View Full Version : Darren Criss

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  1. Nerds {CrissColfer} #1 Is Darren Kiss a good crisser?
  2. Roommates {Darren & Joey} #1 Together they're totally awesome.
  3. Coachella (OT) : Chilling out with our friends!
  4. Coachella [OT] #1 You know, casually flipping out.
  5. Life Ruiner's Heaven (Post Count) #1 You all better prepare, cause we're here to stay!
  6. Josh Burton [Eastwick] #1 My anger remains the same.
  7. Locked My Heart [Keeper List] #1 He's mine!
  8. Tacklebuddies {Darren & Joe} #1 "I'm going to punch you."
  9. Totally Awesome {Team Starkid} #1 Darren was lazy and wouldn't write the songs - Nick
  10. Totally Awesome {Team Starkid} #1 Darren was lazy and wouldn't write the songs - Nick
  11. The Gap [Introduction|Birthdays] #1 Screw Hogwarts! Welcome to Pigfarts!
  12. Iclemyer [Board Guide|Rules] #1 Finally! Our time is here!
  13. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderators!