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Old 08-12-2019, 12:01 AM
Cardcaptor Queen

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Originally Posted by clarkson_fan (View Post)
Exactly. Just like Pacey says in 321 "pretending to be grown up only to drop each other at the first sign of crisis" which is what they do even in season 5 and 6.

Pacey and Joey were together for almost a year, practically a year, and they had sh** to deal with all the time, and they made it work. Yeah they ultimately broke up (and it was handled so messily) but at least it was over something more adult and understandable - something that many people in real life probably break up over too (how are you gonna make it work after high school).

(Although with PJo it's funny how a big part of them breaking up was Pacey staying Capeside because he wasn't going to college and Joey going to Boston and them "being a world apart and you know it" and Pacey ends up in Boston anyway?)

Even in season 6, when they end their almost getting back together because it "didn't feel right" to Joey (lol yeah right) it was stupid. If they had done it when Pacey hit rock bottom with his job, however...that would have at least made sense.

Anyway, the point of the rambling lol...Dawson and Joey were actually only together for 4 months of their lives, two months for each time they were together. Very high school of them, but not much basis for being together for the rest of their lives.
Exactly!!! I'm glad you brought up what Pacey said to Dawson in that episode too. He had D/J PEGGED. He was right though and it showed in S2 and the other few times they tried, they gave up and in so EASILY. They didn't FIGHT to stay together like Pacey and Joey. They didn't go through those hard times that made them stronger as a couple at the end of the day. You FIGHT for those you love and that is what P/J did. I also agree that they dealt with ADULT situations. Not stupid immature bs like "You read my diary, you said you were in love twice, I said I slept with Jen cause you might of slept with Jack," etc. Gag me, grow up. I agree that Joey never grew with Dawson, she would of stayed stuck in the same place with the same result. She grew with Pacey. They pretty much set up their resume to reunite long term and as the love of each others lives in S4. There is no way in hell Dawson and Joey would of lasted long as an adult couple, they would of broke up in weeks just like the other failed, aborted attempts.

The other posts are great too. The writers were definitely more invested in P/J's relationship. They had a "Till death do us part" esque aura to their relationship, showing how truly in love they were. Yeah, the original ending was D/J being together but KW said when he thought on it more and slept on it, it just didn't feel right and it wouldn't have. Dawson and especially Joey were different people and it would of been like trying to fit two puzzle pieces that don't fit and never will. Pacey and Joey easily reconnected in the final episode and they picked up right where they left off. The ease of it all really showed they were meant to be together. The only ones that hate the ending are some D/J fans that are still bitter over it 16 years later. Most loved that Joey ended up with Pacey.
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