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  1. Inevitable {Piper ღ Alex} #2: "We were together. She was the love of my life."
  2. OITNB Season 3 Discussion #1: Here we go again! (with Spoilers)
  3. {Morello ♥ Nicky} #1: "”Hey, Morello remember when we used to comfort each other?””Sure. You were very comfortable.”
  4. Moderator Opening Announcement - Extended
  5. The Chapmans #1 : "She was worried that you wouldn't be pretty anymore."
  6. Backstabbers {Polly / Larry} #1: "Can we be adults about this please?"
  7. Safe Place {Pennsatucky / Healy friendship} #1: "You're the only person, in my whole life... who has ever taken the time to talk to me."
  8. Miss Rosa {Barbara Rosenblat} #1: Thank you for defending my veins Bucket Boy!
  9. The Office {Litchfield Staff Appreciation} #1: Because they're people too!
  10. Nationality of Miss Rosa character?
  11. ♢ OITNB Survivor Thread #1: Season 1 Quote Survivor {ROUND 5} ♢
  12. S02E10 - Little Mustachioed ******* - Episode Discussion
  13. S02E11 - Take a Break From Your Values - Episode Discussion
  14. S02E12 - It Was The Change - Episode Discussion
  15. S02E13 - We Have Manners. We're Polite - Episode Discussion
  16. S02E09 - 40 OZ Of Furlough - Episode Discussion
  17. S02E08 - Approprietely Sized Pots - Episode Discussion
  18. S02E07 - Comic Sans - Episode Discussion
  19. S02E06 - You Also Have A Pizza - Episode Discussion
  20. S02E05 - Low Self-Esteem City - Episode Discussion
  21. S02E04 - A Whole Other Hole - Episode Discussion
  22. S02E03 - Hugs can be deceiving - Episode Discussion
  23. S02E02 - Looks Blue, Tastes Red - Episode Discussion
  24. OITNB – LGBTQ community thread #1 : “Netflix's newest series features nuanced portrayals of lesbian, bisexual and transgender women”
  25. S02E01 - Thirsty Bird - Episode Discussion
  26. Orange Is The New Black - Hangman #1: "T-m-rr-w's beef and n--dles!"
  27. Standard Avatars 2014
  28. The Prison | Off Topic #2: Prisoners, officers, ... everyone is welcome here!
  29. Please welcome b4dark as your new moderator!
  30. Pirates be takin' over
  31. Moderator Opening Announcement
  32. Fans' Pictures Thread #1: We have pictures too!
  33. Netflix Appreciation #1: Where it all got started.
  34. OITNB News & Appearances #1: Keep up to date with the show here!
  35. Lauren Lapkus/Susan Fischer Thread #1: Because she's soft-hearted!
  36. The Real Piper Kerman #1: Author of OITNB
  37. OITNB Season 2 Discussion #1: It's here! *click*click* (with Spoilers)
  38. Mother Figure {Red&Nicky} #1: "You've gotta hit rock bottom before you know which direction to go in."
  39. Rewatch S01E07 - Blood Donut
  40. Alex & Nicky #1 : "Should we plan an escape ?"
  41. Piper & Taystee #1 : "You got a little blood on your nip-nip there."
  42. FanVideos #1: Because this is the help
  43. One Picture A Day #1: Keep us entertained
  44. Social Media #1: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram...
  45. Taystee & Poussey #1: "I'm scared" "Ain't nothin' out there that gonna be scarier than this."
  46. Galina "Red" Reznikov | Kate Mulgrew #1: "All I wanted was to eat the chicken that is smarter than other chickens!"
  47. Besides OITNB, what else do you watch?
  48. Sophia Burset | Laverne Cox #1 : "I made my own. Couture !"
  49. The Inmates (Cast appreciation) #1: Beyond Litchfield
  50. Poussey Washington/Samira Wiley #1: Where do you think your at, Paris Hilton?