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  1. Besides Troian projects, what are you watching/listening to/reading? #80
  2. {Troi-holics} Post Count #95: T left the house!!
  3. Movie Night Planning and Discussion #30 [Next up -Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde {1931; d. Rouben Mamoulian} - Wednesday April 10th 2024 @ 2PM BST]
  4. Lake House [Off Topic] #110: Sometimes the trash exposes itself
  5. Movie Night Planning and Discussion #29 [Next up -Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde {1931; d. Rouben Mamoulian} - Wednesday April 10th 2024 @ 2PM BST]
  6. Troian Word Association #95: rain - pour - water
  7. ღ Spencer Hastings | Alex Drake ☠ [Pretty Little Liars] #7: Fourteen years of sl*ttin' it up
  8. Troian Letter Ending Game #15: Avery - Yearning - Generous
  9. Besides Troian projects, what are you watching/listening to/reading? #79
  10. {Troi-holics} Post Count #94: The only things longer than this winter are the bangs.
  11. Lake House [Off Topic] #109: B/c we have decided to be delightful
  12. TPBM #9: TPBM follows Troian on social media?
  13. Besides Troian projects, what are you watching/listening to/reading? #78
  14. Lake House [Off Topic] #108: It's cold outside, there's no kind of atmosphere
  15. {Troi-holics} Post Count #93: T left the house.
  16. Troian Word Association #94: vibrant - colourful - rainbow
  17. TPAM #16: TPAM listens to podcasts
  18. Besides Troian projects, what are you watching/listening to/reading? #77
  19. Lake House [Off Topic] #107: Tea Twins
  20. {Troi-holics} Post Count #92: With the strike over, we may get more content.
  21. Holiday Icon Set Competition 2023
  22. News & Appearances #9: We need a non-Wolf project.
  23. Troian Pictures #14: Insta pics are back!
  24. Ad Lucem #1: B/c we're excited for the podcast.
  25. Lake House [Off Topic] #106: "I like my men like I like my coffee. Silent."
  26. Troian 300 Word Story #22: Once the first...
  27. Besides Troian projects, what are you watching/listening to/reading? #76
  28. Troian Bellisario [ Rules | Intro | Guide | Birthdays ] #4
  29. Troian Word Association #93: being - living - alive
  30. Troian Anti-ABC's #39: Killer - Liability - Mean
  31. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
  32. {Troi-holics} Post Count #91: Posting more often than Troian leaves the house.
  33. Lake House [Off Topic] #105: "So… I honest to God don’t remember any of this."
  34. Besides Troian projects, what are you watching/listening to/reading? #75
  35. Troian ABC's #39: Knowledgeable - Loved - Miracle
  36. Movie Night Planning and Discussion #28 [Next up - Insidious 2 {2013; d. James Wan} - Monday 1st April 2024 @ 2PM BST]
  37. {Troi-holics} Post Count #90: We talk about not watching Troian's projects sometimes.
  38. Troian Word Association #92: eternal - life - existence
  39. Troian Icons & Art #6: All the pretty.
  40. Lake House [Off Topic] #104: "Whoa"
  41. Besides Troian projects, what are you watching/listening to/reading? #74
  42. {Troi-holics} Post Count #89: Still going...
  43. Movie Night Planning and Discussion #27 [Next up - Insidious {2010; d. James Wan} - Thursday 13th April 2023 @ 2PM BST]
  44. Lake House [Off Topic] #103: "So… I honest to God don’t remember any of this. "
  45. Besides Troian projects, what are you watching/listening to/reading? #73
  46. Troian Word Association #91: eternal - life - existence
  47. {Troi-holics} Post Count #88: Also an Enid thread
  48. Movie Night Planning and Discussion #26 [Next up - Insidious {2010; d. James Wan} - Thursday 13th April 2023 @ 2PM BST]
  49. Lake House [Off Topic] #102:As an anemic little rodent, can I just ask: are there iron supplements that don’t taste like I’m swallowing a dirty penny?
  50. The Forevers [Troian♥Patrick {+2}] #9: "@halfadams will always be my pick. For everything." ~ Troian