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Old 01-10-2019, 05:05 PM
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Emma Swan Iconic Quotes

→ Vote off your LEAST favorite quote.
→ A quote will be eliminated when it gets five votes or every day.
→ You can only vote once per round and can't change your vote.
→ In the last round vote for your favorite quote!

p r e v i o u s ✧ r o u n d

#18 - 3
#58 - 1

r o u n d ✧ t h i r t y f o u r

Because sister, you have no idea what I'm capable of. ~Episode 1x02
Eliminated Round 12


Episode 1x03


Episode 1x04


Episode 1x05

If you think something you want to do is wrong... It is. ~Episode 1x06
Eliminated Round 15

Not feeling anything is an attractive option when what you're feeling sucks. ~Episode 1x07
Eliminated Round 26

See, I have a policy. I won't go out with guys who won't tell me their names.
I find it weeds out the ones who like to keep secrets.
Like they're already married or they store body parts in their freezer.
~Episode 1x13
Eliminated Round 18

You're saying that I'm responsible for everyone's happiness? That is crap!
I didn't ask for that! I don't want it! ~Episode 1x20
Eliminated Round 21


Episode 1x22

Which curse is worse? ~Episode 2x01
Eliminated Round 16


Episode 2x01

I'm not used to someone putting me first. ~Episode 2x03
Eliminated Round 28


Episode 2x05

I can't take a chance that I'm wrong about you. Sorry. ~Episode 2x06
Eliminated Round 25


Episode 2x10

I can’t cast a spell. I can spell ‘spell.’ ~Episode 2x16
Eliminated Round 3

So you can join us and be a part of something
or do what you do best and be alone. ~Episode 2x22
Eliminated Round 33

We just need to succeed. And the way we do that is by just being
who we are ... a hero, a villain, a pirate.
~Episode 3x01
Eliminated Round 33


Episode 3x02

If I had to choose someone ... I choose Henry. ~Episode 3x07
Eliminated Round 20

The price of being the Savior is I don’t get a day off. ~Episode 3x10
Eliminated Round 6

Scared? ~Episode 3x14
Eliminated Round 4


Episode 3x16

I don’t yearn. ~Episode 3x17
Eliminated Round 9


Episode 3x20


Episode 3x22


Episode 3x22

I am not gonna apologize for saving someone's life. ~Episode 4x01
Eliminated Round 23

I don’t drink and sheriff. ~Episode 4x02
Eliminated Round 22


Episode 4x03


Episode 4x03

Well, I don't pillage and plunder on the first date, just so you know. ~Episode 4x04
Eliminated Round 27

My magic is hurting people, Gold. People I love.
I need you to help me control it.
~ Episode 4x08
Eliminated Round 5

Killian ... I'm not a tearful goodbye kiss person.
But maybe just this once. ~Episode 4x09
Eliminated Round 30

Besides, you don't need a speech. You need a drinking buddy. Shots? ~Episode 4x11
Eliminated Round 1


Episode 4x13


Episode 4x16

Forgive me if I don't take advice from a woman who held a grudge
for half her life because a ten year old spilled a secret.
~Episode 4x18
Eliminated Round 11


Episode 4x20


Episode 4x22

I am the Dark One. ~Episode 5x01
Eliminated Round 14

There's something I learned as the Dark One. If your name is on something, hold onto it. ~Episode 5x03
Eliminated Round 8

I'm not nothing! I was never nothing!
The power you have I don't need!
~Episode 5x07
Eliminated Round 17

That's not enough for me! ~Episode 5x08
Eliminated Round 19


Episode 5x11

I don't have any issues. ~Episode 5x17
Eliminated Round 10

When I bought this jacket it was meant to be my armour, to protect me
from getting hurt by those I love. But now it's just a reminder that I have to
protect those I love. And nothing's more important.
~Episode 5x20
Eliminated Round 24


Episode 5x23

Keep calling me 'girl' and see how that works out for you. ~Episode 6x01
Eliminated Round 29

If I don’t help people then who am I? ~Episode 6x02
Eliminated Round 7


Episode 6x05

What she did today reminded me why I don't run. Why I fight. ~Episode 6x09
Eliminated Round 13

The fighting and the pain. It’s what makes me me. ~Episode 6x10
Eliminated Round 2

I think I'm on my way to believing I can make my own destiny. ~Episode 6x11
Eliminated Round 31


Episode 6x17


Episode 6x18


Episode 6x20


Episode 6x22


Episode 7x02


Episode 7x22

icon by me
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