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Old 08-08-2019, 03:36 PM
Absolute Fan

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Joined: Jun 2014
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Sorry, no can do. The only animation education I have is brief After Effects video coverage in my graphic design classes. As such, I possess zero GIF skills.
I want to make it but my computer is so slow now it takes hours to make gifsets and I just can't justify wasting that kind of time.

1. In 'Sense and Sensitivity' Angel tells Cordy that her mom had called the office looking for her but Cordy totally ignored.

Though I'm not sure that's logical considering her parents were in jail for most if not all of AtS as Tax Evasion/Fraud is a maximum 5-year sentence. This isn't established on-screen but by a producer in the 'I'm Cordelia' DVD featurette.
Well, inmates do get to make phone calls in prison, so it's possible.

Also, I didn't know that her parents being in jail was confirmed canon. I always assume they fled the country and went into hiding, which is why they never saw Cordy--and also went to show how awful they were since they left her behind.

It's post-'Dead End' but pre-Pylea season 2 and does CA in such a clever way that it appeals to both shippers and those who prefer them as friends.
You're making me want to read it.

For clarity, I'm pretty sure they're just glorified fanfiction.
Oh, for sure. (and I prefer fanfic, because fic is way more shippy and smutty lol) But I'm desperate for C/A content and will take them in any form I can get.

That big ole 'Halloween' flirt smile in BtVS. Yeah apparently Angel was supposed to look uncomfortable and disgusted but DB just couldn't do it.
All hail DB for giving us BtVS CA!
Yeah, I caught that too when I read the Halloween shooting script years ago. The CC x DB friendship was too strong for Angel to convincingly dislike Cordy.

But knowing where CA went, Angel being charmed by her despite himself is totally ATS S1 canon-compliant and makes Angel's statement to Cordy about "I like them both" (the old her and new her) ring true because even way in BTVS S2 we see it.

Ooh which is it?
It's The Longest Night.

Like, I said, I haven't read much of it, but there's some cute bits with definite C/A subtext.

“Coincidence. Hmph.” Cordelia, trim and attractive, leaned back in the high chair behind the desk. Her expression was stern now, and she looked like the prettiest judge in the world. All that she needed to complete the effect were a robe and gavel. “Daddy used to say there was no such thing as a coincidence.”
Prettiest judge in the world . Angel does say she's the most beautiful woman he's ever seen WITW.

“Are you really sure about this?” Angel asked. He was watching Fred weave red-and-green bunting between the balustrades on the stairway and having second thoughts.Or tenth ones, more accurately.

“Sure I’m sure,” Cordelia said. She wore a long, clingy, deep red dress that shimmered like moonlight on the sea when she moved. Her rich brown hair was pinned up at the back, and a luminescence danced in her eyes. She had been looking forward to this night, Angel knew, and now it was here. “Angel, you can’t change your mind now. Again. It’s too late, there are already guests here. And I don’t understand how you can possibly not like parties.”

“It’s really not hard,” he said. “I just think about how much not-fun I’ve had at them over the centuries.”

“But—gaiety and laughter and good cheer. People having fun together. It’s great.”

“People acting much sillier than they do in small bunches, which is already pretty ridiculous to begin with much of the time. Sorry, Cordy. I understand they’re sometimes a necessary evil, but—”

“Look who’s talkin’,” Gunn said.

“What?” Angel asked. “Me?”

“Not evil,” Cordelia assured Gunn. “Just not exactly Mr. Sociable.”

Angel looked at her for a moment until she added, “And definitely necessary.” She brushed his arm with one hand and then went to the door to greet more guests.
As he watched them fade into the crowd, Angel thought, I may have the name, but sometimes I think Cordelia’s the real angel around here.
^^this was after Cordy swooped in and saved him from a socializing blunder
“Hasn’t Angel come back yet? And the others?” Fred’s expression was one of concern—brow furrowed, lips pursed. “I was hoping they wouldn’t have to miss much of the party.”

“Wes and Gunn probably agree with you,” Cordelia told her. She doesn’t know them well enough yet to understand how much Angel hates forced sociability, she thought. “But Angel probably wouldn’t mind not coming back until the last guest has gone home and all the dishes are done.”

The Host tugged at the lapels of his bright red dinner jacket. “I think I’m with Fred on this one,” he said.“I know Angel isn’t a party machine, but I think he’d try to stay close to home tonight if he could. He knows how much this little soiree means to you, hostess with the mostest.”

Cordelia shrugged. “Somehow I don’t think Angel makes his decisions based on what he thinks I care about, Lorne. He’s his own man.”

“He is that,” the green-faced demon agreed. “And part of being his own man is that he cares about you,little lady. Angel likes it when you’re happy, and if it takes attending your party to do that, then he’d do what he could to make sure he was there.”

“I think Lorne’s right,” Fred put in. “Angel wouldn’t have been gone this long unless there was something important going on.”
"I think it, I say it. It's my way."

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