the beginning of Season Two some said Lucas and Brooke's relationship had been damaged beyond repair but somehow, somehow they managed to come out of the muck with something so effortlessly beautiful and pure. Over the course of two seasons they managed to strip away all of the unnecessary baggage and reclaim feelings once thought lost forever. And they will continue to do so. They will continue to let each other in, continue to open each other up, continue to share everything until they are literally ingrained into the other's every memory, every cell. Because love is not always rainbows and butterflies. Love, true love, is a struggle. Sometimes it's hard work, yes, but maybe ... Maybe at the end of the day it's the only thing worth working at. And to find a love like that, a love worth fighting for? Well. We should all be so lucky.
Because I still remember how we used to be
back when you called me your Pretty Girl
and told the world you were the one for me.
Remember us?
Pretty Girl Boyfriend
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Old 07-23-2008, 06:54 PM
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The silence is deafening and he can feel the loss of her, of them, before she even reaches the door. It dulls his edges, hollows him out until there is only this. This moment, this unrelenting pain. He calls out to her then, says "I'm sorry" when really, he thinks, he should have said something more, something better.

Something true.

Because he's not sorry, not really. And he wouldn't take back a single moment with her for a million with anyone else. He is almost completely enveloped in grief as he stands to lock the door behind her. Distant memories overwhelm his senses, filling them up and he nearly stumbles at the thought of never again being able to do any of those things. Never again feeling her small hand snake into his own; never again reaching an arm across her bare stomach in the middle of the night; never again pressing his lips to the freckle on her cheek.

The smell of her lingers everywhere and it isn't until a moment later that he realizes she hasn't left. He can feel her on the other side, her weight pressing against the solid wood in a way so comforting it takes all of his strength not to lay at her feet and beg. He knows all he has to do is open the door and she would be there, in his arms; she's only a touch away, but somehow he can't bring himself to do it. Somehow all he can see is the look on her face as she whispered "I can't do this anymore."

So he sits down, presses himself up against the door, where he can feel her mirroring his position on the other side, and breathes. He closes his eyes for a moment and wonders if anything will ever be good again. Somehow he doesn't think so.

"Do you remember the night we met?" she whispers and he is startled by the sound. She could feel him too, it seems and he smiles at the thought.

"Of course," he says, a plaintive crack in his voice. "Of course I do," he tries again.

"What did you think ... of me? I mean, did you ever think we'd end up here?" she says with a laugh and even through the thickness of the door can he tell that it is hollow, cold. He wonders desperately if he will ever experience her warmth again.

"I thought ..." he says and then stops, the heaviness in his heart weighing him down like a stone in water. "I thought you were beautiful," he says and he means it. Always, always did he think that.

"Lucas ..." and she sounds so small, so far away, despite the distance between them. "Please," she says, pleading, and because he can deny her nothing he tells her.

"I thought ..." he swallows. "I thought you looked like the rest of my life," his voice is barely above a whisper and he thinks she can probably hear his heart cave in, the surrounding walls crumble. He realizes now that this is all she has ever wanted and wonders, distantly, why he had ever denied her something she so deserved. Why is he always a moment too late?

He hears her small "okay" and presses his hand to the door, wishes he could will the wood beneath his fingers away. She moves then, from the other side, and he waits until he hears the crunch of gravel beneath her tires before releasing the breath he's been holding.

He can barely see through the tears.

He is standing before a stone wall, absently rubbing his fingers across the cold, smooth surface as he watches her from the window and despite the fact that he knows he should, he simply can't pull his eyes away. He smiles softly because even at this distance does he find her lovely. No, not lovely. Perfect. She is swaying slightly, her face nestled in the neck of a small child, and he thinks he can almost hear her humming softly despite the wind whistling in his ears. He marvels at the way her hair falls around her shoulders even as he wishes he could remember the way it smells, wishes he could remember all the little details time has washed away.

He watches a tall man slip in beside her then, gently pulling the now sleeping child from her arms, and Lucas feels his insides twist as she presses her lips to both their temples in quick succession.

There is so much love in this house.

And then she is turning and, despite the distance between them, he sees her body stiffen. She's noticed him, he realizes, and when her small frame hovers in the door way a moment later he smiles for lack of anything better to do, anything better to say. He wishes he could go to her but he knows that it is she who must close the distance between them, so he waits. He looks down, smoothing imaginary wrinkles from his shirt, and when he looks up once more she is there before him.

