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  1. Possible Board Closure Discussion: Please Read and Respond!
  2. 300 Word Story #3
  3. Moderator Opening Announcement
  4. Intelligence One Year Celebration Thread 15th January 2014 - 15th January 2015
  5. Intelligence Anti-ABCs #6: Paltry -Queen - Rubbish
  6. Intelligence Last Letter Game #3: GreaT - TalenT - TelevisioN
  7. Post Count #4: We're Still Going Strong!!
  8. Intelligence Word Association Thread #6: Smart - Brainy - Intelligent
  9. Besides Intelligence, what else are you watching? #2
  10. Intelligence ABC's #6-Riley, So Good, Talented
  11. Off Topic #4: Even The Chill In The Air Can't Stop Us From Talking!
  12. Intelligence - Anti-ABCs #5: Miserly - Nasty - Odd
  13. Intelligence Word Association Thread #5: Intelligence - Tv - Show
  14. Intelligence Last Letter Game #2: MarG - GabrieL - LilliaN
  15. Intelligence 10,000 Posts Celebration- Time to Party!
  16. Intelligence ABCs #5: Marg, Nice, Ory
  17. Post Count #3: We still have things to talk about
  18. 300 Word Story #2
  19. Intelligence TPBM #2: Does great stuff!
  20. Intelligence Crew & Guest Actor Thread #1: Talk about them here
  21. Intelligence Anti-ABCs #4: Jealous - Kooky - Liars
  22. Intelligence Word Association #4
  23. Off Topic #3: - Summer Is Going By So Fast, Fall Will Be Here Soon!
  24. Intelligent Last Letter Game #1: IntelligencE - EverythinG - GreaT
  25. Intelligence ABCs #4: Josh, Kind, Loyal
  26. Please welcome Run To You as your new moderator!
  27. Intelligence Hangman #3: Gu-ss th- wo-ds
  28. Intelligence Picture Thread #1: Post Intelligence Pics Here
  29. Moderator Opening Announcement
  30. Intelligence Anti-ABCs #3: Gross, Horrible, Idiotic
  31. Intelligence Word Association #3
  32. Post Count Thread #2: The show is cancelled but we are still here!
  33. Standard Avatars 2014
  34. Gabriel Vaughn/Josh Holloway #2 - "The charming devil with a microchip in his brain."
  35. Intelligence ABCs #3:Great, Heartfelt, Intelligence
  36. Off Topic #2 - Let's take the conversation further
  37. Pirates be takin' over
  38. "Being Human" Episode Discussion (Episode 13) - Airdate March 31, 2014
  39. "The Event Horizon" (Episode 12) - Airdate March 24, 2014
  40. Gabriel&Riley #2: They hugged!
  41. "The Grey Hat" Episode Discussion (Episode 11) - Airdate March 17, 2014
  42. Intelligence Birthdays #1: Wishing you a Happy Birthday!!!
  43. Gabriel&Lillian #1:"This chess set isn't hiding a bomb.""It is the bomb."
  44. Intelligence Anti-ABCs #2 Dull, Ew, Foolish
  45. Intelligence Word Association Thread #2 - Actors - Awesome
  46. Intelligence Hangman #2: C-n y-u gu-ss?
  47. "Cain and Gabriel" Episode Discussion (Episode 10) - Airdate March 10, 2014
  48. "Athens" Episode Discussion (Episode 9) - Airdate March 3, 2014
  49. Please Welcome Sulieter As Your New Moderator
  50. Intelligence ABCs #2 - Daring, Exciting, Fresh