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Old 06-04-2019, 08:49 AM
Jerry D
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Originally Posted by Auror (View Post)
I couldn’t believe they had Pacey call her that. How absolutely ridiculous. Did anyone... writers, producers, directors, show-runners not have some bizarre crush on Katie? I absolutely don’t get it. I don’t even think back in the day she was that beautiful. Cute? Yes. She certainly didn’t have the all natural beautiful looks (we see that now as she’s gotten older). Either way, there was no reason for the obsession.

Why do you think TPTB went there? Was it to sell a brand? I wonder if they realized what they did to the character of Joey by going there.
I always considered Katie Holmes to be cute, but I wouldn’t consider her to be classically beautiful by any means, and her appeal was mostly due to her youthful beauty, and youthful beauty can, and does, fade, and her youthful beauty was even starting to fade in the later seasons of the show. I never understood why the writers and producers idolized her so much and made her the IT Girl of the show. The only thing I could attribute it to is that she was popular on the Internet and I think that Paul Stupin followed the Internet closely and he thought that Joey, and Pacey and Joey, were the best thing since sliced bread, but the more that they turned the show into Joey’s Creek, the worse the show, and Joey’s character, became.

A really good example of how horrible Joey could be was when she got jealous when Pacey charmed that Worthington recruiter at the dinner for prospective Worthington students that they went to and she cruelly asked him what college he was going to in front of the recruiter knowing full well that he hadn’t gotten into any college because she was jealous that Pacey was more comfortable in a social setting than she was, and she stormed off crying, and despite her reprehensible actions in humiliating Pacey in a public setting, he told her she was “like Audrey Hepburn” in the same episode. Unreal.
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There are those who look at things the way they are and ask why - I dream of things that never were and ask why not. - Robert F. Kennedy
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