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Old 08-04-2018, 05:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Truthisbeauty (View Post)
Unfortunately, I didn't feel all that sad, except sad it wasn't better done. It just didn't feel all that convincing to me, so it didn't really hit me in the heart as other episodes have. The performances were great and what Elijah and Klaus said to one another was well written. I felt a little sad seeing them turn to ash. Then I just felt like, "This is all there is?" Yeah, it would have been like TVD, but we saw Josh see Aiden already, and Hayley with her family. It would have been nice to see Klaus reunite with Cami and for Elijah to get to dance with Hayley, or at least see her.
I think that would have been an awesome ending to see Klaus , and Elijah in the afterlife. I wouldn't have mind their death as much if we got to see that they were ok. I also think that both Cami,and Hayley (Leah, and Phoebe ) should have been included in the series finale some how. I know Cami was in the finale, but I wish Phoebe was in it too.

I didn't expect much this season, but was pleasantly surprised that it started out pretty good. Somewhere it went off the rails. I don't mind that Klaus died, and have no trouble believing they couldn't find another way. What I have trouble believing is that the Hollow could be defeated by simply killing its host. If that were true, Klaus would have done this last year--he was not any less willing to sacrifice himself for Hope then. Also where did he find another white oak stake? It was just a little too convenient. It's also a little cliche, as Lady Katherine said, much as I love the trope. (If you think of it, staying alive and not resorting to killing Hope's dates would be harder for Klaus and bigger proof of redemption. ) I understand why Elijah would want to go too, and yet it just felt like he was giving up. Wouldn't Klaus and Hayley want him to live so he could look after Hope? Yeah there are others who will, Declan included (not even mentioned, even though supposedly he helped raise Hope) but they are going to have their own families. I'm happy the others got happy endings, but there were inconsistencies there too. I'm not going to say it's the worst finale ever, because it's not, but finales are only as good as final seasons, but they're the last chance to get things right. It's just kind of a waste, considering the show at its best is so good and epic.

Klaus was sorry about keeping his daughter safe, yet he would kill himself taking Elijah with him "After" Hayley had died leaving Hope to the mercy of his enemies. Since Kol went back home, Marcel and Rebecca left town heading to New York, and Elijah died along with Klaus. So who's left to protect Hope?

..and another thing when Jeremy, and Elena killed Kol his body burned, but it didn't turn to total ash. Caroline cover Kol's body so Klaus wouldn't have to look at it while he was trap there, and when Alaric stake Klaus in episode 3X22 season finale of TVD, Klaus burned , but again he didn't turn to complete ashes. Bonnie was able to fix his body so he could return to it. So technically Klaus, and Elijah 's body shouldn't have turned to complete ashes. Also I do not know why Freya couldn't do the same spell Bonnie use in tvd 's Departed.
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