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Old 06-05-2018, 10:45 PM
L i N d $ @ y
Moderator Manager

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When you see a few under 5s and a Hen Party sit behind but you're ready for their noise. #anotherdayanothercountry #ontheroadagain #naptime😴 #pleasegodnoscreaminghenorstagsorkidsorsmellypeopleontheplane #wishtheguynexttomewouldnttakeallthearmrest #bosetotherescue #yesthisismyfavcap #hastagforthesakeofit ✈️🎧🎵

"Tell you what, pretend to run away then get them when they chase you"
I managed to tick something off on my bucket list today. Going to the site of the last time England was invaded. #englishheritage #Hastings #1066 #TottiOnTour #TheCaseOfTheFrightenedLady

Let's go on a clumsy cute bestie trip!
Already miss our days in Cloud Planet.

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