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  1. Bracelet Buddies #6: Because Chandler always thought about having a "Joey room" in his future house.
  2. Chandler & Monica ~ Because he is the best she ever had.
  3. Pathetic Losers [RC] #8: Because their kiss was so good she collapsed.
  4. ABC Game #40
  5. Friends Last Letter Game #17 - New York - Kudrow - Wonderful
  6. [OT] Friends Music Thread #5: What Are You Listening To Right Now ?
  7. Friends Hangman #12
  8. Music Video Awards 2012 - Friends
  9. Joey ♥ Rachel #11: Because they're U-N-I sexy
  10. Ross ♥ Rachel [Lobsters]: Because he's the best she has ever had.
  11. Matthew/Chandler thread ~ "I'm not great with advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?"
  12. ABC Game #39
  13. Friends Word Asssociation #29
  14. Friends 300 Word Story #9
  15. Friends Last Letter Game #16- Daughter-Ross-Sister
  16. Courteney Cox Arquette/Monica Geller Bing - "That’s right mom and dad, your little harmonica is hammered"
  17. Matt LeBlanc/Joey Tribbiani: "It's a Moo Point"
  18. Watching FRIENDS everyday
  19. Friends Hangman #11
  20. This or That: PICTURES #1
  21. Joey ♥ Rachel #10: Because they're the cobras!
  22. Merchandise from the show
  23. ABC Game #38
  24. Friends Word Asssociation #28
  25. Friends Last Letter Game #15 - Cast - Talented - David
  26. 2011 Fan Art Holiday Competition: Round 3 Winner! Congratulations!
  27. This or That #12
  28. ABC Game #37
  29. Which Episode of Friends Did You Watch Today? #7
  30. Rachel themed parties
  31. 2011 Fan Art Holiday Competition: Round 2 Winner! Congratulations!
  32. Ross and Phoebe Friendship #3: Because she was the only one who loved his "Sound"
  33. Friends 300 Word Story #8
  34. Friends Hangman #10
  35. Chandler & Monica ~ "You are one of my favourite people and the most beautiful woman I've ever known in real life."
  36. Ross ♥ Rachel [Lobsters]: Because she thought they would be on again and she was right.
  37. Friends Word Asssociation #27
  38. Friends Last Letter Game #14 - Matthew - Wonderful - Lobsters
  39. Friends Gang Appreciation Thread #3 ~ "It's Thanksgiving and we should not want to be together, together."
  40. Bracelet Buddies #5: "No more J-Man and Channy's"
  41. The Breakup - One of the most iconic scenes of all time
  42. Central Perk (Off Topic) - "Because we have trouble choosing presents for the holidays!"
  43. Matthew/Chandler thread ~ "Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!"
  44. 2011 Holiday Competition Poll: Friends
  45. ABC Game #36
  46. Joey ♥ Rachel #9: Because they would have beautiful children
  47. This or That #11
  48. Ross ♥ Rachel [Lobsters] : Because he's the best she has ever had.
  49. David/Ross #8: "It's what the Japanese call...unagi"
  50. Chandler & Monica ~ Because he would carry her in his pocket.