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  1. Shorty's [OT] #5: Come and embrace your inner weirdness
  2. Wynonna Earp 10,000 Posts.
  3. TPAM #2: Wishes S3 was here already
  4. Nicole Haught | Kat Barrell #4: "I get it, you're a lesbian not a unicorn"
  5. Post Count #4: Dazzling fingers at work
  6. Waverly Earp | Dominique provost-chalkley #4: #AlwaysTakeRisksUnlessShartingIsOnTheTable
  7. Wynonna Earp 10,000 Preparation Thread.
  8. Icons #2: Smashing out the art daily. Or trying to
  9. Wayhaught[W♥N | D&K] #4:I’d choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality I’d find you and I’d choose you
  10. Shorty's [OT] #4: Why are you all so obsessed with me - Dom, probably.
  11. Shorty's [OT] #4: Nothing is off limits here. No holds barred
  12. Earp Sisters [Waverly & Wynonna] #2: "Peacemaker is just a gun... Waverly is waverly"
  13. Post Count #3: Driving our way to 10k like Doc is his pink car.
  14. Nicole Haught | Kat Barrell #3: Officer smooth/hearteyes
  15. Wynonna Earp - Moderator Opening Announcement
  16. Waverly Earp | Dominique provost-chalkley #3: "When Dom breaks character she goes from Waverly to a swearing British girl, it's awesome"
  17. Shorty's [OT] #3: It's our sht show and our sht topics
  18. Wayhaught [Waverly ♥ Nicole] #3: "Where you go, I go" - Best girlfriend Nicole Haught
  19. Post Count #2: Nearly 5000 posts about mine and Dominique's love.
  20. Nicole Haught | Kat Barrell #2: "Officer Haught....of course"
  21. Shorty's [OT] #2: Even the OT thread turns into Doms thread.
  22. Waverly Earp | Dominique provost-chalkley #2: "Little gay Waverly is a little judgey, but I like the sass."
  23. Wayhaught [Waverly ♥ Nicole | Dominique & Kat] #2: Cause Waverly finally picked a smart one
  24. This or That #1: Wynonna or Waverly, Doc or Dolls
  25. Guest Stars | Minor Characters #1: "Welcome to the bustling metropolis of Purgatory where nothing lives but cattle and cowboys."
  26. Rosita Bustillos | Tamara Duarte #1: "Oh, I'm phenomenal"
  27. Wynonna Earp | Fanvideos #1: Wayhaught Galore, basically.
  28. Waverly & Doc | Dominique & Tim #1: The pose™
  29. Wynonna Earp | Top fives #1: Everyone's favourite game!!
  30. LGBT Thread #1: "Wayhaught Shows The Power Of Representation"
  31. Wynonna Earp Survivor Thread #1: Current: Waverly Outfit Survivor
  32. Wynonna Earp & Xavier Dolls #1: You're the Earp that I need right now
  33. Wynonna & Doc | Melanie & Tim #1: We're going to break this curse so she never has to.
  34. Michael Eklund | Bobo Del Ray #1:The bad boy of the town
  35. Last Letter #1: Dominique - everything - Goddess
  36. TPAM #1: Is happy we got the board
  37. TPBM #1: Tpbm has seen all the episodes?
  38. Fanfiction #1: Cause the story is never over.
  39. Wynonna Earp Comics #1: Watch it, Read it, it's all perfect
  40. {Bromance} Dolls and Doc #1: They don't really want to kill each other
  41. ABCs #1: Amazing - Beautiful - Cast
  42. Word Association #1: Waverly - Perfect - Dominique
  43. Ladies of Wynonna #1: Be more perfect, I dare all of you.
  44. Three word thread #1: Let's do this
  45. Season Three Speculation #1: omgwftidk, does anyone know what's happening.
  46. Season Two Discussion #2: Another year, another demon
  47. Season One Discussion #1: Welcome to Purgatory
  48. Icons #1: 100x100 boxes of demon hunting.
  49. Music | Soundtrack #1: I told that devil, to take you back
  50. Deputy Xavier Dolls | Shamier Anderson #1: BBD'S top man