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  1. Wynonna Earp - Moderator Opening Announcement - Possible Board Closure Notice
  2. Waverly Earp | Dominique Provost-Chalkley #10: DPC saving the planet one wave at a time!
  3. Post Count #12: 2 years without the show and we're still here!
  4. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
  5. TPAM #6: TPAM is ready for S4. No more waiting!
  6. LGBT Thread #2: Because the whole cast is supportive of the LGBT Community
  7. Last Letter #6: Game, Entertaining, Great
  8. Besides Wynonna, what are you watching? #7
  9. Apart from the WE soundtrack, what are you listening to? #4
  10. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
  11. Word Association #6: Script - Write - Book
  12. Three Word Thread #2: Love this show!
  13. ABCs #6: Acting, Beautiful, Cheers
  14. TPBM #4: TPBM likes opening new threads?
  15. Shortys [OT] #15: Because we all just want to travel!
  16. This or That #2: Apples or Oranges, Nicole or Waverly?
  17. News | Media #2: Season 4 is happening!! And we can't wait!
  18. Besides Wynonna, what are you watching? #6
  19. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
  20. Ladies of Wynonna #3: "Who run the world.......GIRLS"
  21. Post Count #11: Because we need a season 4 to bring in more posts!
  22. Word Association #5: Emily - Writer - Script
  23. Last Letter #5: Wynonna, Amazing, Game
  24. Shortys [OT] #14: I once saw a rat drink from a coke can there. Both hands. Extraordinary.
  25. TPAM #5: TPAM Wants a Season 4!
  26. ABCs #5: Amazing, Badass, Cool
  27. Wayhaught [Waverly ♥ Nicole | Dominique & Kat] #10: Engaged little ducklings?
  28. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
  29. Besides Wynonna, what are you watching? #5: New shows or new seasons, we want them all
  30. TPBM #3: TPBM likes tea?
  31. Apart from the WE soundtrack, what are you listening to? #3
  32. Nicole Haught | Kat Barrell #8: "Who's the best kisser, Tim or shamier?.... Kat."- Melanie scrofano.
  33. 2018 Holiday Fan Art Competition Voting: Wynonna Earp
  34. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
  35. Icons #5: Icon, icons, iconing, iconed....
  36. Holiday Fan Art Competition 2018
  37. Waverly Earp | Dominique Provost-Chalkley #9: 'Give me a minute' *cue scone*
  38. Shorty's [OT] #13: Conversation? What conversation, we rip each other apart here
  39. Earp Sisters [Waverly & Wynonna | Dominique & Melanie] #4: Sisters are doing it for themselves
  40. Post Count #11: Missing the moment we were #69
  41. Word Association #4: Purgatory - Rev's - Peacemaker
  42. Last Letter #4: Earp - Purgatory - Young
  43. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
  44. Wynonna Earp | Melanie Scrofano #3: Leading the gayest cast ever
  45. ABCs #4: Andras - Beau - Chalkley
  46. TPAM #5: Loves Wynonna Earp
  47. Besides Wynonna, what are you watching? #4: What show/movie is holding your attention now?
  48. Wayhaught [Waverly ♥ Nicole | Dominique & Kat] #9: Cutes cute, but we need more sex
  49. Season Three Speculation #3: Because S3 has only just hit but were already excited for S4
  50. Shorty's [OT] #12: Chatty Chatty Bang Bang