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Old 09-12-2018, 01:08 AM
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Fessy said numerous times that its just a game. When he was on the block too. I dont think hes going to be bitter at all and I dont think hes going to follow the voting block at all. He likes Tyler too a lot. And he didnt seem to think that highly of Kaycee, plus they never talked in the house, so I think Faysal would vote for Tyler over Kaycee.

Bayleigh has that beef with him and loves Kaycee, so shed vote kaycee. Rockstar wants a female to win, so shed vote for Kaycee. Haleigh already admitted if it were Tyler vs Kaycee shed vote for Tyler. and I dont think Scottie will be influenced by anyone at all, so he'd vote what he wanted. Despite calling Tyler a coward, I think he'd understand his gameplay and give him a vote as well. Not sure what Brett or JC would do, I feel like because they had final 2s with Tyler they would be bitter against him but who knows. It would depend on how Tyler got there I think. And Angela is in a showmance with Tyler, i think its a given shed vote for him no matter what. Sam is voting for Tyler as well considering shes obsessed with him.

Bayleigh doesnt have influence over the rest of the hive, despite people thinking she does.

Tyler has had two HOH's... he won the very first HOH and put up Sam and Steve, and he was HOH last week lol. And he's won what, 3 vetos as well? He's already got the comp wins. But I personally think thats all he's really done thats super impressive. And if he takes Kaycee to the final 2 I will think hes an even bigger idiot because that would be a dumb move.

These idiots want to draw straws for who to nominate and now they want to blindside the person going home. FOR WHAT FREAKING REASON. I cannot. These people are just so dumb. Why do they think blindsiding people is the way to go? Its not ya'll. If one were smart they would tell the person leaving beforehand to get some trust there.

Last edited by Alexa; 09-12-2018 at 01:20 AM
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