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  1. Rupert Appreciation #44 Being a Ruperv teaches you the importance of patience
  2. Enemy of Man #2 ~ Kickstarter Fundraising was a success
  3. Havoc Reigns!!!
  4. Ron/Ginny Appreciation #8 ~ We wished they had more brotherly/sisterly moments
  5. Mojo #2 ~ Because Rupert won his first theater award for it
  6. Rupert/Dan Appreciation Thread #10 - Because they both won an award for stage work
  7. Rupert's Word Association Game #52
  8. Rupert's ABC Thread #46
  9. T-Shirts Appreciation Thread #7 ~ Because His Shirts Are Always Unique
  10. Ruperv Hangout [OT] #58 - Long time not starting a new thread!
  11. 300 Words Story #23 ~ When it looks like a duck ...
  12. Rupert's Anti ABC Thread #44
  13. The Trio (R/Hr/H) #26 ~ The Three Amigos
  14. Rupert&Tom Friendship Thread #5 ~ Tupert Forever
  15. Post Count Thread #29 ~ New Year, New Counts
  16. Deathly Hallows #24 ~ The Tale of the Three Brothers was a thing of beauty
  17. Rupert's Pics & Caps Thread ~ Loving the amount of recent pics
  18. Word Association Game #51
  19. Rupert's ABC Thread #45
  20. Sidekicks [R/Hr] #63 ~ Bickering since day 1
  21. Rupert Appreciation #43 ~ Still humble, despite the fame
  22. Rupert's Anti ABC Thread #43
  23. Enemy of Man ~ Rupert as Rosse (not the one from Friends)
  24. Ruperv Hangout [OT] #57 - Because here's where friends are...
  25. Mojo ~ Rupert's first stage appearance will be "Sweets"
  26. The Teasers {R/E} #60 ~ We Miss Them
  27. Ron Appreciation #36 ~ Because he read Twelve Safe Ways to Charm Witches
  28. Postman Pat
  29. CBGB #3 ~ 50.000 Bands and one disgusting bathroom.
  30. Word Association Game #50
  31. Rupert's ABC Thread #44
  32. Rupert's Body Appreciation Thread #16 ~ We prefer the real thing over manips
  33. Rupert's Anti -ABC Thread #42
  34. The Trio (H/R/Hr) #25 ~ Because friends fight your battles with you
  35. Rupert's Pics & Caps Thread ~ We take any pics we can get
  36. Post Counts #28 - We're all about numbers
  37. Rupert Appreciation #42 ~ Because we like him in any shape or form
  38. Ruperv Hangout [OT] #56 - We have a title - just kidding!
  39. Wild Target #20 ~ Regina, Alyssa and Trude saw it
  40. Rupert/Dan Appreciation Thread #10 - They like playing on the outdoors
  41. Rupert's Word Associaton #49
  42. The Teasers (R/E) #59 ~ Because Emma wrote down the interesting things Rupert said
  43. Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman #2 ~ US Distributor is found!
  44. Sidekicks [R/Hr] Thread #62 - We don't even notice when we need a new thread...
  45. Rupert's ABC Thread #43
  46. Deathly Hallows #23 - This movies are over but not our threads...
  47. 2013 Standard Avatars
  48. Rupert's T-Shirts Appreciation #6 ~ We all like different T-shirts...
  49. Rupert's Anti ABC Thread #41
  50. Ron Appreciation #35 ~ Because he knows to appreciate good food...