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  1. The Borgias Anti ABC's #49: Heresy - Ignominious - Jealousy
  2. The Borgias Follow the last letter game #43: Naples - Sancia - Alessandro
  3. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
  4. The Borgias Three Words Posts #45: Happy New Year!
  5. Besides The Borgias, what else are you watching? #20
  6. The Borgias ABC's #53: Papacy - Queen - Romagna
  7. The Person Above Me #32: TPAM loves the holidays.
  8. The Borgias Tell A Lie #34: B/C Dave is not a master storyteller!
  9. The Borgias' Board Post Count #39: The holidays are here, and our post counts bring us cheer!
  10. The Borgias This or That #47: Sancia or Charlotte?
  11. The Vatican [OT] #71: B/C we're happy about the holidays, but not so much about the colder weather.
  12. Other historical series and movies #9: Because history will always give us stories to tell.
  13. The Borgias Guilty Pleasure Thread #22: B/C we plead guilty to loving these guilty pleasures!
  14. Word Association #58: King - Ludovico - Machiavelli
  15. The Person Below Me #50: TPBM is looking forward to the holidays?
  16. The Borgias 300 Word Story #35: Vanozza's Children.
  17. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
  18. The Borgias Three Words Posts #44: Autumn is here.
  19. The Borgias Anti ABC's #48: Assassination - Bribery - Carnage
  20. The Vatican [OT] #70: B/C now we're sad that summer is ending.
  21. Besides The Borgias, what else are you watching? #19
  22. The Person Above Me #31: TPAM is sad that summer is ending.
  23. The Borgias Follow the last letter game #42: Orsini - Irons - Savonarola
  24. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
  25. The Borgias Tell A Lie #33: B/C Arinna is a world famous novelist!
  26. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
  27. The Borgias' Board Post Count #38: Ahoy Matey! Strong and Steady Our Post Counts and Our Friendships Blows.
  28. The Borgias ABC's #52: Banquet - Chestnuts - Djem
  29. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
  30. The Borgias Three Words Posts #43: Summer is here!
  31. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
  32. The Person Below Me #49: TPBM is happy that summer is here?
  33. The Person Above Me #30: TPAM is happy that summer is here!
  34. The Borgias Hangman #113: Hang out with us for Summer vacation!
  35. The Vatican [OT] #69: B/C We're just glad that summer is finally here.
  36. Word Association #57: Vittoria - plaster - cannon
  37. Besides The Borgias, what else are you watching? #18
  38. The Borgias Tell A Lie #32: B/C Alex is a Dragon with Super Powers and Arinna is a Version of Cat Woman
  39. The Borgias This or That #46: Medici or Sforza?
  40. The Borgias Anti ABC's #47: Poison - Quarantine - Raze
  41. The Borgias' Board Post Count #37: Summer 2022 is coming, so let's get posting!
  42. The Borgias Guilty Pleasure Thread #21: B/C we never feel guilty for shipping, only for getting caught.
  43. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
  44. The Borgias 300 Word Story #34: Cesare and Lucrezia's Roman Holiday.
  45. The Borgias Follow the last letter game #41: Lucrezia - Alexander - Rodrigo
  46. The Borgias Three Words Posts #42: Waiting for Spring!
  47. The Person Above Me #29: TPAM would like to hear some good news for a change.
  48. The Vatican [OT] #68: B/C We can always lean on each other when we're feeling down.
  49. François | Cesare #35: "Hearts can deceive. Words can deceive. But eyes we should trust." - Cesare Borgia
  50. The Borgias ABC's #51: Forli - Giulia - Holliday