"Hi," he says and she is silent for a long moment. Then, "What ... What are you doing here?" and he can't help but notice how much older she sounds, wiser. The thought makes him smile, despite his sinking heart.

"Lucas?" she says pulling him from his thoughts and when he doesn't respond she looks away, the wind blowing her hair wildly about her face. His hands burn with the need to tuck a stray lock behind her ear. Instead he says, "I wanted to see you" because You said you'd wait forever sounds all wrong, even to his own ears.

"You did," she says, a small smile tugging and he breathes deeply. This is it, he thinks. He has to make this count. "You look so happy, Brooke," he whispers and he holds his breath for a moment, waits for her to respond.

She looks back then, at the home, the life, she's built, and he knows what she's thinking because sometimes even he can't believe how far they've come. "Yeah," she whispers, "I am." She looks down, suddenly shy.

He hooks a finger beneath her chin, nudging gently. "I'm glad," he whispers and means it, hopes his eyes don't betray his sadness.

"Oh, Lucas" she whispers, her eyes filling up. "Forever ..." and here she shakes her head, appearing frustrated. "Forever just turned out to be too long."

He grabs her left hand then, holds it tightly despite feeling like the platinum band there is weighing him down. Or perhaps that's simply his regret. "I know," he whispers. "I mean ... I get it," he says, squeezing once before letting go and running his hands across the cold stone of the wall once more. She does the same, their hands near bumping each other and, though he is reluctant to, he turns to leave.

He pulls down the road a moment later, his tires kicking up dirt as he goes, and he's careful not to look in the rearview mirror.

He's careful not to look back once.

Because I still remember how we used to be
back when you called me your Pretty Girl
and told the world you were the one for me.
Remember us?
Pretty Girl Boyfriend
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Old 07-23-2008, 06:54 PM
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Because I still remember how we used to be
back when you called me your Pretty Girl
and told the world you were the one for me.
Remember us?
Pretty Girl Boyfriend
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Old 07-23-2008, 06:55 PM
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900th Opening Preparations

(PM SimplyxEileen and soccer7sg if you would like to help )

There are 13 THREADS left till the 900th opening. To avoid having to use the decimal system, we are asking you to SLOW DOWN the posting in the thread. Some of us are not finished with our projects! So that means no more 2-3 threads a day like we have been doing lately.

If you would still like to talk about BL and obsess over them, please move to the couples board provided with the link below:

Thank you
Because I still remember how we used to be
back when you called me your Pretty Girl
and told the world you were the one for me.
Remember us?
Pretty Girl Boyfriend

Last edited by soccer7sg; 07-25-2008 at 04:45 PM
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Old 07-23-2008, 06:56 PM
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Cause I'm lost in the grace of your s m i l e,
To fall in your love is a place I could spend my life.
I know we could take on the world,
Just you and me, girl,
With nothing but love.
Ryan Marissa
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Old 07-23-2008, 06:57 PM
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Love the title.
c h u c k .
▪ mandie
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Old 07-23-2008, 06:57 PM
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Wow you whipped that thread up fast! Good job!

I'm back and on track
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Old 07-23-2008, 06:57 PM
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There's a new link for the godparents
I remember everything
I remember all your moves
I remember you

I love you more!
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Old 07-23-2008, 06:58 PM
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Everyone remember, Luka has to make the next thread
Because I still remember how we used to be
back when you called me your Pretty Girl
and told the world you were the one for me.
Remember us?
Pretty Girl Boyfriend

Last edited by soccer7sg; 07-24-2008 at 07:16 PM
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Old 07-23-2008, 06:58 PM
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Coming together, sharing together, working together, succeeding together.
avi by nikki4noo
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Old 07-23-2008, 07:07 PM
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Originally Posted by soccer7sg (View Post)

Everyone, please look at post #6 and let's all stick together and move to the Godparents thread a little more. Keep this one alive by posting occasionally, but let's get to 100 at the couples boards (since the 100th is ready) and in the process, we'll have more time to get the 900th ready here!

Thanks, and see you at the Godparent's thread -->

ETA - Everyone remember, Luka has to make the next thread

Very funny Sara

Okay I'm
See you all at the couples board
I remember everything
I remember all your moves
I remember you

I love you more!
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Old 07-23-2008, 07:08 PM
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love the title!! true!!
"I'd lose an award to her any day" ~ Carrie
Miranda ~ "She told me 'long time coming'"
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Old 07-23-2008, 07:10 PM
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Steph when do you go away?
I'm back and on track
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