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  1. Still acting
  2. The official JVDB brick throwing society #3: because we do need entire walls sometimes.
  3. James♥Kimberly♥Olivia #2: **NEW! First OFFICIAL picture of Olivia!**
  4. James Picture Thread #8 - We love KVDB for sharing some of the sexiest candid pics!
  5. 19 Movie Nights (D/Jo) - Because neither one of them stopped for a single second that night
  6. James Word Association #15
  7. ***Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Van Der Beek! James & Kim married August 1st!***
  8. James Outfit Survivor #4 - Clothes look good on him, but less is more!
  9. The ABC's of James #12: Kissable, Likeable, Movies
  10. OT #31: "the slow thread" because we prefer being On Topic
  11. JVDB News Thread: It's VanDerWeek on FunnyorDie.com!!
  12. JVDB Anti-ABC Thread #3: Firefighter, Gay, Hairdresser? None of the above...
  13. The ABC's of Dawson and Joey #13: Awesome, Breathtaking, Coda kiss
  14. Dawson's Creek Season 3 episode survivor/discussion
  15. Dawson Leery Appreciation Thread #6: Because his window is always open!
  16. JVDB away thread #3 - unfortunately, real life takes up too much time
  17. Briggs {James} & Chloe {Michelle} #1: Because he's not your average Joe, and she's not really a pain.
  18. ABC's of Dawson and HIS Creek #5 - X isn't apart of our alphabet!
  19. JVDB Hangman #13
  20. James ♥ Kimberly Brook - Congrats to the new parents to be!
  21. "Mercy" News, Discussion, & Speculation #2 - "Fasten your seatbelts - it's about to get real"
  22. James Word Association #14
  23. Happy 33rd Birthday, James! (March 8)
  24. Post Count Thread #5: Celebrating 70,000 posts!
  25. Standard Avatars
  26. JVDB News Thread #16 Because we want more videos from our little tweeterbee!
  27. 18 Movie Nights (D/Jo) - 10 years later she's still his biggest fan!
  28. Dawson's Creek Season 2 episode survivor/discussion.
  29. "Mercy" News, Discussion, & Speculation #1 -James is sure to be one hot doctor
  30. JVDB News Thread #15 - 2009 was great, but 2010 is going to be AMAZING!
  31. James' Picture Thread #7: **NEW SAN SIERRA PHOTOSHOOT**
  32. All time fave DJ song survivor #5 - please vote - Maddie needs a wedding song!
  33. Please welcome your new moderator!
  34. 'Holiday Fan Art Competition 2009'
  35. JVDB OT #30 - Santa's Christmas gift list: For Karen:Tom and for Jen:Rob.
  36. JVDB News Thread #14 - He's not Forgotten and is sure to make a Big Bang!
  37. The Forgotten (Guest Appearance) - Discussion & Speculation Thread
  38. The JVDB creative challenge #3 - 'cuz we're dressing James up! And the WINNER is...
  39. Seth Webster/"Mrs. Miracle" - James couldn't have given us a better Christmas present!
  40. Moderator Opening Announcement
  41. I'll say Goodnight, not Goodbye.
  42. 8 Cupcakes for James and Katie - Do a movie together soon. Please and thank you!
  43. James Word Association #13
  44. JVDB Hangman #12: Deal w-th -t!
  45. ***Secret Santa 2009: There's nothing like the gift of James!***
  46. JVDB OT # 29: We're trying to work out how to ღ and not just ♥. ~ღ♥ღ♥ღ♥ღ♥ღ~
  47. Dawson's Creek Season 1 episode survivor/discussion.
  48. JVDB News Thread #13 - He won "Best Actor" at SDFF!
  49. The JVDB episode/movie night thread #2
  50. Let's Make Our Own James Movie!