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  1. TMR Word Association #6: Broad - Narrow - Path
  2. Possible Board Closure Discussion: Please Read and Respond!
  3. The Maze Runner - Moderator Opening Announcement - Extended
  4. TMR TPAM #4: TPAM has their own copy of TDC?
  5. 3 Word Sentence #4: No more films :((((
  6. Thomas & Newt #12: "From that moment you ran into the Maze, I knew I would follow you anywhere. And I have".
  7. TMR 300 Word Story #5
  8. TMR Word Association #6: Stephen - Thomas - Greenie
  9. Besides 'TMR' what are you watching? #8
  10. Standard Avatars 2018
  11. Minho & Newt [Ki Hong/Thomas] #24: "If there's even the slightest chance that we can save him, we have to take that, no matter what the cost"
  12. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
  13. TMR ABC's #6: Newtmas - O'Brien - Paige
  14. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
  15. [The Runners] Thomas/Minho & Ki/Dylan #25: 4 books, 3 movies, and 25 threads later, we still love these two as much as ever!
  16. Teresa [K/S] Thread #8: "I wanna remember. If we find a cure, it's the only way all this was worth it."
  17. TMR Post Count #5: It's A New Year & It Always Brings New Counts!!
  18. Gally [Will Poulter] #8: "Glad you came... because the end of the world is upon us."
  19. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
  20. Thomas [Dylan O'Brien] #14: “I don't think there is a right or wrong anymore. Only horrible and not-quite-so-horrible” - Thomas
  21. The Death Cure Movie Discussion #1:
  22. TMR Anti-ABCs Thread #5: Idiotic - Jealous - Klutzy
  23. TMR Last Letter Game #2: familY - yoU - uS
  24. [Brenda • Rosa] #5: "I'm a Crank. I'm slowly going crazy. I keep wanting to chew off my own fingers and randomly kill people."
  25. Minho "The Leader" [Ki Hong Lee] Thread #8: “The number one Runner rule: 'Never. Stop. Running.'”
  26. The Glade (Off Topic) #11: We Love To Talk & Talk!!
  27. WCKD HEADQUARTERS [Board Guide] #2: For all the new and old greenies who want to familiarize themselves with this board!
  28. TMR TPBM #3: TPBM Likes To Snack?
  29. [The Runners] Thomas/Minho & Ki/Dylan #24: 'Thomas could only worry about Minho. "I'm going after him."'
  30. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
  31. Thomas & Newt #11: Because ever since Thomas had entered the Maze, Newt had been there for him.
  32. TMR Word Association #5: Life- Happy - Family
  33. 3 Word Sentence #3: Who is WICKED?
  34. TMR TPAM #3: TPAM has seen the TDC trailer?
  35. [The Runners] Thomas/Minho & Ki/Dylan #23: Minho hovered over Thomas... something ignited inside him, making his midsection arch upward.
  36. TMR ABC's #5: Kindly - Living - Memorable
  37. TMR 300 Word Story #4
  38. Thomas [Dylan O'Brien] #13: "Thomas continues to surprise & impress. It's too soon to say, but they could be the key to everything"
  39. The Glade (Off Topic) #10: We Will Never Run Out Of Things To Talk About!!
  40. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
  41. [The Runners] Thomas/Minho & Ki/Dylan #22: "You're not going back out there alone"
  42. TMR Post Count #4: We Are Loving Posting Because We Love The Series!!
  43. TMR Last Letter Game #1: TrusT - HonestY - YounG
  44. Thomas & Newt #10: "Our first proper scene together, I remember really enjoying. Through that scene, I felt our relationship got even better" -Thomas
  45. 🎈 50,000 Post Celebration 🎉
  46. Teresa [K/S] Thread #7: "There are millions of people suffering out there. Millions of stories just like mine. We can't turn our backs on them."
  47. TMR Anti-ABCs Thread #4: Fake, Gloomy, Horrifying
  48. [The Runners] Thomas/Minho & Ki/Dylan #21: "You da boss greenie" - Minho
  49. Besides 'TMR' what are you watching? #7
  50. The Glade {Off Topic} #9: We Love To Talk & Relax!!