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  1. The Hot Seat #1: Get to know each other, Batwoman fans!
  2. Batwoman & Supergirl {Ruby Rose/Melissa Benoist} #1: "I just wanted to wish you luck."
  3. Luke Fox {Camrus Johnson} #1: Son of Wayne Enterprises' tech guru, Lucius Fox.
  4. Working Together | [Cast & Crew] #1: The talented individuals who bring this great story to our screens.
  5. Besides Batwoman, what are you watching? #1: So many shows, so little time!
  6. Kate & Mary [Ruby/Nicole] #1: Stepsisters.
  7. Mary Hamilton {Nicole Kang} #1: Excitable, talkative, and an influencer-in-the-making.
  8. Suit Up | [General Discussion] #1: Are you ready?
  9. Surviving Hiatus | [Batwoman Countdown] #1: We are highly anticipating a new season!
  10. Batwoman | [Ratings | Official Reviews] #1: Making headlines in the media and beyond!
  11. Arrowverse #1: There's a new protector in Gotham City.
  12. Kate & Sophie [Ruby/Meagan] #1: Former lovers forced to go separate ways.
  13. 100x100 | [Icons] #1: Creativity is good for the soul.
  14. Sophie Moore {Meagan Tandy} #1: Kate's former roommate and girlfriend.
  15. Alice {Beth Kane | Rachel Skarsten} #1: She believes she is what Gotham needs
  16. The Clocktower {Post Count} #1: Rising up to reach new heights!
  17. Gotham Herald | [Batwoman News] #1: Keeping updated on all things Batwoman!
  18. Batwoman Last Letter #1: Batwoman, Night, Tough
  19. Word Association #1: Kate - Alice - Batwoman
  20. Batwoman | [DC Comics Discussion] #1: It all started here.
  21. Batwoman 300 Word Story #1: Kate Kane suited up when...
  22. Batwoman [Introduction | Board Guide] #1: Welcome to Gotham!
  23. Batwoman Anti-ABC's #1: Awful, Boring, Cruel
  24. Batwoman ABC's #1: Alice, Batwoman, Cave
  25. The Person Below Me #1: TPBM reads Batwoman comics?
  26. The Person Above Me #1: TPAM is excited for Batwoman!
  27. Batcave [Off Topic] #1: A new hero is in town!
  28. Batwoman {Kate Kane | Ruby Rose} #1: Her time is now.
  29. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderators!