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Old 07-11-2019, 12:41 AM
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Joined: Mar 2017
Posts: 23
A little late, but here's my thoughts. Please forgive typos.

Octavia: I'm disappointed we didn't find out what happened in the anomaly or happened to Dyoza. Glad to get old Octavia back. It felt rushed, but her Bloodreina version had already outstayed her welcome, so I'm fine with that resolving swiftly. Pike was put to good use here. I was glad to see that character go when Octavia killed him and had 0 interest in a Pike redemption arc, but it was good to see recognition that murder is still going to weigh on you even if the person you kill is a horrible person. It felt like new ground for Octavia to acknowledge that origin for Bloodreina. Where before she had been pinning the blame primarily on Abby.

Kane: I expected nuKane to stick around longer. I knew Kane wouldn't be ok with the body stealing, but I didn't think he would be willing to let that guy's sacrafice be for nothing and would stay to fight against the primes.

Kane definately didn't need to be in that airlock to float the nightblood. But it seemed like we're supposed to think he needed to be & thus sacrificed himself for the greater good. I find it too silly to buy that he needed to be in there though, so I choose to interpret that he considered himself dead already and wanted to end it before he either became like the primes and/or before he started to resent and hate Abby for doing that to him.

I think there was a lost opportunity to explore via Kane what part of the original mind lives on in those chips. Is it really the consciousness/soul/whatever transferring or is it just a digital copy of the original that's more like an AI that thinks it's the original. If Kane's original body had somehow been saved, would his consciousness still have been in it too? It seems like they've been suggesting the consciousness moves, but I think the idea of it being a copy is more interesting. (And if it is a copy, that would still leave the door open for og Kane to have been frozen and return via advanced medicine at a later point. Though I don't expect that to happen.)

It was touching goodbye to Kane, and I'm glad they used HIC for it.*

Clarke & Bellamy: I don't know if the show is pandering or if they're actually planning to go somewhere with Bellarke. I do think they've put it in on purpose since S1 because there are crumbs that are definitelty intentional that I didn't even notice until rewatching S1 after S3 -- like Bellamy's reaction to getting close to Clarke while he helps her shoot the gun.

I like the Bellarke stuff when they include it, but I'm not so invested in the ship that I'd be angry if they decided steer away from Bellarke if it was done believably.

Whatever they do, I just don't want it to be a contuation of this vague make-everyone-happy stuff all the way till the end. I've already watched a show like that. The show succeeded in not making any group mad with its ending. But it also felt disingenuous to me.

I feel jerked around as a viewer by this ep. Bellamy is supposedly in a strong relationship with Echo, but acts like he's in love with Clarke. Ok. This could be setup for some relationship drama, but this show so far hasn't seemed like it's willing to commit to that. So I don't expect anything to come of it. After this ep, if they don't follow up soon on the feelings between Bellamy & Clarke in some tangibkr way, I'm just going to be annoyed next time they stick in a blantantly romantic Bellarke scene. If all is peqchy with Bellamy & Echo after these scenes, I'm also going to be annoyed. Show, if you want to sell me on a ship for Bellamy, pick one and do it effectively. What you're doing now is confusing. I'm not a masochist and have been burned by caring about characters with this treatment before, so if I can't tell what story you're telling, I'm going to stop caring about that story.
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