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Old 01-16-2019, 02:39 AM
Crystal Clear
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Originally Posted by starryeyesxx (View Post)
I agree. I don't think she even had a romantic interest in Wesley during s4, she was just looking for a distraction from her problems with Gunn. The writers said themselves when writing 5x12 that they had two episodes to develop her feelings for him, so it obviously wasn't something that had been there all along. & even then, they only gave her those feelings because they were going to kill her off & wanted to make it all about Wesley's pain - classy, right?
That is sad I don't think there were any winners in this triangle. Wesley never got a proper chance to be with her, and Gunn/Fred was destroyed for no real reason.

I always felt that they cheapened Fred's character in Season 4. Why would she get mad at Gunn for killing the Professor? She knows why he did it - because he loves her. He didn't want her to do it, because he knew she wouldn't be able to live with herself.

Same goes for Gunn - he couldn't bear Fred touching him afterward. The whole drama was so contrived. I think it was an excuse to lead up to Wesley coming back into the group.

So great to see someone else that loves them like I do!
Oh, for sure They deserved more love in the fandom.

They were so cute together at the ballet, when Gunn was teasing her about "one last kiss"
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