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  1. Angel/Bradley #1- They make eachother laugh on & off set!
  2. Prince ♥ Maiden (ArthurღGuinevere) #2: Because she has faith in him.
  3. Merlin Canadian Thread: We're crazy for Merlin too!
  4. Merlin European Thread | Because we love our European show!
  5. [TINHATTERS]Bradley & Colin Slash Thread: Because they did some odd stuff in the dark.
  6. Magical Creaturs of Merlin #1: B/c without them there wouldn't be much saving to do!
  7. Music of Merlin #1: Because the Score keeps getting better each season!
  8. Irish Beauties | Colin & Katie | #1: Like Gambit and Rogue.
  9. Merlin/Arthur Slash Thread #1: Because 'a half cannot truly hate that which makes it whole'
  10. Bradley & Katie [#1]: Because "You've got that sort of rabbit look!"
  11. SIR LEON|RUPERT YOUNG [1] because he's Arthur's best knight
  12. LANCELOT|SANTIAGO CABRERA [1] because he only ever wanted to be a knight
  13. Merlin News and Appearances #1: B/c we'll all need our daily Merlin fix
  14. Guinevere | Angel Coulby [1] : the Once & Future Queen
  15. Merlin & Gaius #1: "You are, and always will be, the son I never had."
  16. Merlin Quotes..."How long have you been training to be a prat... my lord?"
  17. Morgana & Guineviere #1: Because it goes beyond lady&maid; best friends forever!
  18. Merlin/Hunith #1: B/c Merlin would give his life for her.
  19. The Round Table [OT] #1: So we got a board, now let's talk about something else.
  20. Post Count #1: Because we got a board, so we post post post!
  21. Merlin Picture Thread #1 ~ Because we love seeing them all together.
  22. Merlin Cast Thread #1 ~ Because they're all so pretty!
  23. Morgana/Morgause [1] | Don't mess with a sister power-duo.
  24. Merlin This or That #1 ~ Arthur or Merlin? Morgana or Gwen?
  25. Season 2 discussion #1: B/c Each episode gets better and better
  26. Bradley & Colin [1] | Your cheekbones are kickin' right off in this shot, mate. Hello ladies, it's Mr. Colin Morgan...
  27. Merlin Art Thread #1: Because these arts are truly magical!
  28. season 1 discussion #1: B/c it all started with this season.
  29. King Uther / ASH [1] | His motives may be questionable, but we can't help but love him!
  30. Morgana/Katie McGrath #1: Because if remade, Katie picks herself. No one better!
  31. Lancelot♥Guinevere #1 ~ "As long as I live my feelings for you will never fade."
  32. Morgana ♥ Arthur #1: "My Lady." "My Champion."
  33. Merlin Word Association #1: Merlin - Wizard - Magic
  34. Gaius/Richard Wilson [1] | "I'd be Gaius. He gets all the girls." ~ Colin
  35. Merlin/Gwen #1: Because Gwen was one of the first people Merlin met after he arrived in Camelot.
  36. Merlin / Colin Morgan #1: From Doctor Who to Merlin the boy's got talent!
  37. Merlin icons #1
  38. Merlin Anti-ABCs # 1 ~ Boring, Cynical, Dreadful
  39. Merlin ABCs #1 ~ Arthur, Bradley, Colin
  40. ArthurღGuineviere #1: B/c they were always meant to be!
  41. Have you met the Merlin cast? Share your story here with us.
  42. Warlock & Witch (Merlin/Morgana) #1: Because they'll always have a connection!
  43. Arthur/Ygraine #1: B/c he still feels a sense of her around him!
  44. Merlin/The Great Dragon #1: Because they're both the last of their kind!
  45. Bradley/Arthur #1: The once and future King!
  46. Merlin/Arthur #1: B/c they'll always be each others clothpole and bumpkin!
  47. Merlin Intro | Guide | Birthday | FAQs
  48. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderators!