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Old 06-16-2019, 12:45 PM
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Joined: Jun 2019
Posts: 98
Originally Posted by kenni727 (View Post)
Same. I enjoy a good romance but every character doesn't need to be set up with someone else. Especially under these circumstances. .
I am really worried about Raven-Ryker. After what happened to Shaw, I do not want an other love interest for Raven just for the sake of it. It would be repetitive to pair her up with characters who she has many disagreements with, but later connects on an intellectual level and then they get together. Not the intelligence part is the problem, but that we have seen this before.
But I don't think that Raven would overcome the fact that this guy takes part in a practice that uses people as vessels for immortality.

For real! This is why Diyoza is so perfect for Octavia right now. She has no prior emotional connection to her but seems to actually care. All while being perfectly blunt. Any character that can embody Cordelia Chase's "I think it. I say it. That's my way." Owns my heart.
I like how you put it so much. Octavia really needs someone who doesn't have preconceptions about her being either Bloodreina, Skairipa, Girl under the floor, anything, and doesn't want to define her with those terms, but at the same time somehow understand what she's going through. I just appreciate that Diyoza is not the sugarcoating type. They seem to be working well together.
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