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  1. Snow White (SWATH) #3: Because our BAMF princess is riding to theaters near us.
  2. Please Welcome missygurl88 As Your New Moderator!
  3. Schmerbles (Robert♥Kristen) #155 Because "You get to go out with girls like Kristen Stewart" - Rob
  4. Sophie (Jumper) #7 Because we wonder what Sophie and David would do to catch up
  5. Kristen Pictures #61 Because she gives us the best kind of heart failure
  6. Kristen's Anti ABC's #46:Xman,Yuck,Zzzzzz
  7. Kristen's Last Letter Game #45:Humble,Em,Mature
  8. Maya (Fierce People) #10: Because oops!...she did it again.
  9. Kristen Animations #12: Because stop what you're doing and watch!
  10. Kristen's ABC's #54:Humble,Interesting,Jess
  11. Moderator Opening Announcement
  12. Bella Swan (Twilight Saga) #29: Because she got to have everyone she loved in her life even after she was turned.
  13. Kristen's Hot Seat #16: We want to get to know you!
  14. KStew Introductions & Board Guide #9: Say hello and post new thread links!
  15. Kristen&Dakota #22: Because they both can rock the leather pants!
  16. Kristen Hair appreciation #21: Because we are fanatics for her hair no matter what the style or color.
  17. Kristen This or That #9: Kristen wearing sneakers or heels?
  18. Kristen's Word Association #38: Fierce - Kristen - Actress
  19. KStew Devil Corner [OT] #302: *insert witty title*
  20. Kristen's Anti ABC's #45: Ugly, Vile, Worthless
  21. Kristen's ABC's #53:Entertainer,Famous,Georgia
  22. Kristen's Last Letter Game #44: Lisa,Actress,Sarah
  23. Kristen Fashion appreciation #16: Because we're ready for new fashion in the new year!
  24. Carter♥Lucy (ITLOW) #5: Because he kept her window open for her
  25. Bitchface Appreciation #15: Because in here you'll find the definition of badass.
  26. Kristen's Eyes appreciation #13: Because we Love it when She Stares at Us with "those Green Eyes"
  27. Kristen Jaymes Stewart ♥ #6: Because Kristen will always be remembered on the Hollywood Walk of Fame!
  28. Kristen Fan Pictures #19: KStew Devils, their Pets, and Places they've Been!
  29. Kristen's ABC's #52: Bella,Cool,Darling
  30. Kristen's Anti ABC's #44: Robot,Stupid,Trouble maker
  31. Kristen's Last Letter Game #43: Daughter,Rob,Beautiful
  32. kristen stewart and joan jett
  33. Kristen's Survivor #30: SWATH Promotion Fashion Survivor (Round 4)
  34. KStew Devil Corner [OT] #301: Because apparently we like to talk a lot...
  35. Kristen's Ears appreciation #7: Because they're pretty, precious, perfect and peeking out!
  36. Post Count #26: Because we're posting all day, errrday!
  37. Kristen's Word Association #37: Royalty - Queen - Kristen
  38. Kristen Tilson (Cold Creek Manor) #4: Because beware to all who touch her phone
  39. KStew Devil Corner [OT] #300: Winter Blues, Blue Birds, and the Birds and the Bees. Happy 300!
  40. Bella&Charlie (Twilight Saga) #11: Because the stache always has his gun ready to protect his daughter.
  41. Kristen's 300 Word Story #19: Because the stories go on and on.
  42. Kristen's ABC's #51:Love,Mallory,New moon
  43. 2011 Holiday Competition Poll: Kristen Stewart
  44. Kristen's Anti ABC's #43: Odd,Poor,Queer
  45. Kristen's Last Letter Game #42: Humble,Em,Mature
  46. Infringement
  47. BlackSwan (Jacob♥Bella) #27: Because "only one dance matters to me, with Jacob" - Kristen
  48. Body Appreciation #7: Because her dresses have cuts in all the right places.
  49. Kay&Tay #49.2: Because they are cemented together in time!
  50. Lion&Lamb (Edward♥Bella) #90: Because "I have died everyday waiting for you"